Chapter 4: training week 3, month Timeskip

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( art and music not mine )

Kori: " so this is what my mindscape looks like "

Kori said as he looked around to see he was standing in a beautiful ice world

Albion: " beautiful indeed this place is similar to where I was born, now then it's time for training climb on "

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Albion: " beautiful indeed this place is similar to where I was born, now then it's time for training climb on "

Albion said as he lended his hand for kori to sit on as Albion spread his 4 majestic feathered white wings, as he starts to fly.

Kori: " wow this is just as beautiful, the breeze is nice. So where are we going "

Kori asked Albion who replied back with an detail location answer

Albion: " where going to an mountain that is the same height as Mt Fuji, and there you will be continue your training. But it will also give you cold resistance so you can handle point zero "

Albion said making kori nods as he looked back at the stars before he saw a big mountain, that his friend said as they landed right in front of it

Kori: " god damn it's freezing!!!!! "

Kori said as he got off of albion's hand as he started walking on a trail, leading upwards

Albion: " yes it is and that's the best thing about it, so here is what you gonna do. You gonna run up there at your fastest speed you manage, no using your sacred gear. After you reach the top then that's will be your real training have fun "

Albion said as he flapped his wings before flying up high leaving kori on the ground, as he took an deep breath

Kori: " ok let's do this!!!! "

Kori said as he started jogging slowly as he sped up every second til he burst into an full sprint, leaving a blast of air right behind him. As an small ice smoke trail gets left behind him

As kori was running he suddenly felt pain in his toes as he look down to see he has frostbites, but that didn't stop him as well. A she kept sprinting and sprinted ignoring the pain as he feels the gravity getting heavier, the more longer he runs upwards. Until he sees a huge opening as he arrived to see Albion resting on a huge but flat rock, with blue flowers surrounding it. As the flowers glow as bright as the moonlight that is above both of them

Albion: " you manage to get here in just under an minute you just keep surprising me every time, your ancestors must be some sort of lucky person for you to do this "

Albion said as he sat up straight as kori walks in limping since his legs have multiple frostbite's, with having some on his arms as well

Kori: " good thing I'm the ancestors descendent then if I was just an normal person, I would die immediately from the extreme cold and gravity up here "

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