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Time seemed to pass differently when Lucy and Damian were talking,connecting, vibing. Their body language was doing alot of talking.


"Lucy Wayne to the ballroom" we hear my uncle Kal in the intercom.
I sigh. This might be the only time I'm enjoying a conversation with someone that is not in my family.
We both start walking towards the ballroom and we both go our seperate ways. I go up to my aunt and uncles . My uncle Kal leads me to the front where the stage is my family following behind us. I get to the bottom of the stage and my dad reaches out for my hand and I take it. As I'm on the stage i look out to hundreds of people dancing having fun I feel eyes on me making me the slightest bit uncomfortable. I look around the room until my eyes land on Damian's eyes. They were just staring into mine. Just for a quick moment I felt all my anxiety vanish from withing me. We both smile at each other.
"How are we doing Gotham city" my dad says into the microphone, bringing me back to reality. Everyone starts clapping including me.
"I hope everyone is enjoying their night. I wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone for coming; especially my daughter for organizing this whole event she clearly has her dad's taste in parties" he jokes and everyone laughs with him. I smile and look behind me out the window I see a few shadows outside but as soon as I tried to focus and see what it was the shadows disappeared. I turned my focus back to what my dad was saying clapping and smiling here and there.
"I hope you all enjoy your night let's keep the party going." He says and cues the orchestra to start playing again. My family and I step down from the stage and I quickly go towards a waiter with glasses of wine. I grab one and chugged it down placing it back on the tray.
"Would you like to dance?" Damian says coming out of nowhere making me jump a bit.
"Where did you just come from scaring me like that." I says and he laughs.
" I was standing right over there I thought you saw me." He says with a laugh.
"I'll ask again do you want to dance." He asks extending his hand out for me. I take it and smile .
"Of course." I said as he leads me to the dance floor. This dance in particular you have to change partners in a circle until you get back to the partner you originally started with. I switched and switch partners until I was at the other side of the circle across from Damian. I lock eyes with my new partner and suddenly my body came to complete stop. The person was wearing a masquerade mask. I mean half of the people here are wearing them but this face; I could recognize it anywhere.
"Hello Lucy." Joker says with a grin.
"I need you to come with me. Dont make any sudden movements or signals to anyone I have people just waiting to take a shot at your precious family" He says without letting go of my arm. I smiled and started walking with him out of the ballroom. Not without me stealing a glace at my dad. Just simple eye contact. I quickly looked away and continued walking.
Joker lead me into the balcony I was just with, with Damian. He takes his mask off and looks at me in a revealing way.
"This isn't some show with a cliffhanger joker im not going to gasp or act surprised I knew who you were with the mask on." I remark with a little laugh. He smirks and steps closer to me while pulling out a pocket knife, gently touching the side of my face. Pushing back my hair behind my ear without breaking eye contact. Using his other hand he pulls my hair moving my head to the side while holding the knife at my throat. I smile a bit.
"You think that scares me joker. I'm the daughter of Bruce Fucking Wayne. Nothing scares me." He pushes the knife onto my skin. Not cutting it surprisingly.
He stares down at my face to see if I show a little fear.
"Try killing me I dare you. Let's see who dies first." I challenge him.
He looks like he's admiring my face as his face goes soft. He quickly recovers from it as he let's go of my hair and turns away.
"You look like your mother." He says looking out at the city. He caught me off guard.
"You knew my mother?" I say and he looks at me.
"No I KNOW your mother she's very much alive ... or is that not what your daddy told ya."
"What are you talking about."
"Unlike what your daddy says your mom is not dead .. well at least dead to him." He says looking around. My dad never talks about my mom. He's always says she died. But no one knows who she is. Joker turns to me and puts the knife under my chin moving it back and forth on my jawline.
"You know you got her complete complexion."
"Yeah."I say raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah" he says.
"Want to know what else I have?" I ask and he hums.
"My daddy's attitude." I say kneeing him in the groin while elbowing his hand away from my face. He fell to the floor in pain and I put my foot on his chest. Taking my gun from my thigh holster pointing at his forehead fully loaded.
"And I did it all in stilettos." I say with a grin while removing a piece of hair from my face.
"Lucy?" Uncle kal says walking into the balcony.
"Right here. Just like auntie diana taught me." I say with a grin.
"She would be proud." He says with a laugh.
In comes my dad, my aunt and the rest of my uncles. Looking surprised as ever well mostly my dad, my aunt and my uncles had a very proud face.
"She has her mothers fire isn't that right brucy." Joker remarks.
My dad looks over to me and looks to joker and back at me.
"What did he tell you ?" Without changing expression.
"More than you ever did." I say rolling my eyes and looking away.
"Kal can you take quinny to her room please." He says without looking at me, keeping his gaze on joker. He nods and reaches out towards me to come closer to him so I can step out of the balcony. When i reach the door of the balcony door before stepping into the hall I look back at my aunt diana and she nods at me to continue walking. I walk down the hall and I hear my dad screaming.
"She's not supposed to know joker." I look back for just a second then turned forward to continue walking.
Leaving me the most confused I've ever been.

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