Shadow the Damaged

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Shadow curled up in his bed, new bruises send shocks of pain every time he moved. burying his face into his pillow he let out a small sob, tears soaked his pillow.

A quiet knock sounded from his door, he stayed quiet wishing who ever it was would go away. The door opened and shut just as quickly, he felt his mattress dip down under added weight. Very softly a hand rustled shadow's hair.

"Happy Birthday Shadow" A dull voice whispered.

Shadow flinched, he turned his head his eyes locking with the bright red ones of his older brother.

"What's so happy about it?" Shadow hissed.

"It's the day you were born" Dark smiled.

Anger filled Shadows veins, he quickly sat up and dug his nails into his blanket.

"I should have never been born!"

Dark flinched and his eyes widened in shock, tears flowed down the small boys cheeks and he could hear the boy grinding his teeth. The albino pulled the crying purplette into a hug.

Shadow stiffened but continued to cry into his brothers shoulder, the feeling of guilt and self hate washing over him.

"Shadow you should be thankful that you are a alive, mother gave her life for you so now you have to continue living for her" Dark tried to comfort his brother.

That was that the boy had worn himself out crying and was out like a light in a couple seconds. Dark tucked the smaller boy into bed and whispered him goodnight then quietly left the room.

The last thing that shadow heard was his brother whisper "I'm sorry for all your suffering."


Shadow looked out the class room window, he was able to cover all the bruises and cuts he had obtained with a sweater and some long jeans, a bandage covered the gash he got on his cheek.

He hadn't seen his two friends yet and didn't really want to, he didn't need the pity or worry.


The purplette jumped and looked at the intruder only to find his blonde friend green.

"Oh hey shouldn't you be in class?"

"Shadow class ended about 10 minutes ago"

Shadow looked around and noticed the room was empty, even the teacher was gone. Green looked at the other a bit worried but Shadow just gave a sheepish smile and grabbed his stuff. Walking out of the room, Shadow heading to lunch and Green going to gym.

Shadow sat at an empty table in the far corner of the room, not soon after Vio joined him.

"What happened to you?" His eyes were staring at the giant bandage.

"oh um me and my brother were rough housing and i hit it on the edge of a table" He smiled.

Vio raised an eyebrow, he gave a small and short chuckle then looked back at the teen.

"Nice story but what really happened?" Shadow flinched.

"I-It's the truth"

"When you lie your ear twitches" Vio pointed out.

The purplette looked at his friend in shock, he was also slightly impressed that the other could notice little things like that. the Blonde stayed quiet waiting for the other to tell him the truth.

"I'd rather not say"

"Tell me when your comfortable i wont press you" Vio took a bite from his sandwich "i'll be here if you need to talk."

Shadow stared as the other continued to eat, he felt tears threaten to fall from his eyes. He never had some one who cared from him other than his brother, some one who didn't think he was a monster. Finally he had some one he could go to and trust, For the first time he felt like he had a friend.


Sorry it took so long to get up i had some writers block but here it is. i'll start on the next chapter but in-case your wondering i do ship shadowxvio and yes it will be in this story.

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