Red the Wanter

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Red lets out a dreamy sigh as he watches the soccer players run up and down the field. Shadow laid back on the bleachers the three friends had claimed and looked at the small blonde boy. he followed Reds stare to one of the players taking a break on the sideline, he recognized the male as Blue the boy he picked a fight with on his first day.

"I didn't know you had a thing for blue" Shadow smiled.

Vio looked up from his book and the smaller teens cheeks tinted a light pink as he realized he had been caught.

"Go talk to him then" Shadow tried urge Red of the bleachers.

"are you out of your mind?" Red squeaked in fear.

Shadow shot at Vio practically begging him for help with the smaller blonde, Vio put his book down giving them his full attention.

"I'm with Red on this one, Blue could end up ruining his life if he doesn't like him back" Vio just gave Shadow a small smile.

"what do you mean?" The purplettes brows furrowed in confusion.

"lets just say homosexuals aren't well received in this school" Vio looked at the ground.

Shadow looked at the sad man and was about to ask him something but Vio turn back to his book and shut him out.

"some ones gotta change the thinking in this school" Shadow sighed.

Red looked at his friends then at the field again, he caught Blue smiling and chatting with one of his friends and his heart skipped a beat. He wanted to at least get close to Blue and to do that he was gonna have to get brave.

The small blonde stood up from his spot and walked down the stair and onto the field, from a distance Vio and Shadow watched him shocked. With quick steps he walked up to hot headed teen and took a deep breath.

"Excuse me Blue" His hands clenched into fists.

Blue turned around his wild blue eyes meeting with bright blue ones, his cheeks tinted pink as he saw the small boy dressed in red.

"Can i help you?" Blue forced himself to sound bored and annoyed.

"i really" Red froze up his blue eyes shining with fear.

Shadow bit his lip watching the poor boy try and force himself to speak, Vio debated weither or not to go get the blonde.

"I would really like you to be my model!" The words rushed out and Reds face matched his name.

"Excuse me?" Blue looked at him in confusion.

"i'm an art student and i would like you to model for me" Red played with his fingers waiting for rejection.

"Sure sounds cool"

Red froze his eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the athlete, Blue raised a brow and Red smiled. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote down his number then handed it to the other.

"give me a text when your free" Red smiled.

Blue nodded and took the paper, The small blonde turned on his heel and walked back toward the benches and his friends. When he got back to his seat he saw the smirk plastered on Shadows face, he felt proud of himself.

"Good job Red" Shadow ruffled the blondes hair.

Red gave a small laugh and fixed his messed up hair, in the corner of his eyes he saw the worried look on Vio's face.

"Vi whats wrong?" The boy questioned.

"Nothing ignore me"

Shadow and Red shared a look but before they could ask anything else Vio was already packing up his things and leaving. Shadow tried to stop him but the teen moved surprisingly fast, Vio was gone and Shadow felt a small pain in his chest.

"I wonder whats wrong with him?"Red asked in a small voice.

"I wish i knew" a sigh escaped the dark boys lips

They sat in silence for a bit till the purplette jumped up and pulled out his phone the Blonde eyed him questioningly but watched as he chatted with some one. When the teen hung up he turned to Red with a giant smile.

"What?" Red shifted uneasily.

"I have a friend in the rumor mill he probably has some thing on Vio" Shadow felt a bit proud.

Red gave a small smile, they chatted while waiting for Shadow's connection to meet them. fifteen minutes passed and Red saw a boy with light purple hair coming towards them. Shadow waved to the boy and the received a smile.

"Vaati thanks for coming out here" Shadow hugged the teen.

"Don't worry i always have you back" Vaati smiled "Now what did you want to know?"

"Got anything on Vio?" Red finally spoke up.

Vaati frowned and furrowed his brows, trying to think back to anything he's heard about the mysterious teen.

"um well a few weeks after coming to the school, he came out of the closet, he tried to start a GSA club everyone was against it" Vaati thought.

Shadow frowned "that doesn't explain why he thinks admitting you gay would ruin your life."

"let me finish and ya might know" Vaati sassed and shadow shut up "after the club was denied kids ganged up on him, they abused him and every one who conversed with him"

Red and Shadow both looked down, Vio's opposition now made sense and they felt bad for probably bring up bad memories for him.

"so that's why he was alone" Shadow practically whispered it.

The silence consumed the group with that said they decided to go home, Shadows mind running through the days events. His brother had picked him up but the car ride was silent, Dark could feel the depressed aura from his little brother and decided not to say anything, not that he knew what to say.

Shadow went straight to his room when he got home making sure his dad didn't see him, he locked his door and laid on his bed relief washing over him. His eyes closed as the silence filled his head, Vio kept invading his thoughts.

The sad look on the blondes face sent a wave of pain through Shadows heart, the teen had never felt like this before and was wondering why he had a sudden attachment to the book worm.

Sleep clouded his mind and he buried himself under the covers the last thing on his mind was the image of Vio's small smile.

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