Green With Envy

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               Green couldn't believe his eyes Shadow his best friend was holding hands with his crush Vio. he grind-ed his teeth as he watched the couple laugh and mock each other. The blonde turned to his open locker as his fist clenched, he was soon joined by Vaati.

             "Hello darling" Vaati sang poking the blondes cheek.

            Green shot daggers at the light purplette, the look made the teen flinch away. Vaati never saw green this angry.

            "What happened?" Vaati debated pulling the other into a hug.

            "Shadow stabbed me in the back!" Green hissed through his teeth.

           Curious Vaati looked over the blondes shoulder to see his friend pull the antisocial bookworm into a kiss before departing. The teen was torn between squealing happily for Shadow or feeling angry that Shadow took Vio away from Green.

           "I thought we were friends!" Green groaned.

         "Did you tell him about your thing for Vio?" 

         "Well maybe, i don't remember!" Green slammed the locker closed.

        Vaati sighed he knew the blonde wanted him to be on his side but he knew how much Shadow needed some one to love him. Blindly he walked with the enraged blonde listening to him go on and on about the couple. He felt a small tinge of pain in his heart though he would never admit it he grew very fond of his friend. Now when ever Green talks about Vio Vaati can't help but hate the book worm,with that in mind hearing go on about how the boy should have been with him was enough to push Vaati off the edge.

         The light purplette stopped in his tracks as the blonde continued walking for a bit, Green suddenly noticed the absence of his friend and turned around to look at the teen staring at the ground. He couldn't see the others eyes very well so he couldn't tell what was going on with him but a depressed Vaati isn't a good sign.

              "Hey are you ok?" Green reached out a hand to rest on the boys shoulder.

             Vaati stepped back leaving the blonde shocked, Red eyes filled with tears looked up into blue ones. With that Vaati ran away, leaving Green in his place shocked and confused. Vaati passed Shadow and Vio while searching for a place to hide ignoring their calls to him.

             Shadow looked and Vio and the bookworm nodded in silent agreement, Shadow undid their intertwined fingers and took off after his upset friend. the purplette knew his friend like the back of his hand and knew that Vaati's favorite spot to cry was under the bleachers next to the football field. It's so cliche but that's Vaati, they both loved corny movie type stuff mainly cause it was cute or so over dramatic it was funny.

              "Vaati are you okay?" Shadow tried to catch his breath.

             "I couldn't take it anymore" Vaati cried into his hands.

          Shadow sat next to his friend wrapping an arm around the other and pulling him into a hug, he didn't know why he was upset but decided that it didn't matter Vaati just needed to know he had a friend. They stayed there for a while hearing the bells for classes pass, Shadow didn't mind he had a job that was more important then some teacher ranting his ear off.

          The final bell rang and Vaati finally stood up, he seemed calmer as he took a deep breath. Shadow stood up next to him giving the other a small smile which made Vaati smile.

           "Sorry about that" Vaati chuckled obviously embarrassed.

          "Hey everyone has a breakdown" Shadow playfully punched the others arm.

          "Yea i guess your right, i couldn't help it" Vaati sighed "Green just made me so mad"

          Shadow froze his brows furrowed and he frowned,confused about what his friend was telling him. Vaati bit his lip and looked down slightly embarrassed and not sure if he wanted to let shadow know his little secret. 

           "Let me guess he's mad about me and Vi" Shadow sighed.

           "How'd ya know?" 

          "He got made at me when i first realized i had a thing for the bookworm"

         Vaati nodded and gave the dark teen a small sympathetic smile, Shadow was probably worried he had lost Green as a friend.

         "I'm sure he'll get over it and move on" Vaati  nudged the other a bit.

         "Heh maybe you should date him" shadow joked.

        Vaati's cheeks heated up as he thought about having a relationship with such a strong and brave guy such as Green. Shadow noticed this and his jaw dropped feeling stupid that he never noticed it before.

          "You love Green!" He shouted.


Sorry it's taking me a while to update im running out of ideas and im starting to struggle with the chapters but ill pull through. please do check out my other works as well.

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