Chapter 14: spar with rias and her peerage part 1

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( art and music not mine )

Kori: ( should I go all out or should I observe and think of a way to deal with one of them )

Kori asked Albion who replied

Albion: ( depends, only go out if needed when you fight all of them at once. But if it's a 1v1 observe their attack patterns, find out their weakness, don't lose your cool be calm and be ready for anything)

Albion told kori who nods as he slowly walks to the ORC clubroom, passing random students that are chatting in the hallway

As he arrived upon the front doors of the ORC clubroom before opening the doors, too see everybody. Including issei sitting on the couch with rias sitting on the table, as Akeno places her tea on the middle table for everyone to enjoy. Even kori as he walk in before grabbing the tea, as he starts to drink it waiting for rias to start talking

Rias: " now that you are here kori we can start, we're fighting at the giant field. That's right behind the school please follow after us, once you finish your tea "

Rias said as her peerage got up at the same time she did as she walk out of the clubroom, with her peerage behind as they went towards the field

Kori: " this tea is good "

Kori said as he finished the last drop of delicious tea that Akeno made, before following after rias and her peerage

After walking for five minutes they all made it to the field that is isolated from normal students, as Akeno placed an barrier that surrounds the whole area. Stopping time inside as kori stands on the opposite of the field crossing his arms

Rias: " thank you Akeno, now then kori you have five minutes to prepare yourself. Shout when you are ready "

Rias said as she tells her peerage to huddle up before telling them the plan, which kori could somewhat hear. Before starting to stretch

Albion: ( whoop their ass kori I'm rooting for you )

Albion said giving kori confidence as he smiles

Kori: ( thanks Albion)

Kori said as he finished stretching before cutting off the link with Albion, before shouting

Kori: " rias! I'm ready are you? Good "

Kori shouted as rias gives an thumbs up making him smirk as he starts to walk towards them
( Konoko vs kori )

Rias: " konoko you're up first I'm counting on you "

Rias said to her rook who nods as she starts to run at kori who is walking menacingly, as ice starts to appear every steps he takes

Konoko: " take this! "

Konoko said as she went straight for a punch which kori caught, before doing an right jab which stunned konoko. As she got kicked in the stomach next making her step backwards in pain, before kori went for a straight punch which flew konoko a few feet back

Once she gain her ground she ran at kori again as she released few punches, which kori block before sending punches back 2x harder. Which made konoko struggle to block before suddenly getting uppercutted in the stomach, as kori did combos on her. Sending her across the field's in seconds

 Sending her across the field's in seconds

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