Chapter 12 Sibling Squabble

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Damos sat on his throne above the dias , his purple eyes regarding Havah for the most part as his guards surrounded her retinue of mortals and Mangalese. The eye patch she wore gave her a sinister look, her bare arms were covered in runes as she stood boldly. None of them broke the silence that rented the air between them each one waiting to begin a dialogue.
"Finally," he broke the silence that stretched between them. "You've decided to come back."
"I might have missed you," the flatness in her voice was telling.
"Funny, I never took you for one to hide among the mortals, I guess I was wrong."
"There's always a first time," she scoffed.
And there it was, the anger that burned within her soul.
"Indeed." He agreed "Did you bring the heir?"
"What makes you think that?"
"I have to give you the benefit of the doubt, you've come with mortals and a stray Mangalese," his gaze shifted to Jutu who stood boldly among the mortals briefly before turning back to her.
"Our paths crossed, they needed to come here and retrieve their royals, I happen to join them." She quipped.
"You expect me to take your word for it." His tone was calm yet icy.
"That's the truth."
"Your suppose to be bringing the heir in order to release the royals."
"I am an heir, that should be good enough to bargain for the freedom of the mortal royals."
His grating laughter echoed around the hall. "You expect that would satisfy your father and brothers."
"They demand the return of a Fae heir."
"A seelie, the one prophesied."
"Semantics. I should be good enough as a bargaining chip. King Soldar has the seelie under his command and the solitary. He got what he wanted except......"
"Except?" Damos leaned back against his throne.
"Me. He always wanted my power and we all know exactly how this power works," she shrugged. "He could beat anyone if he had me by his side. That prophecy won't stick."
"Where exactly in the annals of the oracles do you come in handy." He snarled.
"You know what I'm capable of Damos!" She eyed him squarely.
He started to laugh, his mirth was genuine. "Your father abandoned you!"
"Your father trained me. Besides I'm half demon just like you, we share the same mother or have you forgotten?" She raised a brow goading him, she knew that part of their heritage irked him and when his laughter ceased she finally held her trump card.
The mortals continued to remain stoic despite the revelation, they were told to contain their emotion so they did because their lives hung on the balance and they all knew it now rested in her hands.
"What makes you think my presenting you to King Soldar would stick?" Damos was livid, he should throw her into the dungeons and be done with her and the rest of her party.
"Because I know where Vesna is.  It's who he wants,  he thinks the heir is the key to destroying Vesna but what if I gave him an alternative? " she was playing with fire but at present she didn't care.
"What exactly are you proposing?" He leaned forward
"I retrieve Vesna and we present her to him relinquishing the mortal royals to their contingents. The heir won't matter if there would be no seelie kingdom to return to. Their ranks would fall and the threat to King Soldar's mortality would be extinguished,"she paused watching the play of emotions on Damos face.
"Where exactly is Vesna?" He asked thinking she was baiting him.
She pointed her index finger to her forehead "Right there. Your father had many secrets, ones he kept from you to protect you, he wasn't so inclined to do the same with me."
"Answer the question Havah?"
"Mangalene and we all know you can't go there," she raised a brow daring him to argue her point.
Leaning back against his chair, he regarded her coldly what she just revealed was certainly possible. "I don't trust you, what's to stop you from claiming all the glory for yourself?"
"You want Erinthar to be released from its bondage to the unseelie, it's your only option. I want my father to acknowledge me, this is my chance. You'll be rid of me for good because once he has Vesna he will need to destroy her, my powers is the key." She replied smugly.
He shook his head "You dote on the seelie what's to stop you from restoring Vesna and destroying your own father?"
"These last three years I had time to think."
"What about Loot?" Damos couldn't help driving the knife into her soul.
"He's dead. Besides what makes you think I dote on the seelie? My friendship with them was purely for the perverse reason of sifting through their weakness to gain access to my father."
"What about your other brothers.?"he mocked.
"I want them destroyed so I can claim my right as my fathers only heir. Think of it, if he has me he has a part demon by his side. Unless you have an alternative?"
"The seelie heir is my alternative," he stated boldly.
She shrugged "Suit yourself. Once he has the heir, Erinthar will fall further from your grasp."
"It's a crazy scheme"
"It's the only one you've got so far." She lifted her chin, delivering a lethal gaze. Many had cowered under that gaze except Damos.
A guard came forward and whispered in Damos ear, the prince nodded once "Take them all to the dungeons except for the princess. She joins me in my quarters" he announced to the guards.
"Wait! This is not how the solitary shows it's hospitality to their guests," she was rising to his bait but she had to keep her wits about her.
"I see no guests" he said dismissively as he stood. His guards started to grab the mortals and Mangalese.
"They are my guests!" She bellowed "I'm still royalty here brother."
"And they are my prisoners! I rule here sister and my word is final."he said coldly.
"Then I will be with them your lordship. You can speak with me there." She turned to join he retinue not daring to look at anyone of them except Jutu who kept her expression bland.
Damos knew that would be a terrible mistake if she did. His father would know and use that to subdue him.
"Alright," he finally said granting her a malevolent smirk. "They can occupy your suit of rooms at the east wing but only for one night. After that, they go to the dungeons."
Havah turned and nodded once. The guards immediately let go of the rest of her team , one of the guards took the lead and motioned for the rest to follow. They remained standing their ground staring at Havah until she nodded for them to follow.
"Go with them, it's alright.  I will be with you shortly."
Their actions albeit slow exhibited a reluctance born from doubt. She could see it mirrored in their faces as they turned to depart with the guards.  Caspian stood his ground for a moment his fury molten as his face turned red. Jutu took his arm and coaxed him away but the look he gave Havah spoke of the havoc she had just unleashed.
Damos suit of rooms wasn't an ostentatious display, instead sparse furniture littered the room, which consisted of several arm chairs upholstered in red brocade matching the grey walls , two mantels set on either side of the room and rich dark velvet curtails that draped against the windows. The scones on the walls were lit casting a dull glow about the room. How had she never noticed it's darkness all these years?
He poured drink into two goblets and offered her one.
"Don't worry it's not poisoned otherwise I wouldn't drink the same." His tone was bland, devoid of any emotion.
She took the goblet and took a long swallow, the grog was just as she liked it. He pointed to a chair opposite him and sat waiting as she sauntered into the room taking the seat opposite him. They sat in silence as he sipped his grog, regarding each other quietly.
"You've managed to remain unscathed except for that silly thing which covers your eye."
She tugged at it, pulling it free from her face, her injured eye remained shut dotted with scars all around it. "Better?" She asked
"If you want I could heal it." He offered.
"I'd rather keep it.  It reminds me of what I despise about the unseelie."
He narrowed his gaze watching her for a spell. "Why are you decisive about aligning yourself with the humans?"
"Is that the only reason you called me to your private quarters?" She cocked her head to one side trying to decipher his motives. Damos was always ready with an agenda.
"This place is warded from them. I wanted to know more about this plan of yours."
"I thought I was clear."
"Mother told you Vesna was hidden in Mangalene.  How did she know?" He leaned forward, wondering why his mother decided to reveal such to Havah instead of him? It wasn't as if they were close, quite the opposite in fact. As soon as king Soldar denounced Havah, their mother seemed to have dismissed the chit or so he thought.
"I am not privy to her motives but there it is." Like a wedge between the two siblings, it began to fester.
Damos raised his brows surprised. "You expect me to believe that? Mother was always deceitful, she and father were well matched in that respect.  So why her?"
Havah shrugged casually. "A woman scorned and all that. She was insulted when Soldar dismissed her after I was born. I wasn't a male, he expected one. He only wanted me because he thought he could have a foothold with the demons, you know this as well as I." She said calmly. Any familiar link she may have with the royal court of the unseelie was banished the minute he disowned her but that didn't end Havah's torment.  It went further than that.
"Revenge then."he paused regarding her "What makes you think he would use you if he doesn't even acknowledge your existence."
"The last time he laid eyes on me I was a babe in mothers arms, I've grown since. Don't think I don't know he hasn't had me watched. Those two imbeciles he calls his sons have made it clear that my existence posses a threat. I am part unseelie, part demon. I could still be used to his advantage. I suppose mother saw that too and gave me the information I needed when the time came for it."She paused taking advantage of his skepticism.  "On other matters, how goes your bondage? He seems to have left Irinthar to your command to use when applicable.  Did he use you to spirit away the human royals?" A fire smouldered in his soulless violet eyes as he started her down. She had to stoke it to her advantage if she was to make sure her friends stayed more than a day in her wing.
"I was there." Damos said pointedly. He hated the word used, he wasn't a pawn some unseelie's game. No, never that, but the truth still stung. He noticed her tongue remained sharp but he also saw through it. "With your lover."
"That thing you refer to made himself known to me on occasion. I'm not surprised he took part in the king's plot but you.......your something else. You have dominion over those he does not, that's the ace up your sleeve. You and I know that father made sure Soldar would never have dominion over the demons, that's your job. I suppose it is wise to make them think that your willing. I never took you for a diplomat."
He thawed somewhat almost making her sigh with relief she did not feel fully. Damos enjoyed playing his games, she would have to play it with him.
"You've disappeared for so long you forget there are intricacies to the unseelie." He revealed casually.
Good, he was letting her in "Such as?"
"They are stupid as the seelie. I tried for your benefit to be fair but this time the tables are turned," he suggested. He studied her raised brow as she looked at him, this would certainly play into his scheme if he wanted to be the victor.
"Alright Havah, let's cut to the chase. I will aid you in your quest to find Vesna by letting you be. Take whatever you need, in fact I should let Clavius escort you there, he has no quarrel with the Mangalese. But if you fail your friends won't know what hit them when I've done with them. Including the seelie that you travelled with, the one that's lost with the other human." At her sudden balk he sneered. "Don't think I don't know about your every move. That stupid idiot may have escaped the Trolls I set upon them but when she does come here I will keep her as my hostage until you deliver what we need to defeat that unseelie bastard because if he wins may the Gods show mercy on the humans you have come to love because their lives will be a playing feild that will know no mercy from the unseelie."
She nodded carefully standing up to exit the room when she turned as soon as her hand gripped the door handle. "And when that happens where will you be?"
"Watching your half crazed brothers torturing your for eternity." He said with icy finality. Before she escaped she saw a movement within the room making her turn surprised to see the Nocturis, his obsedian eyes watching her, a cruel smile paying on his crimson lips.
"Morok, have you succeeded?" Damos asked from his corner.
The Nocturis turned his back to her as he said something to Damos. As she started to leave she wondered what they were talking about and hoped it had nothing to do with Evaline. As she saw herself out she hovered by the door to listen in on their conversation trying to snatch a few words but it didn't make sense. The only word she understood was 'they' and 'dungeon'
Once she saw to the others, she would steal away later and check on the dungeons herself to see what royals were imprisoned below. First she had to seek the east wing, her old quarters, hoping her nightmares wouldn't surface once more.
She walked stealthily down the familiar hall, coming to an archway that bridged the north towers with the eastern part of the citadel. The walls were bare except for the scones that were lit to guide her way. She reached out to her familiar surroundings which was simply a narrow stretch of stone grey flooring in one vertical line.
There were a few doors she passed, guest quarters for her friends and guards from a previous life. Now they were empty except for the one massive oak door that led to her suit of apartments.
Two guards hovered out the door, they didn't look any different, sporting features that were so typical among the demons. Yellow eyes, bald pate and typical sharp features that were common to demon except when they morphed into their true nature. They opened the doors, she took a deep breath before entering the room.
General Clavius stood at the center right in front of Jutu, the rest stood close to a wall the hands on their sword hilt while Caspian remained behind his mother, his face contorted in pure rage. They all looked her way as she walked close to where Jutu stood. She could sense the wards Jutu erected keeping a barier in place that would keep Clavius and the rest of his four soldiers away.
"What's going on general?" She tried to keep her tone light, she could only guess at what had transpired while she was away.
He granted her a sinister smile. "Just keeping watch your highness," he bit out.
"I hope my friends have not been harmed in anyway? Now that I'm here you are relieved of your duties, I believe Prince Damos may have need of you."
"Understood ," he bowed formally retreating to the door when he swivelled around. "I will be posting two of my guards to keep you safe this night your highness."
"Very well," she dismissed him with a wave hand. When he left with his guards she sensed the wards disappear immediately. Caspian, she noted, released a heavy breath but the rest remained fixed on her the silence around the room whispered tension.
"Your highness?" Caspian asked incredulously. "Who exactly are you?"Anger framed his question as he tried to control himself.
"I think it's best you explain everything Havah, leave no stone unturned," Jutu advised sitting carefully in an armchair close to the grate. The room was dim, but the furniture in her room remained intact starting with the huge four poster bed, several arm chairs and a couch.
"Did they harm you?" She asked first concerned about what she had witnessed.
"They tried but my mother seemed to be prepared." Caspian said sarcastically.
Havah nodded before turning to the rest who continued to stand about watching her their expressions guarded laced with suspicion.
"I hope you didn't sell us out." Captain Jacob said grimly.
"She did not." Jutu was quick to respond not looking at Havah as she stared into the flames. "Go ahead Havah tell them."
"My mother is the queen of Erinthar, Damos and I are half siblings,"she began.
"Half, which means you don't claim the same father," Caspian stated Mater of fact.
"No, my father is the king of the unseelie, the Dark king Soldar."
"You mean tell us your........." Erica was shocked as was the rest. "All this time we had the daughter of king Soldar walking among us." Disbelief mingled with disgust echoed in her voice. The same swirled in everyone's mind except for Jutu who remained patient.
"Unclaimed, unrecognized. When I was born, the king decided I was of no consequence, he turned from my mother who came back here disappointed. My step father, the King of Erinthar took me in and raised me side by side with Damos thinking he could use me against the unseelie one day. He trained me for I am half demon just like my mother, taught me everything I know about the runes and magic and most important how to survive the unseelie. I grew to hate that part of myself that was Fae but as I grew older my features morphed into that part of me. I passed for Fae so that part of my heritage wasn't a lie. It irks Damos to know that I have equal footing here at Erinthar, he can't touch me, neither can he touch any of you," she was determined to let them know that.
"Your a bloody royal! Two kings for a father that's more than I can accomplish is one lifetime." Estelle guffawed, slapping her thigh. "How did you remain hidden all this time?"
"I had help," Havah sighed turning to Jutu.  "They thought I was dead, maybe not Damos or my mother for if I had succumbed to death then they would have felt some familial bond break."
"Your mother is alive." Captain Jacob blew a tense breath.
"Yes she is."
"Where is she?"
"She left a very long time back and never returned."
"What about King Soldar?" Caspian asked warily.
"He never acknowledged my existence.  To him I was dead the day he saw me, that may have severed a connection I'm not sure about that. I managed to remain obscure until the Gathering.  A few days prior to the actual event one of the unseelie had spotted me but they didn't search for me among the crowd.  They could have easily spotted me if they tried to search.  At any rate, I have secured Damon's cooperation in keeping you within my quarters until I return for you once I have Vesna with me."
"What is our guarantee you would commit to this quest? So far you've lied to us all this time."
"Withholding information is not lying.  I never told you were I was from until now. I told you I had very power connections which you witnessed today. And I mentioned they owe me favors starting with Damos."
"Being illusive isn't forthcoming Havah." Caspian took a step toward her. "It's deceitful."
"Would you have preferred I came out and told you everything?" She maintained a calm voice as she faced Caspian. "Let's see how this place out : 'oh and by the way my name is Havah, I hail from Irinthar. I am their princess but guess what I also happen to be half unseelie, the unwanted child of King Soldar. please to make your acquaintance'."
"Alright you made you point. When exactly do we leave?" Caspian asked determined.
"I leave with Jutu, you will remain here to protect the rest of them from whatever comes your way while I'm gone."
"That's not gonna happen, I will be coming with you." Caspian retorted icily.
Havah prayed for patience as she faced Jutu who turned to her son. "She's right, you will remain here Caspian, Evaline will come with Lord Fenwick.  You will have to be here when she comes and keep her close to you before Havah returns."
Caspian caught his mother's words. "You say when Havah returns, what about you?"
"I will have to remain in Mangalene for a time and convince them to switch allegiance, my people need to be on our side when the time comes." She stated.
"When what time comes?" He frowned.
"To meet our destiny. The mortals will need a line of defense my son, the half of you that needs protection from the silly wars of the Fae. The humans will be vulnerable, I'm hoping to tip the balance in favor of your legacy." Her tone was firm.
"Know this, all of you, when Vesna comes forward we will have to rally behind her, that is the only way we can save humanity from what is to come." Havah said with finality.
"What should keep you from betraying us?" Erica asked wryly. "I've seen it before. Your kind came in the guise of friendship, betrayal wasn't far behind."
"I can only give you my word that I stand with you in putting an end to this." Havah proclaimed.
"What's to stop you from turning your back on us once King Soldar finally recognizes you."
Havah shrugged. "He may try but I have three hundred years of memories to know where I truly stand with him." Havah eyed Erica with determination. "In retrospect what does your gut tell you?"
"My gut doesn't speak to me, I carry my scar right her." Erica pointed to her chest.
"It's time you gambled with your instinct." Havah replied evenly. " I think it best we take advantage of Damos hospitality this night and clean up. Caspian's heritage will be threat enough to keep my half brother at bay."
"What are you talking about Havah?"Caspian asked curiously.
"He has a curse on him. If he lays a hand on any Mangalese, his life is forfeit. Trust that, if not anything else."
"It's a long story," she yawned. "Not for this day."
Caspian wasn't convinced but he had to leave it for the moment. "You mentioned Evaline will be coming, how do you know this?"
Havah turned to Jutu."I don't have the gift of sight. Where is she and pretty boy anyway?"

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