Chapter 20 Mangalene

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Mangalene was a land of thick forests, mountain ranges, rivers teaming with large insects. The portal from the elven demense led them straight into a thick forest filled with dense foliage and an assortment of animal sounds that grew louder with every step the two women took.
"This is your home?" Havah slapped her neck as a wasp as long as her index finger almost greedily sucked her blood. They were worst than the Nocturis in their assault, merciless in their pursuit and greedier in their lust for blood.
Jutu grinned widely as she nodded her head. The priestess was in her element walking through the field of decaying leaves and brambles like it was the most natural thing. "It takes some getting used to," she retrieved a leaf from her satchel and handed it to Havah . "Chew this and those wasps will avoid you."
Havah gratefully chewed the bitter leaf grimacing at its after taste but it seemed to do the trick.
"How long before we reach your tribe?"
"This is the southern most part of the land, most of the hunting takes place here. We may encounter some of my people along the way."
Havah followed behind Jutu as she led the way when they chanced upon a huge head carved out of stone, it jutted from the ground surrounded by moss and vines that grew from the cracks. Not far ahead was an archway of sorts, it stood in ruin but a tree held what remained of the ceiling upright. Havah approached it and stared at the carving of a male and female seated on the throne beside them were sea creatures.
"This must be a ruined temple?" Havah had to ask
"There are many like that scattered about the jungle. This isn't just a forest, many sorts of creatures live here." Jutu said as she picked her way passed the ruins further into the jungle. Monkeys were swinging from the trees watching them with interest.
"It's been awhile I've seen those." Havah pointed.
"In the mortal lands, the Icor snakes ate most of them but here, the animals seem to thrive among each other."
"Any creature I should be worried about?"
"The mountain lions are fierce but they aren't prone to this side for they know we hunt here."
"Mountain lions, great!" Havah muttered under her breath. It was a good visit with Talyan, she hadn't turned on them which was a start. Now all Havah had to do was find the relic of Vesna.
To their right she could hear the sound of water. "Should we be worried about selkies."
"No, they do not thrive in our rivers, but we do have river creatures that look like large serpents. Generally they are harmless unless threatened. We give them offerings every full moon and they leave my tribe alone for most part." Jutu supplied
"I wonder if your father knew of my mother's visit?"
"I wonder the same. If he did know then we should ask."
"Do you think that what Talyan said is true, that your tribe are hiding a knowledge of the possibility of Vesna and are protecting her?" Havah dared to ask.
"If they are then we will know for sure once we speak with my father.Let us make our way to the river from there we can find a trail closer to my tribal home."Jutu suggested.
"I never really asked before but considering your land is full,of ruined temples from the time of the old gods, what deity did your temple serve?"
Jutu turned to Havah, pausing for a moment reflecting on her time as a priestess. "Gaia, the mother of all.  I was taken when I was a young child because I had visions."
"Visions of what?" Havah prodded.
"The gods." Jutu's response was clipped as she followed the sounds of water.  They alighted into a clearing right beside a flowing river. "We can rest here for a moment and wash before we continue."
Havah removed her satchel and surcoat dipping her hands into the water she sighed closing her eyes as she relaxed.  Removing her boots she folded the pants until her knees and waded into the river splashing water into her face and bare arms, she noticed Jutu did the same.
"What did you see in those visions.?"
"They were vague, mostly about their lives, what they were. I was very young when I had them, in my tribe if a child had these visions it meant we were touched by the Gods."
A flock of birds flew in the sky bringing a smile on Havah's face. "I haven't seen that in a very long time."
"In Mangalene birds are sacred beings, they are messengers of the gods. It's a sign of good fortune."
"We could certainly use some of that." Havah paused pondering on Jutus revelation. "Did they initiate you when you joined the priestesses of the temple."
"Yes, the initiation was series of trials to identify the gods I was supposed to serve, every test was meant to reveal a specific deity, in my case it was all of them. When the temple priestess realized this she amplified my learning so I could reach the highest form of priesthood. I was the youngest high priestess much to the surprise of my family. There weren't many of us who were chosen by all the gods at once."
"That all changed when you met King Silas?"
"My spirit guides told me that I was to return with him to the mortal realm and as always I listened." Jutu said. "King Silas is a benevolent leader, he is just and kind. Pretoria's blessings come from his pure heart his only weakness is his son Byron."
Havah snorted. "That seems to be the case in either of the realms."
"Byron is not a source of unending evil, he is just misguided by power. There will come a time when all that will change."
"I don't see it."
"Corruption of the soul can always be reversed with the right guidance."
"Don't tell me you were meant to change Byron's ways."
"Not me directly, perhaps Caspian."
"We all know how he feel about his half brother."
Jutu turned to regard Havah ."I have to believe that it will all change soon enough. Come, we still have to follow the river to my tribe"
They made their way back to the shore, following the trail of the river they continued their journey. Hours may have passed, Havah couldn't tell for the sun remained bright and steady, by the time they reached another clearing the sun was starting to sink. This time Havah noticed a difference, there was an obvious trail through the woods which they crossed when they came across a series of huts lined up side by side. They crossed in between two of them emerging into a circular patch of clear land. A Mangalene who stood close approached Jutu and bowed, scrutinizing Havah with curiosity. They spoke in Mangalese before other joined the man. They were dressed in loose flaring pants, their chest bare except for fur vests and bows on their backs.
The mangalese had chocolate sling, curling dark hair close to their scalp and dark eyes. The women and men wore the same attire except the women had covered their breath with a strip of cloth. Some of them dangled young children on their hip all of them curiously staring at Havah.
A large man, probably as tall as Caspian emerged from the center hut, he wore a cape of animal fur and a necklace of sharp teeth. His headdress was made from bird feather and he had marks on his face. This must have been Jutus father for when he approached, she bowed. A woman stood beside the chief, her flaxen hair braided down to her back, her eyes were the color of turquoise. She wore no headdress, but her necklace was made of three layers of gold chains, she carried a staff of plain wood with a sckull of a bird at the top.
"This is Havah." Jutu spoke in the human tongue pointing to the unseelie who came to stand right beside Jutu."She is my friend. We have travelled from Pretoria through Erinthar and we need shelter." She told the chief who only grunted and turned his back on them walking back into the hut. The woman remained eyeing them befor grabbing Jutu's arm and perching it on her arm.
"The chief waits for you." The woman said in a clear crisp voice.
Havah followed behind the two women as the rest of the people who gathered around them continued to watch her. She noted the white painted symbols of their faces, some of them runes from ancient scriptures.
The hut was one floor, filled with woven rugs that had more runic symbols. They were mostly done in red, black and white. On one side of the hut was a hearth made of stone where a fire blazed casting a dim light around them. The chief sat on the floor a mist piled of fur, Jutu took her place on the right while the other woman who looked just like Jutu took the opposite side.  Havah chose to sit opposite the chief  wishing she could remove her cloak for it was growing damp with her sweat.
As soon as they settled the woman poured tea from a flask into small earthen wear cups handing them first to her before passing the cups to the chief and Jutu. They stared at her in silence as if weighing her before finally the chief spoke in Mangalese without removing his gaze from Havah. Jutu replied softly, her head bowed as she sipped the tea.
"My father and mother would like to know if we are well and I answered that we are." Jutu began.
So the woman was Jutu's mother, Havah was mildly surprised for the Mangalese retained a certain level of youthful looks courtesy of their immortal ancestry.
"Father, May I suggest we speak in the mortal tongue for my friend." Jutus head remained bowed as she spoke politely.
"Why have you come?" His direct question was an opening.
"We are searching for Vesna." Havah said simply.
The chief did not even bat an eye but his wife turned to him immediately.
"What makes you think she's here?" The chief continued.
"My mother, the queen of Erinthar believed she is. She came here hoping this is where she would find the forgotten seelie but she never returned home.I haven't given up hope that I can find her and put an end to this darkness."Havah revealed truthfully.
"So, you've heard of the oracles, the one that would end Soldar's dominion. Why now?" The chief asked.
"Because if we don't act now father, then all will be lost. The unseelie have breached the agreement with the Gods, they have come for the mortals and if they succeed in turning them then chaos will reign. What we know of peace will cease to exist."Jutu spoke her voice trembled with emotion.
The chief turned to his daughter and nodded. "Vesna is a legend, many have come here searching for her but no one has yet suceeded. What makes you think you will?"
"Because if my mother made the journey and never returned then the possibility exists. The mortals are in danger and so are the rest of us if we don't do something. Our only hope rests in finding Vesna and fulfilling the Oracle." Havah made her point clear hoping the chief would understand
"Your mother disappeared, what if the same thing happens to you?" It was the chief's wife that spoke for the first time.  She sounded uncannily like Jutu.
"She won't ima, she has me." Jutu eyed her mother with determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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