Chapter 11: sophistication~

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CW // Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Informed Consent, Sex Toys (vibrator), Name Calling/Pet Names, Praise/Degradation, Servant/Master themes, Humiliation, Snogging.

Katsuki Bakugo

"Good afternoon Six. Do you consent to this?"

"Yes master" I said, as I approached the Prince. He was sat at a quaint little table in the corner of his room, topped with a selection of delectable sandwiches. I was curious as to what the hell was going on when he said "come with me, I've got something I need" and walked to the bathroom.

Master opened a small cupboard, and pulled out a little box. He opened it, and pulled out a familiar purple object, complimented by a remote. I knew immediately that it was a vibrator, and felt my asshole clench at the thought of it. I had one at home, but had never had the courage to use it beyond minimal power. Seems like today is the day I get over that...

"Bend" he said, and I did, allowing him to slowly slide the toy inside of me. I could feel him watching the way i clenched around it, and fantasies about his dick pushing me open began to fill my mind. This led to a rather glaring erection, which Master chuckled at.

"Awwww, are you excited already baby boy~? I haven't even turned it on yeeeet~."

"Y-yes, Master. Excited..." I said back to him. He seemed to be ok with me talking to him now, which I liked. It was difficult to restrain my voice for so long, but now I had more freedom to make noise. Master tied a little bow tie around my bare neck, and led me to sit down with him at the table. I sat awkwardly, conscious of the little object inside of me, not wanting to shift around too much.

"Feel free to eat as much as you like. I want a calm day today."

"Yes Master"

"You don't need to say that every time, Six."


He quickly pulled the remote from his side, and put the vibrator on the lowest setting. A low buzzing feeling filled me, and it was comfortable at first, slightly annoying over time. We ate in peace, discussing a few random things. It felt like the first day I'd had here a week ago: calm, composed, and completely normal. Well, besides my nudity, and the vibrator.

Speaking of the toy, Master had turned up the level after I had snickered at a childhood story where he fell off a horse. It was now on level three of five, and I was beginning to feel weary. My leg had begun shaking, and the feeling inside me was a mix of pleasure and discomfort, creating a very awkward boner that wasn't sure if it wanted to be there.

"Hnn~hnnnnnnnn~" I couldn't help but to whine out while Master was talking, and his face soured.

"That was rude, Six. Go and lie on the bed, back flat."

"Yes Master..." I said as I slowly stood. I was walking over when the Prince turned the level up to the max, and I damn near collapsed. My legs buckled underneath me, and I climbed onto the bed, lay on my back, and writhed in both pleasure and agony. The Prince just said "back flat", and I whined back at him, saying "c-can't..."

"You can't? Are you disobeying me? I thought you knew what happened to naughty boys, but I guess you might need another lesson~?"

"N-No! I'll...I'll be a good boy, j-just please turn it down!"

"Not so fast Six. I'll turn it off when your back is flat for 5 seconds~"

My hips were bucking like crazy, and I was drooling like an idiot, unable to control my senses. The pleasure was just too good, I had lost complete control over my body. I felt tear as streaking down my face, and I pressed myself as hard as I could against the bed.

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