Chapter 18 Serin the Fae

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"I'm not sure where to begin really," Evaline spoke first having checked on Xion as he slipped into a deep slumber.
Serin had taken them a few meters into the forest before the landscape shifted back into a cave with a roaring fire. He summoned another one of his tribe a female who showed them two tunnels, water streaming from the ceiling. Evaline washed the grime from her body before donning her soiled clothes. By the time she emerged from the tunnel showers Xion too had emerged, he was only wearing his trousers, his face had gone paler and his eyes were starting to dilate before he dropped on her feet.
They had summoned Siren who lifted Xion placing him on an alcove before stepping back and looking to Evaline nodding her way inviting her to administer the healing. She saw that his side was bleeding and there was more damage to his rib then he cared to admit. After healing his rib and clearing the blood she wrapped his torso in a cloth with healing herbs provided by a female of the tribe before making sure he was fast asleep. Before joining Serin in the center of the cave that had a bonfire between the, they sat for a time regarding each other, time was immaterial at that moment, it was just one dim cavern with two Fae trying to figure each other out. One was made flesh and the other a spirit trappped in between.
He passed her a cup of water watching her drink thirsting as if seeing the act for the first time.
"I've said this many times before, I woke up on bed in a cottage, a Mangalese priestess found us and took my battered body to her home. She healed me but my recollection of what happened and how I got there, it wasn't clear. I was ill for a long time. "
"There was boy with you," Serin stated amused at her surprise. "His lifeline is intertwined with yours.  It's in the palm of your hand, two lines crossing . She never paid attention to those lines until Serin brought it forward. "Your brother."
She could only nod at his knowledge. "He was mute for a time, I didn't know his name or mine until the day he spoke to me."
"His own memories had been wiped away." Serin nodded sagely. "That is how you came to know the humans.  The priestess knew you were seelie and so did my mistress, they kept it hidden for a purpose.  Perhaps the attack on the mortal lands by the unseelie was to find you."
"Me? I'm no heir to any seelie throne." The denial came out from Evaline instantly, the thought of it absurd. "Havah mentioned that once we met at the citadel she would journey to retrieve Vesna." Evaline continued "Vesna is the heir, not I or Darren."
"Is that all the mistress revealed?" Serin s question left bits and pieces of Havah's story open.
"Havah had become a friend.  We were both victims of the unseelie betrayal. But she chose to protect from them." Evaline continued. "I owe many things for the life we shared was only made bearable by her presence. But she never told me about who I was or what she knew about me until we reached Erinthar. In the beginning I was angry, I felt betrayed in some way. She had kept the truth about who I was from me". Evaline was filled with disappointment
" There were reasons as to why, she has a great emotion for you. Demons are not given Easily to their emotions but my mistress is different.  She doesn't play games like the rest of them.  She only made us because she needed companions, and we were lost souls, gathered at the shore of the in between where her father rules as its master."
"You mean the king of Erinthar?"
"Yes, he is a monster and yet he is a keeper of the lost souls of all creatures.  His consort, the custodian of this kingdom is the mother of his son, his heir. Prince Damos is the one who plays the games."
"Then it's true, the citadel is a dangerous place if he is the one to rule it," she grew worried as she heard Serin reveal as much.
"The seelie and unseelie have been at odds with each other for a long period of time but they have thrived peacefully until King Soldar chose to betray the truce. The Gods have seen his treachery and will only intervene when the rightful heir of the seelie has returned to her court."
"Then the heir is female?" Evaline asked hoping to shed some light.
"Yes, the heir to bring piece is female, but her destiny has been toyed with by those who would use her for their wicked plot. There is danger in every court including what is left of the light."
"I still don't understand much, I think I was better of with the mortals." Evaline muttered under her breath. 
"You lived long enough with them to discover their behavior and you adapted them because you thought you were like them.  That part of you and the seelie are at war inside of you.  Until you embrace your true self you will continue to be dispassionate about your magic."Serin revealed gently, his face was kind as she looked into those violet eyes. "I could sense your magic, it is shy and fearful just like you. It has been locked away that it's nature has turned to the shadows."
"And my memories?" Evaline asked
"Your memories will surface slowly as your true nature begins to emerge. First you have to embrace that part of yourself."Serin said wisely
Turning to peek at a slumbering Xion she pondered on Serin's words. "How?" She turned back to the Fae.
His smiled gently. "Accept who you are."His statement was simple enough. "The human who sleeps, he too has to accept who you are, even if he fights it. His presence here with you is not a coincidence. Has his purpose been revealed?" Serin asked.
"We met an elf who goes by the name of Knut, he told Lord Fenwick something about a wish his mother made before he was born, an offering to the seelie and that his fate is somehow linked with mine." Evaline revealed. She didn't know why she was telling Serin all this but for some unexplained reason, revealing her thoughts made her feel better.
"Yet, this stubborn human lord fights it." Serin smirked. "Are all humans like this?"
"Some are but most are different, they can find happiness in the most unlikely places even if they are filled with misery. They squabble over the most mundane things and they try to survive with determination."
"I've never met many humans, they are no different from the Fae." Serin concluded.
"Except they don't have magic, they are vulnerable, their lives a hanging by a thread. Take Lord Fenwick for instance , he is strong among his men and brave but here he is challenged," she said softly.
"You care about this lord." Serin observed, cocking his head to one side. "And this lord of humans, he cares about you?"
Evaline snorted. "Care? He's not inclined toward anything Fae. His people were betrayed by those that came from Valene, he only agreed to join this mission to retrieve the royals because the prince of Pretoria is his friend and liege. He owes allegiance to the kingdom. By honor, he is bound to retrieve the royals."
Serin nodded sagely. "This lord has a gift, it becomes stronger when he is near you he must trust that if he is to survive his quest."
"Will we......he succeed in his mission?" She dared to ask.
"Do you want him to succeed?" Serin countered.
"Yes of course," she replied vehemently.
"Then only if he ceases to be stubborn and accepts the gift that was given through you, if he does then he may succeed. But that will also depend on his will, for it will be tested throughout this journey. Be patient seelie, a time will come when he will cease to battle what he knows is in his heart. The two of you will be able to succeed."
"That's strange." Evaline almost blanched at the suggestion.
"Hmmmmm, both of you have to conquer your stubborn hearts." Serin winked. He winked! Evaline thought humorously. "I pledge my tribe to help you as you have been truthful, my mistress believes in you and I will protect you. We will journey with you to the Citadel and remain by your side until the mistress returns from her mission."
"You would do that?!" Evaline's eyes widened.
"There is strength in numbers seelie. Your cause will be ours, you have my word."
A wave of relief spread through Evaline. "What about the amulet, the custodian expects me to bring it back so it could lead us to the citadel"
"The amulet won't lead you to the citadel, there is another way, the custodian knows this. She's only using you to bring my tribe to her that she may control us."
"I can't go back empty handed" Evaline protested.
"You won't. Trust me, I have a plan." Serin explained and Evaline listened. For the second time in this entire journey she trusted a creature. Something strange was beginning to happen to her life, a life that was still littered with questions but she found that it wasn't such a bad thing. Besting seelie may have shut some doors but it opened up many other possibilities including new allies.
The next day as Xion and Evaline made their was back to the ruined kingdom, she found herself explaining the plan of Serin.
"You accuse me of trusting the custodian yet there you are trusting an Icor snake. I don't understand how that can't be crazier," he shook his head as they walked the familiar trail.
"He said he was created by Havah and he knew her scent on me," she replied defensively, "that's what kept us alive. Besides the amulet isn't what she said it was.  It isn't a way to the citadel, Serin said the custodian knows the right way, the amulet is a means of controlling them.  She used us and it's time we stopped being used."
"Are you sure about that? We are far from home, consigned to a land far stranger than I could ever imagine with beings trying to control our fates. What could be better than this!" His derisive remark was a testimony is his growing unrest.
"Jutus fish stew and corn bread." Evaline said off hand remembering a time of laughter and the hearth of a warm home and loving friends.  Yes they were far from home. She hoped her light banter would do the trick.
He snorted making her look at him but his face had a warm smile. "The smell of Rufus after an entire day of training"
She laughed. "Caspian's scowl when he discovered I defied him."
"Erica and Estelle bickering over who gets the bigger tent."
"Darren," she said simply remembering  everything about her little brother. "I miss him."
"We will get him back." Xion said with conviction. "It's been more than a couple of days since we lost our team and the longer we stay here the further we are from achieving our goals.  Perhaps having Icor snakes as allies isn't a bad thing even if they do make my skin crawl," he admitted. He hated to voice his opinions but being around set his tongue wagging.
"Shush, he can hear you." Evaline warned when a mountain of leaves fell on top of Xion's head.
"Is she really Havah's mother?" He asked as he brushed the leaves from his tunic.
The air between them seemed to have cleared somewhat since he woke from his sleep and he started to become chatty, a somewhat bizarre behavior considering he had been colder than winter. "Yes."
"Are you going to confront her with this information?"
She turned exasperated. "I don't know, frankly I'm still recovering from this knowledge."
He shrugged. "If you ask me I think it's the perfect opportunity to call her out."
"And then what?"
"If she denies it then we know she can't be trusted." He continued.
"I already know she can't."
"And if she affirms it then we have a bargaining chip."
"What do you mean exactly?"
"Parents are always vulnerable when it comes to their children."
"We don't know the nature of their relationship,what if she's fonder of her her son then her daughter?" Evaline argued.
"If she was fonder of her son, she wouldn't be here. I suspect there's more to her story than she lets on and that could work in our favor."
Evaline shook her head baffled "I don't see how?" They had reached the perimeter of the ruined kingdom, walking through what remained of a gated archway leading into the gardens they spied the various immortals taking a stroll oblivious to their presence.
"If she's willing, then we could negotiate a bargain." Xion continued.
"I'm not good at negotiations," Evaline remarked feeling the weight of nervousness surround her.
"You can't honestly think that," he derided. "You spared us from being snake meal and you formed an alliance, I suspect your getting better at it than you give you give yourself credit." He pointed to the veranda where the woman they were just discussing perched on a chair being attended to by her maids and as usual the presence of her two dragons close by."There she is."
Evaline took a deep breath and marched forward, she remained close to the steps leading to the covered alcove, Xion resolutely by her side.
"Your back. Do you have my amulet?" The custodian asked immediately eyeing them curiously.
"In a sense." Evaline replied, her stance ready as she faced Uma with determination.
Uma stood from her chair pausing at the top of the steps regarding them with those obsedian eyes. Evaline finally realised why she thought Uma looked familiar, there in those features she saw Havah. it was the same chin, high cheeks ones, pale skin and dark hair.
"You either have it or you don't." Uma shot back her eyes glinting under the bright sun. They were not quite obsidian as she first thought. In fact they were a the shade of the deepest ocean.
"When were you going to tell us that the Icor snakes who guard the amulet are your daughter's creations?" Evaline faced the custodian with false bravado. She watched with satisfaction as Uma sucked in a breath her eyes narrowed.
"I don't understand."Uma began when suddenly the Icor snakes came forward, their motions swift as they glided into the gardens. Pandemonium broke out as the immortals present began to run in earnest, their screams high as they scrambled into the ruins of the castle.
Evaline and Xion watched and waited, the Icor snakes lining up behind them, the largest of them coming forward to perch beside Evaline, his tail raised high and dangling at the tip was the amulet.
"Our trip was extremely educational. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the amulet is not a means to take us to the citadel but instead a weapon to control that which was created by Havah. What is so important about controlling them that you sent us,"Evaline gestured to Xion and herself, "to retrieve it. Unless of course you sensed Havah's presence among my runes just like Serin did."
From the corner of her eye Evaline spied the two dragons approach standing on either side of Uma. The custodian raised her chin eyeing Evaline with disdain. "This is my curse for birthing that wench!" Uma's declaration burst out in a shrill. "Those creatures of hers were supposed to be my bargaining chip. Your wrong not to have followed through on the plan. Had you given me the amulet I would have sent you on your merry way. However now you leave me no choice," gesturing to Remus and Sita they started to shift and took to the air.
Taken aback she looked to Xion "Now what?!"
He shook his head. "Dragons breath fire Evaline, use your powers!"
Immediately Evaline called out to the rune that would raise an shield, by the time the fire hit them the shield was up protecting them but it was taking its toll on Evaline for the weight of the fire was strong, it's heat searing through her making her feel the gravity of such force. Beads of sweat ran down her body as she bore the weight of the shield and when it became too much she started to grit her teeth. The weight of the fire started to lift and she was feeling lighter once more when a legion of trolls started swarming forward.
Abandoning the shield Evaline pulled out her dagger while Xion  unsheathed his sword.
"She's got an army of trolls?!" He exclaimed as the first wave of them started thundering forward, the Icor snakes began their attack plundering through the trolls they slashed with their tails and used their jaws to eliminate as much as they could but the trolls were big and carried huge swords.  Xion immediately came to the defense of Evaline while Serin tried to attack the larger ones.  Soon the dragons returned and began attacking the snakes that surrounded Evaline and Xion.
Realizing her dagger was useless against the snarling beast she started helplessly as trolls and dragons descended on the snakes. A couple were destroyed by the larger jaws of the dragons, their blood spraying against the flower beds.
A third dragon joined the two making a beeline for Evaline, it's nostrils flared, it was about to unleash its fire but it was still far.
Feel your powers seelie Serin whispered into her mind reach out with them.
Evaline followed the voice and searched for the thread of energy within her core, within seconds a white ball of light formed in her hand.
Good now take the dragon fire into the light
How? Evaline asked wildly
Reach out to the fire and draw it in!
Following the voice she lifted the ball of light that danced within the palm of her hand and as the dragon exploded its fire she commanded the white light to take it in. The fire was immediately abrsobed growing larger until the dragon fire was completely swallowed by the light.
"Now what?" She turned to the larges Icor snake
Throw it back!
I can't! Evaline was horrified.
Point it to the garden!
She drew the light and flashed it into the gardens were hundreds of trolls were forming and suddenly the fire spewed from the light incinerating everything in its path.  The snakes slithered away from the heat but it was too late for the trolls.
"Custodian, you can keep on sending your minions or you can call them back, either way you won't win." Xion bellowed as he stood behind Evaline brandishing his sword.  The Icor snakes forming a shield around them as the trolls that remained started retreating.
"Very well! You made your point. Stand down!" She commanded her forces.
The dragons took to the air and when they landed they returned back into their human like forms.  The trolls stood back and formed a line waiting, their bodies heaving from the exertion of the fight.
Xion turned to Uma as did Evaline , clearly she was incensed at loosing. "State your terms," she said finally. She stood three dragons joining her staring at Evaline with interest.
"Tell us how to get to The citadel and we will,leave immediately," Xion spoke out with clarity. His voice held a conviction lost to Evaline.
"Before I do I want a word with the seelie and mortal, alone." She turned and headed inside the castle leaving Evaline and Xion no choice but to follow.
"No fowl play Remus." Evaline warned as she passed the dragon.
"None, we have a truce," he nodded solemnly eying her curiously.
Once inside the castle they followed the custodian into the throne hall where she sat on her gilded chair. Xion and Evaline exchanged glances warily before focusing on the custodian.
She held her head high, her eyes sparkling, a frown marred her brow. "It seems seelie you found a trick to reach your powers, that's quite a feat. "That Icor snake must have helped you, his loyalty to Havah is unquestionable.  What of yours?"
"I should ask you that question for you are her mother." Evaline responded sarcastically.
"When she was born I knew I had been tricked by the unseelie bastard.  He came into my quarters in the guise of my mate. Fae can glamour but I couldn't tell the difference." He face held a brief pained expression but it was fleeting. "When she was born, my mate knew instantly she was different and he riled me for the betrayal. I was but a victim of an old game. When my mate turned his back on me I went to the unseelie court and when that Bastard denied her I became consumed with my anger.  My mate allowed me to stay with my children until they came of age, I used to take her to the seelie court when I would visit on behalf of Erinthar. I met the first light queen who became my friend. It was she who told me Havah had a spark of light. Being half demon and unseelie I sincerely doubted this until she fell in love with one from the spring court and when King Soldar discovered this he cursed them. I was banished here before that happened by my mate destined never to see my children again. I wished I had been there to stop it. She's never known......." The custodian pause a catch in her voice before she shook her head. "That I care."
"The why did you want to control her creation. Why not just make them part of your court?" Evaline asked. The custodian spoke of motherly affection but it didn't seem apparent.
"Because I thought to use them against the unseelie. I need my revenge."
"Were you ever going to send us to the Citadel?" Xion asked.
"Staying here, mortal, is mercy, going to the Citadel is consigning your fate." Uma replied darkly. "But if that's were you have to be then I will not longer interfere."
"Havah is going to retrieve Vesna and then we face the unseelie and free the royals," Evaline said with conviction.
Uma gazed at her for a long moment studying Evaline carefully. "Then so be it. When you do see Havah, tell her she matters to me."
"Perhaps you can tell her yourself." Evaline suggested making Uma laugh harshly.
"If that does happen then I will truly know I'm dead." was Uma's dark response. "You may seek Remus, he will take you to the portal that leads to the Citadel."
They turned to leave when they reached the archway Evaline turned back to say something but the chair was empty, the custodian gone. She turned to Xion.
"She must have been desperate." Evaline finally
"Either that or crazy" Xion remarked as they left the throne room.
They were surprised to find Remus waiting for them as they alighted from the throne room he nodded to Evaline. "Sita and I have spoken and we thought to come with you to the citadel."
"I'm not sure I trust you" Xion spoke menacingly.
"Here me out mortal." Remus's nostrils flared, standing his ground faced Xion squarely. They stood head to head neither one backing down.
"My lord, let's hear him out." Evaline reflexively grabbed Xion's arm to hold him back. Her energy collided with the corded muscles flexing him arm and immediately pulled back as an electric current sizzled up her hand to her shoulders.
Briefly turning to her with a frown he stayed steady.
"The Prince that rules this land, the one that resides in the citadel is too powerful for a mere mortal and a lost Fae. He will have his minions upon you in no time."
"The Icor snakes will be with us" Evaline told Remus.
"He has his own, created from demon blood, he will be ready to face them if they pose any threat but what he doesn't have are dragons. We can defend you and the rest of your friends if he decides to turn on you." Remus presented a fair argument.
"He is the custodian's son, what's our guarantee you won't turn on us when the time comes." Xion pointed out.
"We serve the ruined kingdom of the Gods and its people because they provided us shelter, none of the others have. We don't owe the prince any fealty but we can award that to you."
"What's the catch?"Xion asked balefully.
Remus turned to Evaline. "Once Vesna is freed we want to return to the light court, you can bargain for lands for what remains of my people."
"What makes you think I can do that?" Evaline huffed.
"Because seelie, once your memories are restored you will have the power to do so."he said this with conviction.
"I don't even remember what the seelie are like. They may be my people but they are strangers to me."Evaline replied skeptically.
"You will be having the might of dragons behind you seeli, don't underestimate the power you will be bringing to the court of light. Seelie understand power and right now you may not believe this but once you find yourself among your people, you will."
Evaline shook her head. "I don't know how you can put such faith in me."
"Perhaps you should put faith in yourself seelie. The Icor snakes believe in you, they have measured your worth, having seen this I too am starting to see what is a possibility for our race. You must trust seelie of the spring court, you hold the weight of our very existence in your hands. I will side with you."
Still not convinced of his arguement, Evaline turned to Xion who stood watching her reaction to Remus' declaration, but what other choice did she have. Xion was in mortal danger and so were the rest of her friends, at least with dragons she could have some sort of leverage in these lands and they could fly.
"Alright, I will do what I can" Evaline said finally.

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