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Liliana's POV:

I flicked on my office light, getting everything ready for my day of work. Today was Friday, the last day of the workweek. Nothing really happened between Mr. Vitale and me between Monday and today. We carried on with working just as any average assistant and boss would, minus a few snarky comments. I could easily hide my distaste for him. I just didn't want to.

A fresh set of reports sat on my desk. Going into this job, I didn't realize it would be so much of making sure paperwork was entered into the system. I wasn't complaining, though. I'd much rather be doing what I was doing than fetching Mr. Vitale's coffee or his dry cleaning.

I had just powered on my laptop when a knock sounded on my door, "Come in."

The door swung open, revealing none other than Mr. Vitale himself, "I wasn't sure you were in yet."

"Oh, well, I just got in," I put on a fake smile. "Is there something you need?"

"Actually, yes," he nodded, taking a seat across from me. "I have a contract for you to sign. It just states that you cannot disclose any details about Vitale Corp. to any outside personnel. And as my assistant, there are details about you being obligated to join me on business trips and other related criteria."

"I see," I spoke, looking over the contract handed to me. "And will I have time to read over this before signing it?"

A daring grin kicked upon his face, "Of course. However, I will need it by the end of the workday."

"Great," I grinned. "Well then, I will read over this and get these reports done then. If you need anything else, you know where to find me."

"I look forward to it," he said, closing the door behind him.

Deciding to read the contract during lunch, I started on the reports. With my work being so monotonous, it was easy for my mind to wander. Right now, all I could think about was why Mr. Vitale waited until now to make me sign a contract. Perhaps it was to ensure I was a good fit, but it was still strange to me.

Nonetheless, after gathering a plate of food from the break room, I made my way back up to my office. I hadn't seen Armin since my first day, and with Mr. Vitale increasing the number of reports I needed to get done each day as if it were a secret game between us, I didn't make an effort to be friends with anyone else.

I leaned back in my office chair, spinning in a half-circle to look out over the city as I savored the last bites of my lunch. The city was alive as ever in the dead of summer. I enjoyed that my office gave me an excellent view of the city from such a height. I hadn't done anything to redecorate my office. I only added a candle on the corner of my desk that I occasionally lit to make it feel cozier. And it worked.

Remembering the contract I needed to get signed before I left for the evening, I looked over at it, sitting on the edge of my desk. I wasn't in the mood to read through it now, so I moved on to finish my reports. Deciding it would be best to read through it and sign it last.

Despite the monotony of my tasks, I did them with a certain agileness. In times where I wished I was anywhere but working, I had to remind myself that this job meant I could finally settle in one place. After all, a life of running was even more exhausting than it sounded.

I finished my reports a few hours later, finally grabbing the contract to read through it. I learned growing up that you always read through even the tiniest details of a contract. After all, it's the small details that come back to bite us in the ass later.

Everything was just as Mr. Vitale stated. I was to accompany him on business trips or functions if he so requested. I was to be the one to set up board meetings and other things of the sort. Everything seemed to be the standard job of an average assistant. The disclosure policy was at the bottom of the contract. Finally, realizing everything seemed routine, and he wasn't taking everything to an extreme, on paper anyway, I signed my name.

Ensuring everything I needed to bring home was packed in my back, I gathered the reports and my contract before going to Mr. Vitale's office. Muffled voices sounded from the barrier of the door, made me to wait after my knock until I heard I was allowed to come in.

Upon entering, I saw Mr. Vitale sitting in his office chair like normal. Across from him, however, was a man I'd never seen. He had dirty blond hair, a sort of pale skin that appeared paler against the black suit he was wearing, and a piercing set of blue eyes. He had a smirk plastered on his lips as he eyed me slowly up and down in my tight white dress.

"Ms. Kennedy, what can I help you with?" Mr. Vitale's voice filled my ears, pulling my attention from the mystery man in the office.

"I came to give you the finished reports and my contract."

"I assume you read through it to your liking," he grinned, looking at my signature on the last page.

"I did. Is there anything else you need before I leave for the evening?" I asked. My tone was dripping in fake politeness as I shot a glare towards the man in the chair a few feet from me when I heard a silenced chuckle fill the room.

"Damien, we will continue our discussion later," Mr. Vitale met him with a cold glare.

"As you wish," the blonde man did a fake bow before standing. His gaze found mine before he departed, "It was nice finally meet you."

Silence filled the room until the door finally shut. Finally meet me? What was that supposed to mean?

"Please, sit down, Ms. Kennedy," Mr. Vitale spoke.

Confusion filled me as I sat, "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes," he nodded, leaning on his elbows before continuing. "I'm sure you've seen it on my calendar that I have a charity benefit this evening that I am required to make an appearance at regarding the business's hefty donation."

"I do believe I remember seeing it," I nodded. It was a charity that helps fund the local children's hospital. It surprised me that a man like him would donate to a children's hospital. But hey, whatever helps your public image, right?

"I need someone to accompany me this evening."

I felt my eyes narrow, hoping this wasn't going in the direction I thought it was, "And how am I supposed to help you with that?"

"You are to accompany me to the benefit," he grinned with bright mischief. He knew I didn't hold him in fond regard. After all, I didn't try hard to hide it.

I let out a chuckle in disbelief, "Like hell, I will. What did none of your numerous one-night stands have an opening?"

Mr. Vitale shook his head with a huff, "Interested in my love life, are we? I didn't exactly peg you as the jealous type. I'm sure with certain convincing you could join the list."

"I'm not jealous. And I'm not interested. Have a good night," I huffed, walking towards the door.

"I'm afraid you have no other option but to accompany me this evening. Unless your job doesn't mean much to you."

Slowly turning on my heel, I met his wicked smirk with a glare, "And why is that?"

"Well, this charity benefit is considered a business function as it pertains to Vitale Corp. Therefore, since it is a business function and I have asked for your presence, you are expected to attend. It's in your contract, sweetheart."

I let out a heavy breath. He was right. It was in my contract. And he was going to take that simple contract and take it to the extreme. Now I understand why he had me sign it today. "You did that on purpose."

Amusement flashed across his bright green eyes, "I'll pick you up at eight."

"You don't know where I live. And I have nothing to wear to such an event," I protested.

"All of it's taken care of. As for where you live, I have my ways."

"Well then," I clasped my hands at my waist in front of me, knowing there was no way to get out of this. "I will see you at eight."

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