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My bruised cheek had healed in the days since I met Sienna. She was aiding as a distraction for my worries, but she was also slowly making me more comfortable around the others. And by others, I mean Armin. The truth was, I hadn't seen the leader himself since my first night in the house. Damien was apparently out running a different task.

Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I liked Sienna. She was funny. And she knew how to make someone not feel miserable in a place they ought to. I knew it wouldn't last, though. The time would come when my father was contacted, and I'd be sent back to the life I ran from. And there'd be no one that understood how I felt anymore.

I'd go back to the life of being forced to act proper and sit pretty while still living and working in a mafia. My life before felt a constant conveyor belt of the same tasks, party with the members of the elite mafias, my father keeping a watchful eye on the single rulers just waiting for the one he deemed fit. And all the while, I had to act the role of the obedient daughter raised to please whatever husband I was bid off to. I never felt like myself. I never knew myself in that life. That's why I ran.

That's why my fear of being sent back felt so suffocating. I didn't want to go back to a life of feeling numb to myself. I wanted to live.

"Hey, are you coming down or what?" A boom sounded on my door as Sienna hit with her hand. She wore a bright smile on her face. I'll never understand how she found the kindness she has for me. She's explained it multiple times, but I've never known a person to care so much about making someone not feel isolated.

Peeking out from the bathroom, I grinned, "Yeah, just give me a second."

Walking out in a pair of black sweats, a cropped white tee, and my hair in whatever bun I thought looked fine, I met Sienna at the door. She wore the same as me, just with grey pants and a black shirt. Her grin grew in size, "Finally, someone understands movie night attire."

"Meaning?" I asked with a skeptical glance, following her down the stairs.

"Oh, you'll see," she giggled, walking up into the living room where Armin and Damien sat on one of the couches. Both of whom were wearing dress pants and shirts. Now I see why Sienna commented on my outfit.

"I see you're back in town," I said to Damien with a bite, passing Armin as I sat on the second couch next to Sienna. Though I liked Sienna and started to like Armin again, Damien and Andrea were still on my bad side.

"Liliana D'Angelo! What a mighty surprise. How are you doing this evening?" His tone was dripping in sarcasm.

"I still don't like you," I remarked, grabbing a handful of popcorn from Sienna.

"Ah, well, you can't win them all," he winked, sipping on a beer in front of him.

Rolling my eyes with a slight grin, I pulled part of the blanket Sienna was using over my legs. "So, what movie are we watching?"

"Ugh, please, no chick flicks," Armin whined along with Damien.

"Oh, please, you know procedures of movie night entail, one movie of your picking, one movie of my picking which now includes Liliana, and then one movie of a shared choosing," Sienna countered. "So, if Liliana and I so please to watch a romance movie, we will watch a romance movie, and you will suck it up and deal with it."

A chuckle left my mouth when the boys groaned, finally agreeing quickly when Sienna gave them a certain death stare. It was funny seeing them scared of the girl to my side. It made me wonder what skill lurked beneath the surface of her friendly persona. After all, she was a part of the Vitale family; skill comes with the name.

Letting the boys pick first, they landed on some action movie, as if the lifestyle we live isn't enough for them. It was entertaining, to say the least, but not what I would've chosen. But even with the movie choice, I felt comfortable watching movies with the group, even if Damien was there. Maybe it was the talk I had with Sienna that first day I was here, but I realized more and more that it was okay with her and Armin. It would take some time to get used to Damien, time I didn't know if I had. I couldn't say the same for Andrea. I wasn't around him enough. And each time I saw him, it was a reminder that this stay was quickly expiring now that I'm healed. For all I know, I could be leaving tomorrow. He never said how soon after I recovered I would be sent back, and before, I might not have cared, but now, I didn't know.

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