Finale: sexy time~

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CW // Praise/Degradation, Rough Sex, Name Calling/Pet Names, Servant/Master themes, Deepthroating, Use of Deepthroat Spray, Fingering, Finger Sucking, Spit, Snogging, Mild Feminisation (I.E an asshole being called a cunt/pussy), Nipple Play, LOTS of Licking, A little bit of Snowballing, Cum Swallowing.

^ that's a lot

Katsuki Bakugo

Shoto's lips slammed against mine as we crashed onto the bed, our tongues dancing together. He rubbed his hands all over my exposed chest, rubbing at my nipples in particular, and I wrestled with his shirt to get it off. He stopped me, and pinned my hands to the bed. He leaned down to whisper in my ear:

"I'm gonna wreck that cute little cunt of your Katsuki~"

"I-it's not a-"

"It's pink, it's wet, and it's going to have my dick in it. If I say it's a cunt, what is it~?"

"'s a cunt, Master"

"Whose cunt~?"

"Y-your cunt."


"Please master, your pink, wet, cunt wants your dick inside it~" I whined out, desperate for him at this point. He just whispered "good slut. Just be patient, and you'll get your reward~" before plunging the usual three fingers into my mouth. They pushed at the back of my throat, and I gagged on them, coating them with my saliva. The Prince then leaned down to kiss me, taking that saliva straight into his mouth by sucking the same fingers, then forcing them to the back of my throat again. I saw him slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he did, and he slid it off, exposing his toned body.

It was the first time I'd seen it, and he looked amazing. His abs and pecs perfectly sculpted. Lean but not overbearing muscle padded his arms, and his broad shoulders let his collarbone stand out an awful lot. He was gorgeous in every sense of the word. His fingers had slipped out of my mouth, and I was brought back to my senses by one of them penetrating my hole, gasping a little at the sudden contact.

"That enough to shock you, you filthy slut? Huh? Is that all I have to do~?"

"M-more Master, please~" I whined out.

"Be patient, baby boy~. You're doing well." he said, adding another finger. He scissored my insides, creating as much room in there as possible, before adding a third finger. I could feel him flexing his fingers inside me, and it felt incredible having him in there after so long of wanting it.

Which only made me sadder when he pulled the fingers out. A loud whine escaped me, and he looked down at me and said "fine, I could always just keep my pants on~?"

"N-no, off, please~"

"I thought so. You can't wait to have my cock fill you up, can you Katsuki~?"

"No Master, I want your cock now~"

"And you're going to get it now. Just be a good little slut and lie on your back, head over the end of the bed."

I did as he asked, and he walked over to a drawer, taking out a small bottle of something. He removed his trousers, leaving only his bulging underwear left. He stood over me, looking down, before saying "open", and I did, allowing him to spray something down my throat. I coughed a little, and felt the back of my throat going slightly numb. I was about to ask what it was when I saw him about to pull his boxers down and thought better of it, instead waiting for the big reveal...

And oh my it didn't disappoint.

A frankly MASSIVE cock was freed from the fabric, bouncing up and down with the decorum of a crashing plane. But I didn't care, I was transfixed by it. That thing would've made Kirishima's dick look like a fucking nub! This...this thing must be at least 10 inches, maybe even 11. I gulped, as I realised that this thing would probably poke the underside of my stomach if he fucked me with it. He chuckled, and said "not bad, huh? Think you can take it~?"

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