Chapter 13: ORC meeting

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( art and music not mine )
Kori: " I'm damn tired "

Kori said as he yawned after getting out of the car with Albion asking

Albion: ( what happen last night when I was sleeping )

Albion said to kori who answered

Kori: " mom was yelling at me saying I could get my goal in a different way etc etc, without getting involved with the devils. I mean true I could of did that buts what's in the fun of that?, I could have some advantage in meeting the devils. Unless they do something stupid then why not? She said I had an choice, so I did what I did "

Kori told Albion who yawned before saying

Albion: ( is that so?, ok then. By the way what do you mean by having an advantage when meeting the devil's? )

Albion questioned kori who explain In short detail

Kori: " well I could Gain favors from them or some shit especially when I save issei, since he is an devil now he is in debt to me. I'm still wondering what should I get from him.......probably nothing "

Kori said as he sigh making Albion stay silent for while as the white haired teen entered the school, as he saw vali leaning against the wall. Vali opened his eyes to look at kori as he nods, making kori nod as well as both of them walk side by side to their classroom. And again earning random screams from the girls as they gossip about the white king and silver king, walking together.

But suddenly somebody scream out something interesting

Random male student: " what the hell!?!?!? Why is issei hyoudou walking with rias gremory!!!!! "

The random male student says as both of them walked into school, making vali turned around and laugh. While kori sighs as he and vali continues to walk to class

<timeskip to the end of second period>

Kori: ( you sense that Albion? I guess that's the devil that is retrieving me and the pervert )

Kori said in his head as Albion agrees as well before saying

Albion: ( be careful when meeting the devils they will try milk every answer they get out of you, try your best to lie to them. If they try to force you to do something you know what to do )

Albion said making kori silently chuckle as he waits for the devil that rias gremory sent for them

After what felt like an minute the classroom door opened up to see it was an blonde male, walking in. As he announced

Kiba: " hello can kori doragon and issei hyoudou come with me please, it's important "

Kiba said in an polite tone making the girls squeal saying

Random female: " it's the prince of kouh!!!! Please notice me senpai!!!!! "

A female student said making him smile as he waves at every single girl in the classroom, as kori heard the guys curse him. With hearing issei the most as he murmurs

Teacher: " oh yes you can, kori and issei please follow him but do remember that you have homework due tomorrow "

The teacher said as both kori and issei got up from their seats with kori saying bye to vali, and issei getting yelled at from the girls. As all three of them walked out of the classroom as Kiba lead them to the ORC room

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