Chapter 1 Havah

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"So your saying Evaline is a Fae just like you?" Lord Fenwick was a sight to behold, his rage was simmering above the surface of his icy demeanor, fists clenched on his sides, he stood just like all the men that surrounded her.
It was amazing how body language could determine a person's response to situations. Everyone else had their arms crossed against their chest which meant they were gong to be stubborn about it. Lord pretty boy on the other hand only had fists clenched which meant despite his open bias he was in a dilemma.
Funny how they formed a barricade around her, but she could still see through the open spaces as her eyes rested on Evaline, her head pillowed against Jutu thighs. Estelle and Erica were busy rummaging through their packs for water. It alarmed Havah gravely that Evaline was still unconscious, the sudden entry of power into her system may have resulted in shock. It was no surprise, for her body had been absent of such magic for three years.
"Well?" Caspian's voice burst through her thoughts.
"Yes," there wasn't any point in glossing over the truth for it was nestled in a heap just behind them. Her eyes roamed the men, each one staring right back at her, their expressions typical all of human men. "Only she's not dark."
Lord pretty boy cursed and was about to charge when Caspian grabbed his arm, muscles clench as he held the other with a strong grip. She noticed the brief exchange of looks that passed between them before Xion stood down.
"Your a dark Fae," it was Captain Jacob who spoke stating fact. "What is she?" He pointed to the prone form of Evaline without removing eye contact.
Havah regarded the men carefully weighing what she had to say. " She's seelie. She hails from the light courts."
Xion shook his head in disgust, kicking the dirt beneath his feet.
"We all know that the seelie and unsellie haven't gotten along for a millennia, how come you are protective over her? And why did you use her to destroy the snake when you could have done it yourself?" It was Caspian who asked in a grim tone.
"Not all seelie and unsellie hate each other, besides I'm not from the dark courts of winter or autumn. My home is in Irinthar, which makes me a solitary. And to answer you second question, the Icor snakes were created in Irinthar, they can sense my magic, to have killed one would have put us in grave danger. I had to use the power of the light court to do it." Havah replied amicably.
"The solitary have pledged their allegiance to the dark Fae, " Caspian stated matter of fact, a sick thought that perhaps Havah could have led unseelie to Pretoria.
"So have the mangalese. Once again not all unsellie hate seelie or believe humans are beneath them. I fled Irinthar when the balance of power took our rights to think freely about our allegiance. I will not submit to the will of the dark king," she declared emphatically. "And I believe not all Mangalese have turned their backs on what's right."
"In that Havah speaks the truth. The Mangalese had to submit by force or be destroyed and with that compromise came the request for the humans to be left unharmed. " Jutu came forward to stand beside Havah.
"Until now!" Xion sneered. " Who is the boy? Her brother?" He couldn't even say her name as disgust chorused through him.
Havah shrugged. "Many of us fled the melee when King Soldar killed the light queen. We scattered and hid. I couldn't hide in Irinthar. I was headed for Mangalene when I was intercepted and left for dead. I don't remember how i managed to get myself into the temple of Vesna at Pretoria, I may have created a portal thinking it would take me to Mangalene before I was cut down." She tried to distract the determined lord with her own story.
"But why couldn't you have just returned to Irinthar?" Caspian asked again.
"I participated in the games for the dark Fae. If they knew I had fled before the carnage they would have branded me a traitor and slaughtered me just like they did the light deligation. I saw what they did to the light court and subsequently the solitary who tried to flee. They would have continued to hunt me down until I was dead. Returning to Erinthar would have been suicide."
"Therefore when I found you......" Caspian left his sentence hanging.
"When you found her, you brought her home to me and I became her guardian. We both share the same sentiments about the dark fae."Jutu reiterated placing her hand on Havah's shoulder.
"That still leaves the question of the boy?"Xion asked tersely.  Clearly he wasn't going to let it go.
"He was with Evaline, we presume him to be a light Fae but he has not manifested his powers.  In fact there is no trace of it." Jutu spared Havah from responding.
Caspian looked at his mother sharply. There was something in those eyes of his that betrayed skepticism Havah was quick to notice but he remained silent on the matter.
"What now?" It was Captain Jacob who spoke.
"We proceed to the citadel of Irinthar, just as planned."Havah replied.
"Won't it be dangerous?" The captain continued. "You just said that the dark Fae would hunt you down until you were dead."
"True, however there are those that owe me a favor and it's time to call it in. If we are to defeat the dark Fae and retrieve the human royals it's the best place to start."
"I still don't see how that could be in our favor." The captain persisted. "Unless she is the Fae they are looking for and the boy."
"Neither she or Darren are what they seek." Jutu was quick to defend
"They claim that a Fae could possibly have been hidden among the humans. A male heir from the court of light.  I find it strange that Evaline and Darren have remained undetected for three years.  In fact, her loss of memory is still a mystery. The boy does not remember anything either. What makes you so sure they are not the ones the dark lords seek?" Xion presented facts that were difficult to deny.
"If they are what the dark Fae seek then we have a good chance of retrieving the royals, all we have to do is bring them to the dark Fae." Captain Jacob added.
"They are not who the dark Fae seek. Granted they are both seelie but they seek the heir and the way to the heir is through finding Vesna." Jutu spoke clearly. "When the prophecy was revealed, she was taken into Mangalene for safe keeping along with the heir years ago. Even before the light queen was slain. As far as Evaline and Darren are concerned they are refugees from the war among others who travelled to other kingdoms."
"How do you know there are others?" Captain Jacob asked skeptical.
"The Fae can glamour themselves to look like humans Captain." Jutu said squarely.
"How do you know this for sure?" Captain Jacob fisted his hands beside him, years in battle trained him to be wary. The priestess and Havah were keeping something.  He could bet his life on it.
"You'll just have to trust us." Havah replied with a challenge. "I would not lead you on this journey if she was the Fae they sought. She can barely use magic and Darren has ascended. A male heir ascends at birth."
Xion, she noticed clenched his fist, reigning in his rage before he stormed off, followed by Cem to gather wood for fire. They were all on Irinthar soil, a place of Fae and magical beings their only link to survive would be by sticking close to anything Fae or mangalese. In this land, humans were expendable, but she could not tell them that.
"She's awake." Estelle called out.
Havah stood sauntering to were Evaline sat up, she bent low  and saw the confusion littered on her face as she stared at Havah.
"What happened?" She asked.
"You fainted." Havah reaching out to help lift Eva but the girl shoved her hand aside and stood on her own, looking about her as the rest of them stared at her. Her gaze landed on Caspian for a moment, what she saw in his expression was doubt. Backing a couple of steps, she pivoted and fled into the forest.
Havah immediately chased her. Evaline was fast but with Havah, having her full Fae gifts, she was faster. Through the beaten path they ran until she managed to leap into the air and land on Evaline's back, pushing her to the ground she straddled the girl's body pinning her wrist on the forest floor. She trashed beneath Havah.
"Let me go!"
"To where?"she could feel eva's heart racing, her face was close to the young girl's as she saw the fear in her aquamarine yes.
"What happened?" The strangled question emerged from her lips like a spasm.
"We defeated the Icor snake and now we are on the borders of Irinthar."
"You did."
"I.........." Disbelief was written all over her face. Havah was half tempted to return some Eva's memories but now was not the time. The girl needed to get a grip on her magic first.
"If you're ready to listen I can explain." Havah said calmly. "Let me know, then i will you go."
Eva stared for a long moment at Havah before nodding her head. Finally she was released but there was still agitation churning within her breast. Sitting up she dusted herself and sat numbly.
"Do you have any memories at all about the war between the seelie and unsellie?" Havah was hoping that as Eva calmed some of her memories would surface, but staring at her blank face meant they had clearly separated her memories from her powers.
"I don't remember anything." Evaline declared.
"Your seelie Eva, you come from the light court." Havah said patiently.
"I'm what?!" Eva was incredulous. "That can't be true!" Evaline was tortured, her mind racing at such an absurd idea.
"Have you ever wondered why you heal so fast or why run like the wind? No mortal human female or male can do that. You don't remember anything because your memories and your powers have been separated from you when you fled the light court with Daren."

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