Student Council President

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Red smiled when he saw two familiar faces, Shadow gave the smaller blonde a smile still obviously banged up from the events that happened three days ago. As Red checked in with his friend Vio turned his attention to his locker. He didnt even notice Blue join the two boys, closing his locker he decided it was ok to join the conversation.

"I missed you" Red whimpered.

"Ya look like shit" Blue smirked.

Shadow playfully punched the jocks arm, the athletic one being a bit friendlier today faked hurt. The four just laughed letting the air around them relax.

"Glad to see you back" a shacky voice made shadow turn around.

Green stood there with a nervous expression, the purplette was shocked. Shadow had tried to smooth things over with Green orginally but the blonde just avoided him. For once Shadow didnt know what to say, he had a knack for reading people, all he could see was the pain and worry in his old friends eyes.

"Shad im sorry about my actions recently!" Green practically yelled.

The purplette jumped a bit but laughed at his friends rushed apology his nervousness abviously getting the better of him. Shadow was never really mad at his old friend, even if it did hurt that we was giving him the cold shoulder. He could tell the blonde really was sorry, he smiled and pouted playfully.

"And you say im terrible at relationships" shadow sighed.

Green laughed nervously, he was prepared for rejection. Before any one could say anything else the green eyed teen held out a sheet of paper. Curious the purplette took it, looking at the contents and gasped. It was the GSA club member form with six names on it:


Crimson eyes looked into emerald green, his friend smiled shyly. Shadow could not contain his excitement, he jumped foward and hugged Green knocking them both to the ground. Red shouted hoping the two were ok while Blue laughed at their clumsiness. Vio just watched the two with a supportive smile, the blonde on the ground whimpered in pain but choose to ignore it. He hugged his friend back happy thay he found a way to make up with him.

"We just need one more signature!" Shadow sat up.

"Excuse me" a small voice chirped.

The group looked up to see Zelda smiling. Shadow just glared and Vio shifted uncomfortably, noticing the discomfort the girl decided to say her peace quickly.

"I was hoping to join GSA, and apologize for my twin sister" Zelda bowed slightly to the group.

"You wanna join?" Shadow was dumbfounded.

"It wont be easy or safe" Vio stared at her warily.

" well actually i had an idea to make it a tad easier" she smiled and handed Vio a flyer.

Vio took the paper and noticed right away it was for student council elections. The blonde prided himself on being smarter than most but even he couldnt see what Zelda was suggesting with this.

"If you try to get your club now the current president will reject you" Zelda stated.

"How do you know that" Shadow glared.

"Ive been getting to know the students here" she sighed "they are not very open"

"Then they wont vote for me" Vio sighed.

"I think you can help change their minds" Zelda cheered.

"Not alone he cant" Green looked at Shadow "but shadow has got a way with people".

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