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I was still annoyed by the time I made it back to my apartment building. I knew Mr. Vitale had something up his sleeve when he waited an entire week to make me sign a contract. Little did I know it was to rope me into going to a charity benefit with him. Ugh, the nerve of that man. Threatening my job if I didn't go with him. It was times like this when I wished I could show him who I truly was.


I turned, seeing the front desk receptionist flagging me down, "Yes, Celine?"

"A package was left here for you," she grinned, handing me a garment back. "A charming young man left it, saying to ensure it went into your possession."

Though I was angry with Mr. Vitale, who I knew this was from, Celine was just the messenger. So, putting on my best fake smile, I spoke, "Thank you, Celine. I'm going up right now to try this on for tonight."

"What special plans do you have for attractive young men to be dropping off special dresses?" She asked, leaning forward towards the edge of the counter with a knowing smirk.

"Relax," I giggled. "I have to attend a charity benefit with my boss, and I had no dresses to wear to such an event."

"Well, a night with Andrea Vitale certainly entails for more than a charity benefit," she winked.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "Celine, I'm his assistant."

"Assistants sleep with their boss all the time," she shrugged, looking back at her computer.

"I'm not sleeping with my boss. Goodnight, Celine."

"I won't be looking for your return tonight!" She giggled from her desk.

Climbing into the elevator, I huffed in annoyance. I wasn't annoyed at Celine. She was a friend of mine. Lorelei would have said the same thing. And I would be the first to say there was no way in hell I would sleep with Andrea Vitale.

Before hanging the garment bag on the door, I did my usual pass around my home, knife in hand. Unzipping the bag, I saw a red satin dress with a slit up one leg. I scoffed. He was trying to make a pass at the red dress I wore that night in Rosa. Only this one was long.

Looking over the dress again, I felt an idea coming on, "He wants to play games. Fine. Little does he know I play to win."

Slipping on my heels, I heard the buzzer at my door sound. "Liliana, your guest of honor, is here. Would you like me to send him up?"

"No, that's okay, Celine. I'll be down in a minute."

Getting one last look in the mirror to make sure everything looked the way I wanted it to, I made my way downstairs. I made sure my knife sat comfortably on my thigh, avoiding the high slit this dress provided.

Mr. Vitale stood in the center of the lobby with two other men standing a short distance away. His eyes caught mine as I made my way over. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look the epitome of power and desire. Decked from head to toe in a black on black suit, he looked. . . well, let's just say it's a good thing I pulled out all of the stops getting ready to look the part as his companion for the evening.

"Ms. Kennedy," his eyes fell down my body before rising to my face again. "You look well this evening."

A smile parted my lips. It was working. "Well, I couldn't let my boss down. I had to look my best for such an occasion."

"Yes, very well. We should get going. The event will be starting soon." He offered his arm, which I took with a fake smile. Tonight I was supposed to act like his puppet. So I was going to be that, just to drive him crazy.

Vitale's EndWhere stories live. Discover now