Blue the Adored

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I do not own the legend of zelda characters although i wish i did~ that would probably be a bad idea though.


  Blue yawned throwing on a light blue shirt and a dark blue varsity jacket on, he wore his favorite ripped up jeans and ran a hand threw his hair. He ran down to his bus stop meeting up with a few people on his football team. Blue was the captain of almost every sports team in the school, he was the best of the best and made sure to keep it that way.

        The Teen was popular, girls wanted him and guys wanted to be just like him. It was like he was a celebrity, he was strong and brave and even if he hated to admit it he was a hothead. The bus came and he took the back seats with his friends, infront of them were two boys that happened to be on the chess team. They were going over there homework till one of the guys next to Blue took the paper out of the nerds hand.

        The smaller boy protested and tried to get it back but to no avail, Blue watched as his friend teased the boy and laughed. This would go on a while or at least that's what the blonde thought till a purple haired boy snatched the paper and handed back to the chess player.

        "Why don't you leave him alone" The dark teen growled.

        "Why don't you mind your own business freak" the fellow jock shouted back.

        Blue watched as the two argued not planning to get into the middle of it, he turned to the window and lazily watched buildings go by till the new kid shouted for his attention. Blue looked at the boy, bored blue eyes meeting stormy blue ones.

        "How could you let him do that!?" The boy accused him.

        "Why would in stop him, it was hilarious" Blue smirked as his friends cheered him on.

        "Liar" The boy spat

        Blue raised an eyebrow, what was this boy going on about, before he could get an answer they arrived at school. The purple haired teen stormed off the bus and blues friends flipped the boy off and called him a bitch. They got off the bus making a couple rascist and dirty jokes as they went inside the building.

        Blue was laughing with the others till he caught a flash of red from the cornor of his eye. It was a small blonde boy wearing alot of red, he was at his locker obviously getting his books. Blue blushed as he looked the boy up and down, he was cute and the jock never used that word. he watched as the boy walked away greeting people as he went, he shook his head giving his attention back to his friends.

        His day went as it usually did, he slept during classes, him and his friends teased nerds at lunch then flirted with the most popular girls in school. Blue was in gym, his second to last class, when he saw familiar dark purple hair. It was the boy from the bus, he was stopping his friends from teasing another nerd.

        "He why don't you mind your own business" Blue Pushed the boy into the wall.

        The teen gasped and glared at Blue "This is my business, your picking on the innocent"

        Blue sneered "Come on guys lets go"

        "Is this really how you want to been seen?" the boy frowned.

        Blue froze then rolled his eyes with a huff of annoyance, he left with his friends but the boys words still clouded his head. how did he want to be seen and why was this bothering him so much. his actions never bothered him before well not this much anyway. maybe he didn't really like the way he was acting.

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