Interview's Edge

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Liliana's POV:

I sat in the waiting room, my leg bouncing uncontrollably. My nerves were all over the place. I had no idea why I felt so nervous. It was just a job interview. Maybe it was because if I got this, it meant that I could survive on my own.

The headquarters for Vitale Corp. was massive. The main lobby, where I was waiting, had ceilings that went at least fifty feet in the air. The floors were polished with fine white marble. Everything was silver, white, or black. The building was dripping with money. It made me wonder how the business gained so much money so quickly.

"Liliana Kennedy?"

There was a beat of silence in the room before I realized the woman's voice was calling me. I stood up quickly, "Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I suppose I zoned out."

The woman before me wore a black suit and a plain white blouse beneath it. Her hair was pulled back tightly into a low bun and slicked back with what I could guess was copious amounts of hairspray. Her nametag read Janine. She gave me a tight nod before turning towards the elevators behind us, "Mr. Vitale will see you now."

I internally hit myself in the face. How could I have forgotten my fake name? I wish I didn't have to give a fake name, but I couldn't risk being tracked. Luckily, the receptionist didn't seem to notice.

The receptionist and I rode the elevator ride up to the top 78th floor in an awkward silence. It was clear she wasn't a very talkative person, but the silence was damn near killing me.

"Any advice for a newcomer?" I asked. I hated that I was doing this. I've never needed advice for something like a job before. I'm Liliana D'Angelo. I don't need advice. Although, this was the one job I was getting all on my own.

"No," she answered as the elevator swung open, revealing a short hallway with a set of large french doors at the end. "Mr. Vitale is just through the set of double doors. Knock before you enter."

I gave her a tight nod, wishing I could punch the snark from her. But, instead, I gave her a tight smile until the elevator doors closed. God, I hate stuck-up people.

Recollecting my composure, I walked proudly towards the double doors, passing a series of smaller rooms in the process. I grabbed my black folder firmly in my hands, adjusting the hem of my black dress just behind the door. It was times like these where I wished I went for something like Janine instead of this tight black dress.

Smoothing everything out, I knocked on the door, only entering after I heard a deep voice speak, "Come in."

"Mr. Vitale? I'm Liliana Kennedy. I'm here-"

"I know why you're here. Come, take a seat," The man behind the desk ushered me over to the set of seats across from his desk. His tone was cold as he spoke. Making me all the more nervous.

I felt my eyes roam over Andrea Vitale, the head of Vitale Corporation. His dark hair was kept short on the sides, yet longer on top. It didn't make him look odd. It worked for him. I could tell he was muscled by the way his suit stretched across his arms when he moved. Tattoos peeked from his suit ever so slightly around his collar and at his wrists. My eyes found his as I sat across from him, crossing my legs in the dress. They were green, bright green like a four-leaf clover. He looked, well he looked like he fit his reputation as the city's newest bachelor.

I watched as his eyes slowly fell from my face, down, then back up. He looked as though he was only a year or two older than I was, making him at the most twenty-one. "So," he cleared his throat, "I have looked over your application and references in my folder. Now I want you to tell me why I should hire you as my new assistant."

I clasped my hands together on top of my knee as I cleared my throat, "Well, I grew up working in my family's business. So I know the ropes spanning from regular board meetings, business trips, business security, and financial."

"You said business security?" His brow raised. I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"I did."

His eyes narrowed for a moment as if skeptical why I didn't indulge more. The truth was, I didn't know what lie would sound believable enough to evade the truth. "Very well. And what would you bring to this company?"

"Aside from the list of things I am skilled at, I am willing to do what needs to be done for a business to flourish," I met his stare. I had to make it clear I wasn't just any woman coming in to work for this company just in hopes of making the boss take my interest. I didn't work like that. I came in and I got shit done.

"You've mentioned your family's business," he paused, leaning in on his elbows. "Why didn't you stay with them?"

"Let's just say they have different views on my role in the family business than I do," my eyes narrowed.

"I see," he nodded, closing my black folder in front of him. "Well, you will know by tonight if you've got the job."

I stood from my chair, smoothing out my dress in the back before grabbing the folder from his hands. My eye's stayed connected with his until I turned. Even after I walked to the doors of his office, I felt eyes on me.


The entire trip back to my loft, all I could think about was what I would do if I didn't get this job. I couldn't go back to where I was before. It could practically be a death wish at this point.

I unlocked the dark wooden door to my loft, ensuring I locked every lock on the door once I was back in. I tossed my keys on the table next to the door. Then, taking off my heels, I took the knife from my thigh strap, walking cautiously around each room. Every time I came home, I had to make sure no one else was there. I didn't live in a sketchy area, but I had reasons to be cautious.

After checking the last room, I placed my throwing knife back with the others in the set, letting out my breath. I slipped out of my dress, basking over to the bathroom. The warm water from my shower helped ease my tense muscles from all the anxiety I've felt about this interview.

I paid for pizza delivery from my favorite pizzeria just down the block after slipping into a soft pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I grabbed a plate, and a few slices of pizza before walking over to the couch. I flicked on the TV, snuggling up in my favorite blanket while I looked for a movie to put on.

Eventually landing on Safe Haven, I watched that as the sunset over the city. I had lucked out with finding this apartment. I had enough money for a year's worth of rent on me without a job. The loft was beautiful. It was modern, with white cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The floors were a light grey wood. It had two bedrooms, including the master I used. There was a fireplace for winter and a massive set of windows that spread the entire length of the wall looking over the city.

It felt like I was putting on movie after movie, waiting for my phone to ring. In actuality, it was only two, but it was getting late. I felt like I've been on edge all day waiting for news of if I got the position or not.

Just as I got up to wash my plate from the pizza and get ready for bed around ten-thirty, my phone began ringing. I felt my body go rigid. It was the number Mr. Vitale told me would call to give me a decision about the job.

"Fuck it, let's get this over with," I sighed, answering my phone.

"Ms. Kennedy?" Mr. Vitale's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, this is she," I spoke, making my way to the kitchen.

"I reviewed your application more after our chat today, and I believe you'd be a great fit."

"Really?" I asked. It felt as though a weight was lifted off of my chest. I was going to make it on my own.

"Yes. Will you accept the position?" His tone was cold, even over the phone. It felt like I was back in my interview.

"Yes, of course," I said, silently jumping for joy in the middle of my kitchen.

"I'm pleased to hear. You start Monday morning."

Vitale's EndWhere stories live. Discover now