The Shapiro Twins

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Mrs. Shapiro opened the door to her house only to be greated by her twin daughters. Zelda greeted her mother with a smile and asked how her day was while Helga looked like her phone needed all her attention.

"What is helga up to?"

"Devising plans to get a boy to like her" zelda giggled.

"I will get him" Helga pouted not looking up once.

"Well thats a good drive you have sweetie keep trying" mrs. Shapiro put her bag on the counter.

"To bad he's gay"

Helga shot her twin a glare then went back to her phone. The froze mother in her tracks, she slowly looked at her daughter.

"Sweetie if he's gay you should give up"

"No way! Hes perfect for me mom" Helgas eyes lit up "i can feel it we are meant to be!"

Mrs. Shapiro sighed, her purplette daughter was born with passion and when her mind was set on something she grew obssessed. It wasnt a bad quality to have but some times her daughter took it to far. As she tried to think of a way to douse the flames of her childs desire Helga held up her phone to her mother. Ruby eyes were met  with a picture of a familiar purplette teen. Theres was no doubt about the picture she had was of Shadow Night.

A feeling of dread washed over as she realised her daughter had fallen for the forbidden. How could she break the news to her daughter? It clicked now she realised why her daughter begged to go to her highschool now.

"Helga please sit down we need to talk"

"If your going to tell me to give up Zelda already tried" helga took a seat at the kitchen counter.

"Im sure ill be more convincing" Mrs. Shapiro pulled out an old picture.

The young purplette to the photo and examined it, two twin girls stood hugging in a park. Both had long purple hair and bright red eyes, identical in almost everyway.

"Mom were you a twin?"

As soon as Helga said that her blonde sister joined her in examining the photo.

"Yes i am, thats my twin sister Vera"

"Vivi and Vera" zelda hummed "your parents werent very creative.

Vivi just glared at her child causing the blonde to quickly apologize.

"Me and my sister were the same in so many ways we were even pregnant at the same time"

"How come we never met aunt Vera?" Zelda chirped.

"She died after giving birth to her last kid" Vivi looked down heartaching from the loss of her twin.

"How come we never met our cousin then?"

Helga was a bit suspicious as to why they were just hearing about this now. Zelda shared the interest but wondered more what this had to do with her friend.

"Well her husband cut contact with the family so i just let it be"

"What does this have to do with shadow?" Zelda narrowed her eyes.

"Well i believe Shadow is my sisters son" she smiled.

Helga and her twin shared of look of confused concern. Vivi could see her kids werent all that convinced which was stupid since the boy looked like them.

"He looks just like her plus his name matches her husband"

"So Shadows our cousin?"

Vivi answered with a short nod, helga stared down at her phone with a bit of irritation. Her feelings were now all confused, she was still attracted to him put a part of her found that revolting. With a sad wimper she laid her head down on the kitchen counyer defeated. Her blonde twin rubbed her back slightly trying to comfort her. Their mother felt bad for crushing her daughters dreams but it was better than the alternative of her dating her cousin.

"You gonna be ok sweetie?"

"Im gonna go to bed, today has sucked"

"That's fair" her mother gave a nervous chuckle.

The twin sisters headed to their rooms leaving their mother alone in the kitchen.  The woman pulled out her laptop and opened her emails. One was left unopened from 16 years ago, it was a video from her sister. With a deep breath she played the video and was greeted by vera soft voice.

She was laying in a hospital bed with a small bundle in her arms. The woman was pale and obviously exhausted. She had a weak smile on her face as her dull eyes stared into the camera.

'Hey sis, it's been to long and I wanted to introduce you to my son's

She pulled back a bit of the blanket to reveal a small sleeping infant. Vivi smiled feeling a heavy pressure on her chest, Tears filled the brim of her eyes.

'His name is Shadow' her voice was getting weaker 'I cant wait for you two to meet.'

Vivi watched the grip her sister have on her baby loosen. Vera looked as if she was struggling to stay awake. She could hear people in the background calling her twins name to get her attention. Doctors drew closer to the woman until finally Vera collapsed the video was shut off.

Tears streamed down Vivi's cheeks as she realized that was the last moment of her sisters life. Shadow was her nephew and now that she found him she was never  letting him go.

She pulled up school records and not only found and address for her nephew but a phone number as well. She punched the number into her phone and waited.

"Hello?" The voice was rough.

"Hello Ganon, its Vera"

"How did you get my number" he sounded agitated.

"Through the school, you enrolled your son remember."

"Speaking of him, where is he?"

"You don't know?" Her eyes widen a bit.

"He ran away, I havent seen him"

"Leave it to you to lose your child" she hissed.

Telling Ganon where Shadow was would only result in him taking him away. She decided the best approach would be to play dumb.

"Sorry but I haven't seen him, that's why I'm calling"

She could hear him grumble and curse under his breath. With out warning he hung up on her, she huffed and put her phone down. She at least bought herself some time to talk to Shadow. She smiled to herself happy to at least get this one chance.

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