What happens if vali Lucifer was not the welder of the sacred gear Divine dividing, but instead a random lazy teen who has no knowledge of the supernatural world. awakens it in a life or death situation against a black monstrous serpent. follow Kor...
Kori: " are you Serious? The uniforms is so ugly..... "
Kori said as he talked to azazel on the phone that is on loud speaker, before finishing putting the school uniform on
Azazel: " eh I can't do anything about that boy, you can try give it changes but it will make you stand out " Azazel told kori who just sighs before saying
Kori: " I don't care anymore bye azazel gotta go "
Kori said before hanging up the phone as he looked at the time, that says 7:40. 10 minutes until school starts
After he checked the time he went out of the bathroom too see Tiamat watching t.v
Kori: " I'm going mom "
Kori said as he grabbed the school bag but before he could leave, a hand suddenly grab him. And spin him around to where he was in front of Tiamat, who was glaring at him
Tiamat: " are you almost forgetting something sweetie? "
Tiamat asked dangerously making kori scared as he kissed her on the cheek, before she let him go
Kori: " their I'd done it, can I go now mom? "
Kori asked Tiamat who nods after saying
Tiamat: " you can go now stay safe and stay out of trouble, Albion watch him "
The dragon king said as she heard an audible grunt from kori's chest, before opening the door for kori. Who walked out after waving
(Third POV) When kori went out side he saw a blue car that has a note on top of it that says
Dear kori,
If you seeing this that means....who am I kidding? Of course you see this. This car is yours boy go wild! 😜
By Azazel!
After kori finish reading the note he looked at the car making his smile widen, as Albion sigh as he said
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Albion: ( so much for an calm approach, eh who the hell cares go for it kid. This is your life you're free to do whatever you what, I'll follow what you decide )
Albion said making kori smile even wider as he jump in the car seat on the left, after placing his school bag in the right seat. As he turn on the Nissan S15 Silvia-name the drifting cowboy, as he heard the engine roared in power and speed
Kori: " time for some music! "
Kori said as he plug his phone in with the cord before going on Spotify to fine some good song, which he did before driving off
( A/N: Play the song on top )
Once kori drive off he started speeding like crazy as he drift every turn, as he saw the school right ahead. Making him drive even faster then the speed limit ——————————————— <timeskip to some else's POV>