Chapter 3: training week 1 and 2

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( art and music not mine )
<Day 1>

Albion: ( Come on kori!!!!!! 5 more!!!! )

Albion said as kori grunts in pain with his arm so sore he felt like he was going to collapse, but didn't as he kept pushing forward

Kori: " 16!!!!!!.......17!!!!!!..........18!!!!!!!.............19 "

Kori said out loud as he kept pushing the soreness back as he was about to finish the last one

Kori: " 20!!!!!!!......ahhhhh, t-that hurts like hell!!!! "

Kori said as he finished his last push-up before he drop to the ground tired, as he groans in pain

Albion: ( of course it hurts you never train in your life you just slept like an lazy fool, take a five minutes break. After that do 20 sit-ups, pull-ups and jumping jacks, I'll give you some energy to keep moving without taking a break. Once you finish this you can take a 1o minute break, but after that you going for a run outside around the park. Then that will be the end of today's......" training " )

Albion said as kori grabbed an cold water bottle that he bought as he drank it fast, in dehydration before taking off his shirt to see he was sweating like crazy. So he got an small towel so he can wipe himself, before starting to get ready to continue

Kori: " let's do this......1.........2.........3.......4 "

Kori said out loud as he started doing sit-ups as he kept doing it until he got to 8, before dropping. But that didn't stop as he kept continuing and continuing, with great motivation and determination

Kori: " come on kori keep g-going! 8!........9!.......1...10!........11......12........13.....fuck! "

Kori said to himself as he fell back down in soreness once more before getting back up, as he started all over till he hits 20 sit-ups

Kori: " 1!!!!....2!......3!....4.....5!....6!....7!...8!..9!..10!....11!.....12!...13!......14!...15!! "

Kori shouted as he clutch his teeth together as he withstand the pain and soreness of giving up, but didn't as Albion shouted for him not too

Albion: ( come kori! 5 once more!!!!, you have a dream right? Keep pushing going!!!!! )

Albion said giving kori more motivation to not give up here and there as he kept doing sit-ups

Kori: " 16!!!!!......17!!!!!.....18......19.............20!!!!!!!! "

Kori said before propping back on the ground as he lay there for a minute, before getting right back up after drinking his water. As he now stood up and started doing jumping jacks, which he somehow succeeded in one go. Surprising Albion with this

Kori: " 1!.....2....3...4...5....6....7...8....9...10...11...12...13...14...15....16...17...18....19.....20! "

Kori said as he leans on the wall as he almost fainted which Albion caught on, as he lended his own energy for kori to not faint

Albion: ( kori you surprised me today you have great potential, right now get something to eat I'll hold off the pull u- )

Kori: " no I'll do it!!!, I'm not stopping intel I get what I desire!!!!!. The life I sought for!!! know what they say no pain no gain "

Kori said making Albion shock before smiling in happiness

Albion: ( well then......get too it maggot!!!!! We don't got all day give me 20 pull-ups!!!!! )

Albion said making kori smile as he replied back with

Kori: " sir yes sir!!!!! 1.....2!....3 "

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