Chapter 10: dress to impress~

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CW// Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Informed Consent, Modelling, Dry Humping, Spit, Fingering, Finger Sucking, Spanking, Clothed Orgasm, Name Calling/Pet Names, Praise/Degradation, Nipple Play, Power Dynamics, Servant/Master undertones, Humiliation

Katsuki Bakugo

Shoji leaving annoyed me more than it should've. It meant that I now had no one to talk to while those idiots blabbered on. But in exchange, I received plenty of time to think. Why was I staying here?

The first time I'd had this thought, I'd considered myself crazy, and brushed it off as me rationalising the situation. But now, a few days later, I realised that my instincts had been exactly right. It was a weird thing to admit, and I knew that it was all kinds of fucked up, but it was undeniable.

I'm enjoying this.

Ok, maybe not *all* of it. This room stinks, as do I. My hair is a mess, and my skin is flaking. I'm stuck with two idiots, naked idiots for that matter. But.....I didn't mind the rest.

Isn't this some form of syndrome? Kidnapper's Syndrome or some shit? But...I'm here by choice, so am I just weird? Why do I look forward to my time with the Prince? Why am I so desperate to please him? Why is this fun?

I tried to shake my head clear of the questionable thoughts, but as the silver haired boy left the room for Saturday's challenge, lashes of jealousy whipped my brain. I had to bite my lip to avoid crying out, desperate to be held in the Prince's arms. The fuck happened to me?

When I got here, I'd been my angry, short-tempered self, and was not willing to change that, but, just 6 days later, I was his bitch! And....I didn't mind! He was...captivating, strangely considerate despite the whole thing, and goddamn sexy as hell.

I...I just had to have more. I needed to win this, no matter what! By the time Kirishima had returned from his time with the Prince, I was all psyched up. I had hatched an idea that I wanted to test out, and was excited to see the results. It could either be brilliant, or catastrophic, but it was worth a go.

The Prince was sat in his chair, with his notepad, as usual. I consented as I did every day, and then he instructed me over to his wardrobe, and pulled out a three-pack of brand new boxers. My confused look must've amused him, as he chuckled when he said "a friend of mine started a new brand, sent me a few pairs as a treat. Try them on~?"

So he just wants me to...pose for him? Ok, seems simple enough...

I pulled on the first pair, the feeling of the fabric against me seeming foreign after nearly a week of being completely naked, and presented them to him. He seemed pretty happy, and directed me over to the bed.

"Ok...hands and knees, bend your back down."

Ah. So this is a posture check...

I did as he asked, keeping my hips high in the air as I lowered my stomach to the bed. I felt a painful twitch in my back which told me it was time to stop stretching. I felt the bed shake as the Prince got onto it, and two cold hands on my waist, re-adjusting it, elicited a small gasp from me. He then firmly planted both hands on my clothed ass, rubbing circles on each cheek, and stretching them out, testing the wear of the...fabric. Yeah...the fabric.

"Ok, next pair."

He handed me the next pair, and watched as I slid the current ones off, holding out a hand to receive them. I granted him them, and he threw them next to his pillow on the bed. I quickly put on the next pair, and he directed me to a new position

"On your back, legs wide" was the next instruction, and I did exactly as he asked. I saw his head dip below my eyesight, and I felt a hand inspecting the free space that was formed in the fabric between my asshole. He pushed at it until I felt his finger find my entrance, and then stopped, saying "ok, last one now" throwing the final pair at me. The current ones ended up on the floor this time, and I slipped on the last pair. These were a little smaller, and a little tighter too.

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