Chapter 9: average~

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CW // Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Informed Consent, Sex Toys, Name Calling/Pet Names, Praise/Degradation, Nipple Play, Power Dynamics, Humiliation, Blowjob, Deepthroating, Cum Swallowing.

Katsuki Bakugo

The sound of a knock on the door scared me a little, and the three tape-faced boys in the room all looked at me. I slowly walked out of the room, and the Prince was waiting there for me.



He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bedroom, where I saw...

Another boy? Why?

"Six, this is Mashirao Ojiro. He's another suitor vying for my hand in marriage. He'll be with us today~"

My eyes dropped to the floor, and I saw the familiar nine inch dildo waiting me there, as well as the small lube bottle. I couldn't help but to whimper a little bit, and I saw the guest's face light up at that. He seemed to be having fun with the Prince, and I didn't like that. Not because I was jealous, but because if he took my opportunity of a good life away from me, then I'd be fucking furious.

"Six, eyes up. Mashirao has kindly agreed to be part of our challenge today, so.....on the floor, get that toy all the way in and don't move~." the Prince said with that sly smile. The guest smiled at me as well, and as I slowly lubed myself, he knelt to the floor and watched me closely, admiring my work.

The dildo was actually harder to use today, and it took me a good minute or so to work up the courage to slam myself down on it all the way. When I did, my prostate burned in pleasure, and if not for the presence of two other people, I might've came right then and there.

"Good boy, such a good boy~" the Prince cooed, and I just stayed silent, eyes up at him. He gave the guest a look, and this 'Mashirao' guy stood up, removing his smart suit. He was left standing over me only in his underwear. Soon, they were no more either, and his...relatively average dick swung half-erect over my face. I kept my eye contact with the Prince, and he simply said "open. I'll tell you when to move."

I tentatively opened my mouth, and felt the dick rest upon my tongue. He slapped his cock against it a couple of times, before sliding himself in, and I closed my lips around him. Despite being average size, his dick still comfortably made it to the back of my throat, and he began relentlessly fucking my throat, the squelching sounds ringing in my ears. He pinched my nose, and that's when I gagged, spewing saliva all over his dick. He chuckled at this, but kept going. I felt tears streaming down my face from the feeling, but managed to suppress the need to gag once again.

"Start moving Six." The Prince said, and I slowly began to work my hips up and down again. Mashirao was relentless in fucking my throat, and I could feel him tensing up, ready to climax, but that's when he stopped, and I found a confused whine escaping my mouth.

"Don't worry, Six. Your slutty mouth will be filled again soon." The Prince said, and I nodded, still bouncing on the plastic cock. My semi-hard dick was bouncing and flailing around on my stomach, painfully smacking against it every time I slammed down.

Mashirao's dick came back to my vision, and the simple instruction "suck" told me what I had to do. I started slowly taking the whole thing back into my tired mouth, working my tongue around it, and bobbing my head. It was hard to coordinate so many parts of my body at once, but I managed to keep my hips going as I sucked his dick, keeping my momentum.

"You look like such a slut right now, Six. What would mama say if she saw her precious baby like this~?"

I spluttered around Mashirao's dick, and he then took control again, mercilessly pounding my throat. I heard the Prince moving around in my peripheral, and that was confirmed when a soft hand squeezed my balls, then trialed up my stomach teasingly, pinching my nipple when it arrived. He kitten-licked it, saying "such a good boy~" in between every one.

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