Chapter 17 The Amulet

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Evaline felt her shoulders being shaken roughly, blinking back the sleep she stared into glacial blue eyes that regarded her coldly. 
"It's dawn, "he pulled back as she sat up rubbing her eyes.  "I checked on the door, it's open and the water on the wash basin is fresh." He stood back dressed in a white crumpled tunic with the same dark pants he wore the previous night. His sword was strapped to his waist, his hair brushed back in a que.
"I'll wait outside while you change," he announced dragging his satchel he walked to the door. Evaline scrambled from the couch and walked to the basin, washing her face to remove the rest of her sleep.  The cold water made her alert as she removed the white tunic she wore and replaced it with her black gear.  Hooking the dagger to her boot she was a about to braid her hair when the knock came on the door.  Sita's chirpy face came through.
"The custodian awaits," she opened the door wider to allow Evaline to follow. There were no windows in the room therefore she thought it was still dark but when she saw the stairs light filtered through an opening in the ceiling.
The breakfast room was an open veranda which looked out into the garden.  The sun shone brightly as she spied Remus and Xion already seated on either side of the custodian. Sita took the seat beside Remus leaving her no choice but to sit beside Xion.
Food had been laid out on the table and warm tea was wafting on a cup. Picking up the tea she drank it as she accepted the bread basket from Sita.
"I trust you slept well?" Uma eyed Evaline with a mocking smile.
"Thank you for hospitality, I had a good rest," Evaline admitted.  She did sleep fitfully, no disturbing dreams crept in.
"Good then, now we can discuss the next part of your journey.  Lord Xion had mentioned the citadel yesterday. Unfortunately, you won't see the tower from here. You'll have to leave through a tunnel but before that, before we reveal  how you can get there, you need to pass a test."
Evaline almost spewed her tea, instead she coughed until her eyes burned. "T...test?" She turned to Remus and Sita.
"Im sorry but we weren't told there was one."Xion replied in a cold voice. She could almost hear the warning edge . "From our conversation yesterday I was under the impression we would be on our way."
"Of course, you shall be. Only, you have to do this one thing." Uma leaned forward, Remus was busy spreading jam into his bread while Sita sipped her tea.
"What exactly do we need to do?" Xion asked.
"It isn't difficult really." The way uma cocked her head, a smile of derision on her lips reminded her of someone but she wasn't sure. Evaline remained silent leaving the discussion to XIon as she recovered from her surprise.
"All you have to do is go to the woods and retrieve an amulet. That amulet is the key to finding the citadel from here. You see I don't get that many travellers who seek the citadel. That place, " she shook her head as a grim cloud covered her face, "it's not where travellers intend to go. Sometimes they want to return from where they come from, sometimes they stay and become part of this kingdom. Most of them running from something. But you two, you want to save your people." She leaned back and broke into a sunny smile transforming her features from something dark into a ray of sunshine.
The transformation made Evaline balk. Uma had glamoured herself and for a split second she revealed who she really was, someone that looked familiar.
"Yes, it's a promise we made to the kings. " Xion replied his voice bringing Evaline back to the present.
"So tell me, about your people, what happened?" Uma turned to Xion but her gaze rested on Evaline who turned away.
"The kingdoms, they have games every year it's called the Gathering. All the kings came to Pretoria bringing their families, their heirs and brave knights to participate in the games." Xion began
"Is pretoria the largest kingdom in the mortal realms?" Uma asked, both dragons listening as they ate their meal.
"Yes, and it's the strongest," Xion admitted
"Which kingdom do you come from?"
"Pretoria," Xion replied as Uma nodded sagely.
"And I suppose Evaline lives in Pretoria." Uma eyed Evaline
"Yes," Xion replied.
"Go on," Uma urged.
"They came, the unseelie before the games even began and stole the heirs with a request that we bring the heir of the light kingdom to king Soldar and the heirs will be released."
Uma sucked in a breath turning to the dragons before plastering a solemn expression. "Do you have the heir?"
"No, but Havah, the unseelie seemed to know where to find the heir."Xion revealed. Evaline could have clubbed him in the head for that revelation but he didn't seem to care either way. Havah was her friend not his, and his betrayal was what sealed her disgust of him.
"Does she have the heir in the citadel now?" Uma prodded.
"Not yet. She will wait for us to come. We are need to retrieve the heir together." Mortals could lie and Xion just told her one. But she why? Evaline looked up at Xion but his back was to her.
She focused on her plate, every part of her was furious. He revealed more in that moment than was necessary. She didn't trust the custodian, neither did she feel comfortable around the dragons beside her but she wasn't the one who spoke.
"I can see that your noble heart has spoken fairly and as the custodian of the kingdoms of the forgotten gods I will support your journey. The only way through is by retrieving the amulet." Uma continued as she sipped her tea daintily. "The dragons will show you the path, the rest of the journey will be your own fate."
Evaline wasn't convinced Uma had told them the entire purpose of retrieving the amulet. There were gaps to her request that needed addressing.
"How do we navigate through the woods and find this amulet?"Evaline asked breaking her bread and spreading jam  before she took a bite.
"Remus will provide you a map to reach the cave. There is one thing though, an Icor snake lives in that cave, since you've already killed one, I'm sure another one won't be a problem."
Evaline paused in mid chew, a sliver of dread chorused through her. "An Icor snake, hmm I suppose that's the clincher . I kill snake bring back the amulet and you show us how to use it to get to the citadel."
"Sharp as a knife." Uma smiled satisfactorily.
Evaline had a hunch, drawing the dagger from her boot she placed it on the table right between her and Xion "All I have is this dagger. A gift from an elf, do you suppose this would be a good weapon to use against the snake? The unseelie bound my powers, I will need something just as powerful to kill it. That's if you want me to succeed in retrieving the amulet."
Xion finally gifted her a quelling look, the silent communication simply meant, that he was in control and she should shut up. That wasn't how she planned to play.
She watched Uma's brief surprised look before she schooled herself into a tight mask. "If your powers are bound then the demonic runes on the dagger might be of some help. " Uma responded before turning to Remus. "It's time, escort them to the perimeter of the woods with the map. May the Gods be with you seelie and mortal."
Ignoring the sweat trickling from his hair onto his brow Xion followed the trail deep into the woods. Massive trees hung high above them forming a canopy punctured by rays of sunlight, the thick roots jutting from the soil embedded by dead leaves. The smell of rot and spoiled fruit lingered in the air as the sound of animals echoed throughout the forest. 
It had been a long time since he had witnessed a thriving forest complete with living beings, from his knowledge of Icor snakes they normally ate everything and left the woods rotting. This was bizarre. Glancing beside him he caught sight of Evaline, trudging through the trail, her satchel bobbing with every step.  She did not glance his way or make conversation but the tension was thick between them. He was behaving like a brute, there was no excuse for his behavior. His actions last night had gone against the code of chivalry, being into his cups he acted out of impulse making him feel like the worst possible cad. The best way to reign those impulses in was to remain as cold as possible.
"Why did you reveal too much to the custodian?" Evaline asked the burning question that had been bothering her. She had been completely stunned by what he said at breakfast, her anger rising with every step.
"What would you have preferred? Lying?" His response was curt "She would have known if I did."
"How can you tell?"
He stopped walking and just stood eyeing her carefully, he had always trusted his gut when it came to such encounters. He knew when he was being tested and he had felt that same tingling in his gut when he was being questioned by the custodian. "I've encountered similar interrogations, mortals or immortals, the questions are of a similar nature. When one is being tested for information it's a matter of choosing the right course of action. I know when to lie and I know when not to. It builds alliances."
Evaline regarded him coldly. "So you think she's an ally?"
"One thing is clear,she's testing us. As it happens she trusts me more than she trusts you." He gave his opinion with a conviction that didn't seem convincing.
"And you know this because?" Evaline taunted.
"Instinct. I don't need to posses magic to have that." He replied smugly turning to continue their journey he left her stunned where she stood.
Evaline immediately caught up beside him, fuming at his arrogance "Or she's simply ensorcelled you."
"Ensorcelled!" He laughed derisively "That's absurd! If she did then I wouldn't be in my senses."
Evaline snorted. "What do you know about being ensorcelled?" She muttered remembering the night in his arms.  He may have been possessed.
Pausing in mid stride he gave her an artic glare that should have been a warning if she had known him better. "What do you?" Indeed if he knew her better he would have ceased.
They stood glaring at each other mutinously. "Then how do you explain your behavior last night ."she countered softly, her eyes glowing with wrath.
He took a menacing step toward her, his eyes blazing with simmering anger. "I'm not the one who dragged us into the garden."
"I'm not the one that took unwelcome liberties on my person!" She barked
"I didn't hear you complain. As I recall you seemed to be enjoying yourself," he mocked crossing his arms against his chest.
The resounding slap on his face echoed against the silence.  Ignoring the the sting in her hand she began to run, her anger spurting her forward, ignoring the weeds and thick roots that littered the ground. She ran as fast as her fury fueled. How dare he?!
Xion was stunned for a few seconds before he got his bearings and cursed shaking his head he bounded after her almost stumbling as his boot hit a thick root.  Managing to recover swiftly he continued to follow her lead spying the flash of her braid as it sailed through the air. He had to admit she was rather fast, but he kept up speed finally reaching close enough that he could reach out and pull at her braid.
She stumbled falling into the dirt dragging him with her. She tried to crawl back up, jerking back when he grabbed hold of her boot. Managing to kick his other arm away she tried to scramble from his grip but he was strong, he pulled at her tunic feeling the garment constrict around her body when she found herself once again face down on the dirt, his large body sprawled on top of her pushing her face dawn onto the dirty leaves. She could feel him breathing heavily against her, the wall of his chest caging her, their legs entwined and she tried desperately to kick out from under him.
"Let me go!" She screamed thrashing but he held both her arms down
"Lay still!" He commanded in a firm voice. "If you don't bolt I'll let you go."
"I don't need you to come on this trip, I can find the cave without you. I'm seelie remember, I have the power to do this on my own." She growled.  She hated him at that point, she would do anything to be rid of him.
"You may have all the power but I don't. And I don't want to be the snake's next meal so if you want to have blood on your hands then go ahead leave me but if you have a conscience then you'd best reconsider your proposal." He spoke close to her ear, every word puncture with truth.
This made her stop squirming, realizing she was being ridiculous he proved his point. Boy he was good!
"Are you ready to face reason or are you to remain churlish?"
The faster he was off her the better. "You made your point my lord!" She dragged out coldly. Flinching slightly when he eased himself away from her. She slowly sat up, brushing away the leaves that stuck to her cheek and hair. He was sitting on his hunches wearing an unreadable expression.
"I don't force myself on women, females,"he began. "I never have to." He tried to explain.
"Of course!" She spat. "Your irresistible. You probably know everything there is to know about, women, females, one look from you, a slight attention would get them to do your bidding," she challenged.
"Well..." he began hesitantly.
" I certainly didn't expect that type of behavior coming from you!" She spewed.
"Once again," he said patiently, "I apologize" he paused. "But you didn't protest either."
"How can I protest when I was being mauled by a man twice my size?" She replied indignantly
"You have the powers," he shrugged
This gave her pause, after regarding him for a time she stood quietly brushing the leaves that had collected on her soiled clothing. "Don't do it again."
He bit his lower lip to stem the grin that was about to surface. "It couldn't have been that bad," he teased.
She took a malevolent step toward him.
"It was uninvited, unprovoked and certainly unwelcome! You'd be wise to remember that the next time you find yourself within a foot of my person. Be warned my lord because the next time you try....anything..... rest assured I have the means to wipe that smug look of your face in heartbeat," she warned before turning her back to him.
He stood slowly lifting the map from his pocket to check if they were still on course when she pointed to a tree that was bigger than the rest.  According to Remus it would mark that they were close to the entrance of the cave.
Xion noticed that part of the forest had grown extremely quiet except for the tussle of leaves that sent a prickle down his back.  That normally signaled something.
"We have to be cautious, there's something watching us" Xion warned as they continued the path toward the  huge tree which dominated almost all the other trees. It's thick bark was as big as Jutus cottage, they circled around the tree when the leaves started to move. Xion looked up.
"Evaline there's something up in the tree," he spoke softly it was almost a whisper.
Glancing up she saw what he referred to and started backing away from the tree.  He followed her movement keeping his eyes on the leaves when the trees began to tussle loudly.
"Run!" Xion bellowed.
Turning they started speeding forward when they spied the mouth of the cave. Evaline pointed, Xion followed and together they made their way into the cave. Xion immediately lifted his sword from the hilt and looked back briefly but he wasn't about to stop and wait until they hit a cross roads where the cave broke into three tunnels. 
"Which one?" Evelaine asked
"Use your powers," he told her when the cave began to shake slightly.
Evaline reached out to her energy but she was too nervous, the tender thread snapped every time she reached within. Lifting her sleeves she looked through the symbols, but they became a blur of marks against her skin.
"I can't connect to it!" She replied fearfully.
He stood before her noticing her shaking hands, her fear was the hindrance. "Take a deep breath and listen to my voice. Now close your eyes and focus on your breath, there's nothing here except you and I." She listened to the sound of his voice when she felt the thread of her energy once more. She saw a white light and called to it to guide them.
"Right tunnel," she murmured, her eyes snapping open as the shaking started to grew stronger.
They ran into the dark tunnel, it was narrow, only a single body could fit at a time. Their steps were hurried as they felt the damp walls beside them. Evaline maintained her concentration as the shaking grew less until finally stopping.
The tunnel seemed endless, summoning the light a small ball of white flame formed above their head guiding their path. The whole tunnel was damp including the mushy ground beneath them. The sound of water trickled close by and soon she saw actual light coming from further down the corridor.
The followed the light until they came upon a crack like a slit that could only fit their body if they maneuvered themselves sideways.
Evaline was the first to go through stumbling slightly she saw a jagged cliff a few meters ahead of her. Peering down from the edge of a cliff, she saw a stream of water around ten feet below them.
"What happened back there?" Xion asked curiously.
"I don't know, I tried to .... but," she shook her head. Her powers were still vulnerable and they responded to her emotions. The realization hit hard but she wouldn't tell him this for she needed him to be alert in case she had another panic attack.
Except for the sound of the rushing water beneath them, they could only hear trickles of water echoing around them.
"Let's try to search for the amulet. I doubt the Icor snake could pass through the crack" Xion said as he looked about him, feeling around the walls for any hallow.
Evaline found the runic symbol for find activating the rune but it only glowed with barely enough shimmer.
"It's probably not here," she finally said her gaze roaming around the dimly lit cave that seemed like a dead end when a few rocks fell from the ceiling. Looking up she spied something slithering on the arch above them.
"My lord," she called out to Xion pointing to the ceiling but when Xion looked up he found nothing."I saw something move up there"
"I don't see anything," he replied when suddenly something grabbed both of Xion's feet and raised him high above the air. He found himself dangling upside down, his sword dropping to the ground. He tried to scramble for his dagger but it was useless as gravity pulled against his body.
A large head dropped from the ceiling, it's reptilian eyes gazing at Evaline intently making her scream when it opened its jaws and released a blood curdling sound. Slime slithered from its mouth as it almost rammed into Evaline before its jaws snapped shut and it bobbed its head from side to side bumping its snout against her arms.
It seemed to be speaking to her through her mind making her widen her eyes as she stared in fright. Slowly her hand slithered down to her boot as she unsheathed the dagger but before she could strike the snake and pushed away stealthily and released its toungue licking the side of Xion's face
"Evaline" he said. "Find a rune.....quickly," he said slowly trying not to squirm as it smelt that horrible breath that emanated from the snake's mouth.
"Stop it!" She shouted at the Icor snake who brought its face back to hers. The side of its head was larger than the one she killed. This Icor snake could probably eat them both at the same time.
Stop? Why? You've disturbed my home.
"We're sorry," Evaline spoke aloud as Xion remained perfectly still trying to look about him in earnest. Without his weapons he was crippled, his fate consigned to this beast.
Why have you come here?
She never thought an Icor snake could speak but this one did.
We can hear your thoughts, smell your fear, feed our hunger with your bodies.
"We are not your meal. We came to search for the amulet that would take us to the citadel." Evaline found her voice raising it slightly so it echoed around the cave.
Amulet? Citadel? Why do you need the amulet to get to the citadel?
"We need to find the rest of our friends," Evaline continued.
Who told you I had the amulet?
"The custodian."
The Icor snake bared it's teeth flashing the razor sharp canines that would end her life. It did the strangest thing it started to sniff her focusing on her arms befor she felt a puff of air that raised her sleeves slightly, it's reptian eyes blinking as if studying her Runic symbols before dropping Xion from its hold.
He landed on his back wincing as he felt a rib crack before scrambling to crawl beside Evaline. The snake disappeared completely and suddenly a form appeared, swirling mists covered the figure. It was a male with the perfect features of a Fae, with long flowing white hair, pointed ears and violet eyes that seemed to glow with an ethereal light making them both gasp.
"If the custodian sent you why do I smell my Mistress on your runes?"
"Your mistress?" Evaline asked curiously,.
The Fae walked until he was a few feet away from Evaline. "The demon princess, who is she to you?" The fae frowned his ethereal eyes narrowing into slits.
"He probably means Havah?" Xion whispered.
The Fae turned to Xion. "You know my mistress?"
A dozen Icor snakes of all sizes dropped from the ceiling, more emerged from the cliff all lining up beside the Fae male before transforming into misty figures that floated above ground.
Evaline and Xion started standing slowly backing slightly as the forms of Fae came forward forming a line behind the male.
"Havah is my friend."Evaline replied swallowing slowly. "Your........Fae" she croaked. "But how..." the rest of her question died on her lips as they seemed to form a bright light and the cave walls began to disperse forming an extension of the woods.
"The mistress, she made us." The male replied.
"Did she curse you?"
The Fae shook his head. "We were fallen Fae, our souls were caught between the here and the ether, she put our souls into those creatures and gave us life to protect her." He explained.
"That's why you can read my thoughts, your not really Icor snakes, you were once Fae."Evaline said as realization dawned on her.
"We live to serve her and that which she protects. She protects you." The Fae said. "I'm Serin and these are my tribe."serin swept his arm behind him to the faces that stared at them.
Evaline took a step forward. "I'm Evaline and this is Lord Fenwick, he's mortal and we are friends of Havah."
Xion was about to reach out and grab Evaline back but she was too far for him to reach.
"I already smelt her upon you," serin acknowledged.
"HOw are you here and not in the citadel?" Evaline asked boldly.
"When the mistress left, her brother the Prince he wanted to control us and send some of us to the mortal lands to spread fear and the rest he wanted to deliver to the unseelie for sport. We would not bend to his will , he is not our master.  We decided to leave and seek refuge elsewhere, we found ourselves here near the queen, her mother"
Evaline gasped , she knew something was familiar about Uma but the revelation that she was Havah's mother did come as a shock. So Havah's mother was still alive and she took the role of the custodian.
Xion was stood right beside Evaline absorbing the information quietly.
"Uma is her mother." Evaline repeated as if trying to convince herself she really heard this.
"I suppose she didn't tell you. And she probably sent you here to kill me so you could get to the amulet." Serin grinned pulling out a chain from his tunic. It had a round disc golden pendant that had strange runic marks carved on them. "This amulet," he lifted it before it fell back against his chest. "Your not the first travelers she set out on this task on the pretext of fulfilling their hearts desire." He paused, eyeing Evaline with disdain.
"I didn't know any better."Evaline said defensively. "Look, truly, we lost our way and ended up here in these ruins. We don't know anyone, and everyone we've been meeting so far has been a bizarre mix of immortal strangers."
"How long have you been lost seelie?" Serin asked, his eyes staring at her intently.
"Three years, after the light court was defeated by the unseelie."
"Hmmmm" he turned back to look at his tribe before they started to disappear into the forest one by one. "Come, you are tired and confused. The friend of my mistress is my guest and I will protect you while you are in my territory," he said.
Xion hung back and waited, clutching his side. Evaline notice his discomfort and witnessed his pale face.
"Your hurt," Evaline said as she reached out to help him.
Pulling back he shook his head. "I can walk.  This can be mended later."
Feeling the bite of his rejection she turned her back to him and followed behind Serin quietly. Although she was still in a state of shock about the revelations by Serin, she was worried about Xion.  He seemed to be in agony, the fall was a from a height that could have certainly done more damage.  He was mortal and the fact that his life was in permanent peril made her irritation of him thaw.  She realized most of what he did, his actions toward the custodian, had been a matter of survival.
They were in a dangerous place and he wasn't battling humans, he was facing creatures with the powers to destroy him and her with a snap of a finger.

Kingdoms of Lies and Intrigues (Return of Vesna book 2)Where stories live. Discover now