Chapter 8: 13~

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CW// Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Informed Consent, Sex Toys, Name Calling/Pet Names, Finger Sucking, Praise/Degradation, Nipple Play, Phone Sex, Power Dynamics, Humiliation, Audio Recording of Moans.

Katsuki Bakugo

H-he wanted me to WHAT? Phone my mother? NOW?

No way I'll be able to do that! I'm sat naked on a floor with a massive dildo up my ass and a Prince teasing me, how the fuck do I talk to my mother..?

But I knew I'd have to. I could feel the Prince's eyes on me, waiting for me to confirm. I nodded up at him, and he dialled the number and passed me the phone. I went to hold it against my ear, but he said "speaker", which made me whine out a little. He glared down at me, so I did as he asked. Balancing on one hand, I held the phone flat above me, and five agonising rings later, my mother's stupid voice rang out.

"KATSUKI? Thank goodness, I was so worried! Why haven't you been ringing?"

And now came the difficult bit. I knew she would ask questions if I wasn't my usual angry self with her, but the Prince would get pissed if I shouted. Unsure what to do, I just said "been busy with the Prince."


"I DON'T KNOW YET, HAG! WAIT AND SEE!" I said, concerned about her noticing I was acting unusually. The Prince frowned at me, and moved to kneel between my open legs, wrapping both his hands around the small of my back. He then slowly began to raise my hips up and down, making me grind the dildo on my prostate. I had to do my very best to suppress a moan as the Prince found himself in a rhythm.


"Yeah, still here hag."

" what have the two of you been doing?"

"Uhhh...we've spent a lot of time just relaxing together. The Prince is a pretty chilled out person, and cool to talk with, I guess." is the answer I gave. The idea of saying "he's stood over my naked body" felt a little...flawed.

"It's good that you're getting along well then-"

I felt a hand on mine, and Prince Shoto took the phone out of my hand. He said "Mrs Bakugo?" in a cutesy voice, one that totally didn't fit him.

"Oh my...Prince Shoto?"

"Please, just Shoto. I happened to overhear Katsuki speaking with you, I hope you don't mind~"

That cocky fucking grin...

"Oh no, not at all. I do hope Katsuki has been controlling his temper...I know he can be a little volatile sometimes."

"I can assure you, he's been very well behaved~" he teased, before muting the phone as my mother said "oh good, I had worried", speaking to me now.

"Anger issues, huh? Cute. Now start moving, and don't make a sound. You don't want mama to hear you moaning like a slut for me, right~?"


"Good. So move."

I slowly lifted my hips as he unmuted the phone, talking a little more. Although, I wasn't too sure what he was saying. All of my attention had gone towards not making a sound as I began raising my hips before slamming them down onto the large toy. Immense pleasure waved through my body, and I repeated the action, and before long I had adopted a fast pace. I could feel the toy pushing against my insides, and it was both agonising and euphoric at the same time. My prostate felt like it was going to pop if it took any more pleasure.

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