Date Crashers

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It was after school, Red and Shadow were by their lockers chatting quickly and getting ready to go home.

"So your dating Blue now?" Shadow grinned as a blush spread across Red's cheeks.

"Well yeah i guess"

"What do you mean you guess?" The purplette was confused.

"We haven't gone on a real date yet" Red sighed.

Shadow placed a hand on the blondes shoulder and gave him a pitying look, first dates can be hard especially with a temperamental hot head like Blue.

"What about a double date?" Red smiled at the suggestion.

"That would be great you and Vio with me and Blue"

"Well i am a genius" Shadow smirked.

Just as they established the plans Vio and Blue had come over to join them, Vio took Shadows hand and intertwined their fingers. Red giggled at the sight and Blue just shifted uncomfortably, Red tried to reach for the athletes hand put the other pulled away slightly.

"Vi, me and Red decide to have a double date" Shadow smiled.

"oh? that sounds nice" Vio suddenly felt the wave of nervousness wash over him.

"Double date? where?" Blue bit his lip

"Just to the movies, nice and simple" Shadow chuckled at the worry on Blues face.

"We'll meet you there at 7" Red hugged Shadow before leaving with Blue.

Shadow closed and locked up his locker then walking home with Vio, Hiding around the corner just close enough to hear everything Helga smiled. Zelda sighed as she watched her sister typed a reminder into her phone.

"Looks like we have a date tonight sister" She purred.

"I don't think this is a good idea" She was tired of this.

"If i get Shadow back you'll be able to get the bookworm" She grinned.

"Their gay that won't work" she rolled her eyes

"Oh please their just confused they need to be shown the right path" Zelda cringed at the statement.

Helga skipped out the door Zelda just followed not wanting to make the other angry, she didn't enjoy or agree with her sisters antics but agreeing would be useless. time passed and it grew darker out side Shadow and Vio stood outside the theater, the purplette shivered as a breeze blew through him. Vio looked down at his phone checking the time and seeing if his friends sent them a message.

"Where the fuck are they!?" Shadow hissed through clenched teeth.

"Language Shadow" Vio wrapped his coat around the boys shivering figure "Why don't we go inside and wait"

Shadow gave a short nod and followed the blonde into the warm building only to see two familiar figures waiting by the doors. The purplette shared an annoyed face with the blonde as they walked over to their friends.

"What took you guys so long?" Red questioned.

"We were waiting outside for you guys" Shadow sighed "i dont know which one us is dumber at this point"

Red gave a small giggle as shadow complained "well if it makes you feel better we already got tickets"

"What movie?" Shadow noticed the grin on Blue's face.


"All is forgiven" Shadow grabbed Vios arm and started heading toward the theater.

Helga looked at her ticket in disgust and Zelda let out a tired sigh, the purplette had tracked the group down her then stalked them to know what theater they would be in.

"Why would you force yourself to watch this movie?" Zelda followed her sister to their seats behind the group.

"Theres gotta be away to split that blonde book worm from that gorgeous dark prince" Helga sighed.

Zelda sat back in the seat helpless, half way through the movie she saw the dark haired boy lean his head on the blondes shoulder and heard her sister emit a small hiss. Quickly Helga opened her soda and poured it on Vio's hair making him jump up in shock.

"What the hell!?" Vio turned around and glared at them.

Helga had already disposed of the evidence and looked innocent and shocked, Shadow turned to them looking confused.

"What? im trying to watch the movie" Helga growled.

Zelda kept her eyes on the screen trying to stay out of it and claim innocence in this mess, Vio growled and left pissed. Helga would have been enjoying her victory if Shadow hadn't followed the now soaked blonde out of the theater and into the bathroom.

"Vio what happened?" Shadow took the others hand trying to keep him calm.

"One of those girls dumped their drink on me" Vio groaned "now im all sticky and its gross"

Shadow tried not to smiles to much and struggled to hold in his laugh "That sucks"

"Don't you dare laugh" Made a face of disgust as he tried to clean himself up.

Shadow grabbed some paper towels and tried to clean the stains on the blondes shirt, neck and face. It didn't really help with made the blonde a little irritated he didn't like the sticky feel, Shadow sighed and gave up throwing the wad of towels out.

"I'm gonna head home" Vio sighed "You can stay and finish the movie"

Before Vio could finish his sentence the Purplette already had his phone out texting Red that they were leaving. After putting his phone away he pulled out his car keys and smiled.

"i don't wanna see the movie without you we can wait till its on dvd"

Vio smiled and took the keys from the boy, Helga watched as they both left the theater. She growled and turned towards her blonde twin who was more interested in the other movies that would be coming out.

"I need to think of a better plan" She hissed

"You could just leave them alone"

"Oh shut the hell up"

The Girl stormed out the theater with her twin trailing behind, Zelda smiled as her sister seethed hoping all the failures that come will make her stop her stupid ideas.


I know this is short i'll try to keep updating faster and i think ill be finishing this soon and im sorry if this chapter isnt as good.

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