Chapter 12: final challenge~

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CW // Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Praise/Degradation, Humiliation, Edging, Bondage, Fingering, Finger Sucking, Sex Toys, Hickeys, Name Calling/Pet Names, Servant/Master themes, Erotic Audios, Underwear sniffing.

Katsuki Bakugo

It was 10am, Monday. The final day. Kirishima and I stood waiting by the door for the Prince's knock. We had already exchanged good luck to each other, and waited silently to be called upon. It happened shortly after, and we were both taken to the bed together.

There, our hands were bound. One to a bedpost each, and the other to the same place, at the middle of the headboard. This meant that our hands touched as we lay, bound by the thin ropes. Another rope went across our bodies, to prevent us from moving. Our legs were spread out before being tied up, and the Prince walked away, returning with the familiar large dildos from before. The redhead made no noise, but I whined, and the Prince just smirked.

"Quieten down now, we haven't got ready yet." he said, as he crouched on the bed between us. He held three fingers out to each of us, and instructed us to suck them. We both did, and soon, six of his fingers were coated in different saliva. He took his left hand - the one that had been in my mouth, and began to slowly finger Kirishima's asshole with two fingers. A third was added, and the redhead remained silent all throughout.

His other hand found my own asshole once he'd finished. And unlike the redhead, I let the Prince hear what he was doing to me, moaning as loud and proud as I could. The Prince never once told me to stop, and he slowly slid the dildos into both of us once we were ready.

Once that part of the set up had been complete, he retrieved...two phones? Both had a pair of earphones in, and he put two of them into my ears, and pressed play.

"Hnngh...Ahhhh~.....yeahhhh~" was the received sound, and I quickly found out what it was. It was Kirishima's moans. He'd asked me the other day to moan into the speaker, so I guess the redhead can hear my moans right now then? That's a weird thought, but whatever. The sound looped over and over in my ears, and I wasn't paying attention when the next piece of the puzzle was added. A strange smelling cloth was placed over my head funnily, and I quickly realised they were underwear. Cum-stained underwear. My guess was that these were the ones Kirishima came in the other day, the strange smell being the idiot's cum.

" that you're both looking sufficiently slutty....I guess it's time for me to go. Bye~" the Prince said, before walking out of the room. I whined for him, desperate for him to touch me, but he didn't listen, and disappeared from my restricted sight. I lay there uselessly, audible erotica in my ear, cum-covered underwear on my head, tied up with a nine inch dildo up my ass, next to some other dude in the same predicament. I figured this was some form of endurance contest, and that we'd have to hold out the longest against each other.

The redhead seemed to disagree, and was violently slamming himself onto the dildo without so much as a second thought. This had me concerned about whether I was basically forfeiting the challenge by sitting still, and so I began to work my hips around the plastic cock, taking a deep inhale of the musky smell of the boxers. The redheads artificial moans in my ear had me hard in seconds, and I was moaning in real time, having a lot of fun right now. I stole a glance at the other boy, and he'd...stopped completely?

Oh...this was his plan! He wanted me to start pleasuring myself so much that I wouldn't notice when he stopped. Clever fucker...

"Ok boys, I'm back. Having fun~?"

I whined back in response, the redhead still keeping quiet. The Prince approached us both, kneeling between us on the bed, and rubbed a nipple each with his hand. I let my voice ring out around the room, showing the Prince how much control he had over me in just a single touch.

He continued this for maybe ten minutes, before he did more than he ever had for either of us. He wrapped a hand around each our our erect cocks, and worked the shafts agonisingly slowly. As he did, he leant up and gave each of us a rough hickey on our necks, purple bruises forming. He never slowed his pace on our cocks, teasing us as much as possible. I could feel myself throbbing in his grasp, and all manner of things came to my mind. What I wouldn't give for him to rip off his clothes and fuck me senseless right here, right now....

An agonising hour later, and myself and the redhead were both exhausted. Our dicks were hot and red from us denying ourselves orgasms over and over, and sweat glistened on each of our bodies despite the open window. I was beginning to lose hope as I felt another climax build, but something very encouraging happened.

The redhead moaned.

It was the first noise he'd made since speaking to me this morning, and it was all I needed to make myself carry on. He made lots more noise, and by the time my next orgasms was coming on, he was a squirming mess, desperate not to cum.

But he had no choice, and seconds later, a massive explosion of cum erupted from his enormous dick, coating the boxers on his head, his neck, and the Prince's hand. I however, did not cum. I kept my promise to Master, and didn't cum.

I was left there, panting, as the Prince talked to the other boy, commiserating him. He seemed as smiley as usual though, and shot me a "well done" look as he was untied. The Prince whispered something in his ear, and he nodded. As he was untied, he knelt down to his knees. I was unsure what he was doing when I saw the Prince pick him up, and begin adjusting his trousers, walking out of the room.


I screamed out in protest, but was ignored. I just lay there, tied up and sobbing out of jealousy. It was maybe half an hour later when the Prince carried the boy back through, and he was now fully clothed and asleep. I had nearly torn the ropes in my attempts to get to him, and he gave me a smile as he untied me, unplugging the headphones and removing the underwear to see my wet face. I lunged forwards to kiss him, smiling into it as the awake but sleepy redhead made to leave. The Prince noticed, and said "ah, Kirishima!"


"Stay. I have a proposal."


"Become a butler for me. You enjoyed this process, so I...I'd like to keep you around. Katsuki will always be my priority, but whenever we want a third person involved, it'll be you. That sound good?"

"...yeah, that's sounds really good!" he said with that stupid smile. I couldn't help but smile as well, before embracing Shoto once more.

"With that said, Katsuki~" the Prince said, looking at me

"Let's go have some fun, shall we?"

Slightly shorter one here, and that's because...

Next chapter will be the last, and will be purely SEX from start to finish.😌

Fact of the Day: Shoto and Kirishima didn't fuck, he just gave him a bath in another room. Shoto is only gonna reward his winner for now~

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