Chapter 5: the basics~

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CW // Masturbation, Humiliation,  A little bit of Praise/Degradation, Power Dynamics, Forced Muffling Of Moans, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Informed Consent.

Katsuki Bakugo

"Because I'm selfish."

Prince Shoto smirked lightly at my answer, before making another note. He didn't say anything more while he wrote, and once he'd finished the note, he began to speak once more. "Now then, I'll explain what's going to happen today. We're going to have a normal conversation, for...well, as long as we need to, up until at the latest 6pm. The challenge is that we stop...when you make yourself cum."

Oh. So I was going to pleasure myself for his amusement while he remained civilised and calm. The bastard was getting all political! Nonetheless, he continued to say "you'd best get started. By 6pm, I want your stomach covered~"

"R-right..." I said, and decided just to get to work. I leaned back a little on the bed, propped up by my left elbow, and took my flaccid dick in hand, working myself up and down while maintaining eye contact with the Prince. He just smiled back at me, never once taking his eyes of my cock. He then began speaking, and here came the difficult bit: staying silent while he spoke.

It had been two, maybe even three weeks since the last time I'd done this, so it was feeling incredibly good, despite my unfavourable circumstances. I bit my lip as he asked "so, you said you worked at a convenience store? How many hours, what days?"

"F-four hours a day, Monday, Tuesday, Friday..." I answered with relative composure, maintaining the steady pumping rhythm I had started with. My dick was at full mast by this point, and the Prince stayed ever focused upon it.

"Ok, let's talk about your ex. Name? Age? He ever fuck you?"

Really? NOW?!

"D-Denki, we were both, we never did-Hnnn~" I couldn't help whining out in pleasure. The Prince didn't like this, not one bit.

"You have a beautiful voice, Six, but keep those slutty little noises to yourself. No more."

I clamped down hard on my lip to prevent any further moans from sneaking out, but it was then that Shoto spoke again.

"You said you were being selfish earlier. What exactly was it you wanted"

"T-to live like you.." I managed to say between two deep breaths, and I felt the pace of my arm slow down. The Prince frowned at me a little, before saying "I don't believe you've cum, Six. Carry on~"

"Y-yes..." I said, before resuming a slightly faster pace than before. He smiled at this before saying "that's my good boy, always listening to me~"

It had been...maybe fifteen minutes at most? I knew the prince would be disappointed if I came already, so when I felt a climax build up from the bottom of my stomach, I had to suppress it the best I could, slowing my pace down temporarily to do so. The Prince continued to ask me trivial questions, such as "how did your parents meet?", "do you have siblings?", and "what is your favourite chocolate bar?"

But they became increasingly difficult to answer. Sweat ran down my forehead, stinging my eyes, and I felt like I was in an oven. Shoto still kept his eyes on my cock, never once looking at my aching face. He checked his timer, and said "you've got ten minutes. You'd best hurry up~"

That was when I decided would be a good time to allow myself to climax. He was beginning to think I took too long, and was hinting at that, so I figured now was about the right time. I quickened my pace once again, and I heard the Prince say "don't get any on the bed", which meant he knew I was close. I decided to sit up, and stared him straight in the eye, silently, as I reached my limit, my dick shooting hot, white streaks across my chest. I felt the weird sensation of some of it running down my chest and towards my stomach, but where I'd normally be wiping it up quickly, I just sat there, staring at the Prince, my cock still leaked slowly.

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