Mexico News

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Andrea's POV:

I gaze at my reflection, eyeing the perfect stitches on my chest. Yellowing bruises lined my ribs. My bottom lip was split but luckily already healing. I looked like hell.

Today, though, I'd be working with Armin and Damien to figure out a solid plan to move forward. Whoever did this—whoever broke into my home and assaulted it's inhabitants—would pay for their actions.

I walked down the cold stairs, eyeing the now clean floor that was pooled in blood just hours ago. Liliana's voice filled my ears from the kitchen. I heard her quiet laugh as she spoke quietly with Armin.

The pair sat, both speaking quietly amongst themselves over breakfast. A large white bandage sat taped on Liliana's right arm. She wore a white tank top and a pair of light brown lounge pants. Her hair was pulled back with a clip, and her eyes were surprisingly bright this morning given the events of last night.

Thinking of that caused her words to ring in my ears again and that same plunging feeling to fill my gut. I didn't want to run again.

Was her life—this lifestyle—truly so terrible with her family that she decided to let everyone believe she was dead? I couldn't imagine what led her to choose a life of running and constantly looking over her shoulder.

"Oh, there he is," Liliana said with the same smile she was using in her chat with Armin.

He turned, sweeping his gaze over my busted lip and darkened eye, "You look like hell."

I chuckled, seeing the same marks on his face, "I can say the same for you."

Liliana's eyes bounced between the two of us, "I'll let you two talk."

"No need to get up," I stopped her. "Armin can I speak with you in my study?"

"Of course."

"What have you found?" I asked, leaning against the edge of my desk.

Armin paced in front of me, "Damien has most of the details but we think it was the Renaldo's. Both of the men Liliana killed had the Renaldo mark."

"We need to send a message back. They need to know they won't get away with their little stunt."

"I agree," Armin nodded. "But I think it's best if we go somewhere while we make sure security is tightened around here."

I reluctantly nodded, feeling my hands tighten in my desk. I hated the idea that the Renaldo's might think they ran me out of town. But Armin was right. It's not just me living in this house anymore, and no one should have been able to break in in the first place. "Where would we go?"

A knock sounded on the door just as Armin opened his mouth to speak. Damien's head slowly peered around the open door. "What have I missed?"

"I was just about to tell Andrea about the plan to leave."

"Right," Damien nodded. "Proceed."

"As I was going to say," Armin began. "There may be somewhere we can go that would keep us away while security is tightened, but it could also help us with returning the favor to the Renaldo's."

My interest peaked, wondering just what Armin was able to plan in one night, "I'm listening."


I stood outside the plain white door, hearing silence come from the other side. It made me wonder if she was even in there. Then again, where else would she be?

Unless she was in the shower. Damn I hated the way my mind whirled at that idea for the short second I allowed it to.

Knocking on the door, I heard a faint, "Come in."

There, Liliana sat in her bed, with her laptop on her lap. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun on top of her head. "Oh, hey, I was just reading."

"Sorry to interrupt. I just came to tell you that we will be leaving for Mexico in two days."

Her brows pulled in confusion, "Mexico? Why are you going to Mexico?"

"We are going to Mexico for some business matters and to ensure security is strengthened here while we are away. Think of it as a little vacation."

Liliana sat staring at me for a moment in silence. I wondered if she was going to say anything at all. I also wondered what thoughts were circling around her mind in this moment. I turned, starting to make my leave before she stopped me.

"I'm not sure I have anything to wear for a vacation in Mexico."

Out of all of the things she could have said or asked, the one thing she decided on was what clothes she had to wear. I felt my lips pull for a small moment before I masked my emotions. "Don't worry, everything will be taken care of."

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