Vio The Isolated

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       I'm so happy that people are enjoying this story and i would love to do more like this, if you have a request i gladly take it, and ill update this story as much as i can. thank you for reading next chapter will be out soon.


        Vio Straightened the purple tie around his neck then fixed up his blonde hair, grabbing his bag he went to the bus stop five minutes early. Normally Vio was the only one at his bus stop but today there was a boy about a couple inches shorter than Vio, he had dark purple hair and his clothing was a style between punk and gothic. 

       Silence filled the air between the two boys and it made Vio a bit uncomfortable, Normally the blonde was used to silence, he never went out of his way to make friends and he didnt care to but this boy made him feel uneasy.

        "Are you ok?" Such a nice voice Vio thought

        "Im fine" Vio flashed him a quick smile.

        "I'm Shadow" The boy held out his hand.

        Vio took it hesitantly and shook it quickly before pulling away "Vio, nice to meet you"

        The purplettes crimson eyes seemed to soften which made Vio feel even weirder, he looked at his watch wishing the bus would hurry up, he really didn't feel like dragging on a conversation that he didnt even want to start. As if God was taking pity on him the bus rolled up and Vio climbed up sitting in his regular seat.

        He expected a quiet bus ride to the school like normal but Blue and his friends were picking on one of the nerds on the bus. Vio looked out the window iginoring the situation, he knew he couldnt stop it and he didnt want to waste his time trying. 

        The blonde was about to put his ipod earbuds in when that boy Shadow stood up and carefully walked over to Blue's group. He started lecturing the jocks and standing up for the weakling. It didn't take long before they arrived at the school.

        "Liar" Shadow spat then left the bus.

        The blonde went to his locker deciding he had enough exciment to last him a life time, sorting through his text books he didn't noticed his new locker neighbor.

        "Hi Vio" Shadow smirked.

        Vio mental slapped him self but politely said hello to the boy, grabbed his books and with the closing of his locker he headed off to his home room. Sitting in the back he pulled out a book hoping to get through at least one chapter.

        When the bell rang signaling class was starting he had gotten through three chapters, pleased he put the book away and took out his notebook, as the lecture went on Vio diligently took notes.

        Vio's day was mostly normal till he got to lunch, he brought lunch everyday, it was much better then a the crap they tried to feed students. he sat as his normal table, alone of course till Shadow sat down across from him. Vio looked up from his chicken salad and raised a questioning eyebrow at the purplette.

        "Hey, how has your day been so far" Shadow smiled.

        "Why are you sitting here" Vio narrowed his eyes obviously bothered and annoyed.

        "You looked lonely" He answered.

        "Well im not you can go now" Vio took out his book ready to ignore him.

        Shadow sighed and watched as the other boy gave all his attention to his book taking a break here and there to take a bite of his salad. The blonde felt the others eyes on him and it made him uneasy, finally he had enough and slammed his book down. 

        "Listen im not going to be your friend so why don't you move along" Vio growled.

        "But you want a friend" Shadow grinned.

        "What, where do you get that moronic idea?" Vio sputtered.

        "I can see it in your eyes, your lonely but afraid"

        Vio sat there dumb founded, he knew he was afraid deep down, friendship was scary but he never liked to think about it. the idea of trusting some one and then getting backstabbed was to much for the boy it was much better to distance yourself, you cant be effected that way.

        What shadow said not only annoyed the blonde but frightened him, the boy could read him and he didnt like that. the bell rang and Vio snatched his bag rushing out the door ignoring the other boy calling his name.

        It took only a few second for vio to get to his next class, with this period he only had 3 more classes to go and there was no chance he'd see Shadow in any of them. Again as if god didnt hate him enough a familiar purplette walked in the room. he saw Vio in the back and took the desk next to the blonde.

        "Please stop being so persistant" Vio sighed

        "Nope, i wanna be friends" Shadow rested his chin in the palm of his hand.

        "i won't say yes" Vio glared

        "come on give me a chance, people shouldnt be alone" Shadows frowned.

        Vio locked eyes with the boy, his crimson eyes showed compassion and were soft, Vio let out another sigh regretting his next desicion.


        What was he getting himself into and how much was it gonna hurt when everything turned against him in the end? fear crept into his mind and he saw shadows eyes light up.

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