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I hear a ding coming from my phone.
I lift it up to find a message from a unknown number.

Hey it's Damian, I got your number from your friend Abigail after you left the other night. I really want to see you again. I had alot of fun.

I litereally jump out of the bed. Holy fucking shit. I totally thought I would never see him again. My heart flutters a bit.I gasp.
"Stop that." I say to myself.
"Stop what ?" My dad asks coming into my room.
"Hi daddy." I say turning around with a smile.
"Hi sweetheart who were you just talking to." He asks looking around.
I playfully grin not really knowing what to say.
"My phone was acting up again." I said not really knowing what else to say.
I'm not going to tell him I was talking to myself that would just sound crazy.
"Mine too. I'll tell alfred to go get us the new version of the phones." He says and I roll my eyes and look away. Every time theres something wrong he replaces it like it's nothing.
I mean to him it's not. I sigh not wanting to say anything.
"I have to go to work. See you tonight."
"I thought you were going to stay for breakfast at least I wanted to tell you some things." My dad says
"Dad I'm a neuro surgeon with multiple degrees in different things, I work at the Gotham hospital doing something I love, which is helping people. I also help you run the company by working at the hospital making sure our money,machines and time from Wayne biotech and Wayne Medical  is being spent right. I put my face in the hospital while you run the industries. I actually have things to do and people to save and I dont have people to do that for me with a little phone call and I don't want it either. But like you have no time for me when I need you. I have not time for you. If  that's all you wanted to say then I must go I'm awfully late." I say taking a deep breath and walking out of my room down the stairs towards the elevator with my father behind me.
"Lucy." My dad calls put as I step into the elevator.
"Have a good day at work hun." He says.
"Thank you. You too." I say before the elevator door shuts.

Bruce Wayne's POV

As I'm sitting at a buisness meeting I can't help but think about all the things Lucy said to me.
Do I really not pay he enough attention to her. She grew up so put together. She always knew right from wrong. I sent her to boarding school so she could have the best education. I've never seen her struggle with anything. She's so put together.
The thought of her needing me as her father and I not being there for her. Of course I've seen her connection with Kal.
"Mr.Wayne?" My business partner says as he sees me zone off. I quickly get up and collect my thoughts.
"Alfred clear my schedule for the rest of the day. I'm going to find my daughter." Alfred tilts his head in confusion but nods.
"Yes sir." He says walking out of the room.
"Alfred one more thing .. can you bring out the car I'm going to stop by the hospital to visit my daughter." He nods and runs to get the car.
I leave my files in my office and make my way to the front entrance. Alfred is already waiting with the door open.
"Sir your new phone." He says handing me my new phone.
"And this one is Ms. Lucy's phone.. The company didn't have the  exact color she wanted. So I got her the one that was her favorite color." He says with a grin.
"Thank you alfred hop in were going to see Lucy."
The drive was short to the hospital. I park my car near the entrance and make my way inside. Everyone immediately shot up from their chairs at the front desk.
"Mr.Wayne hi what are you doing here ?" The receptionist asks.
"I'm here to see my daughter of course. Where is she ?" I ask.
"Dr. Quinn is currently in a surgery-"
"Perfect I'll watch in the gallery. Please don't let her know I'm here I want it to be a surprise." The young lady nods.
"She is in O.R 1." She states.
"Thank you." I say and make my way to the gallery for O.R 1. I step in and see she was in a surgery with her interns and residents observing.
There also people watching her. Admiring her. She moves her hands with such delicacy. She looks so focused on what she's doing.
"God her technics are amazing." One of the interns from the gallery is saying.
"What type of surgery is this ?" I ask them.
"A craniotomy. Oh my God you're Bruce Wayne." A young man says.
"Yes I am." I say with a grin. All of them start talking.
"What is going on up there I can hear you down here." I hear my Lucy say.
I see her look up and her eyes lands on me.
I can see the confusion in her eyes, turning into frustration? I don't know but I'll find out when she comes out of surgery. Dear lord.
2 hours later she finished her surgery and everyone claps.
She walks toward the exit and turns her head towards me. In that moment I knew I was in some deep shit.
She gets cleaned up and makes her way toward where I was waiting for her.
"What are you doing here?" She asks with a smile on her face embracing me in a hug.
"I came to visit you." I say as she embraces alfred in a hug.
"Mhmm I see you did. Do you want to step into the lab with me?" She asks and I walked in with alfred right behind me.

Lucy's POV

"Honey your new phone it's your favorite color." My dad says handing me a box.
I turn and grab the box and hold it behind my back.
"What's my favorite color dad ?" I ask.
"Blue because that's the color dress you wore at the ball a couple days ago." He says and i laugh a little.
"I thought you picked out the dress dad."
"I did"
"If you did you would have known I was matching with you I was wearing black and the fact that you had the box in your hand since you got the hospital and didnt even bother to look at the color on the box." I laugh a little looking away and back a him once more." Thank you alfred for picking the phone for me and the dress apparently. You see I knew it was alfred all along for my 22nd birthday he gave me this ring with a amethyst stone." I say holding the collar of my white coat out. Showing him the ring I have pinned to the collar of my coat to secure it won't fall. "But you would know about it because you are to busy to even stay with me the whole night. On my birthday you literally hugged me and left me for the entire day and night.
"Quinny that was one night."

"That was my whole life dad. I was raised with everyone else but you. You love to keep this image of the perfect family. You and me; a dream team. United. The perfect father daughter figures. We are far from that. Sometimes I just wished I had my dad there to be at my side. But you're not. Then you randomly come to my job and pretend like you actually care about what I do. It's just pathetic. If people would hear me talk this way they would think;she is so ungrateful for what her dad provides for her or she gets everything handed to her or what a spoiled brat. I'm so grateful for the opportunities you give me dad I am; but I wish the opportunities you push my way were for me, for my achievements. Not for the achievements you want me to have. I know your worried about me being the first female heiress to the Wayne corporations."
"Do you actually think I'm worried about you being a female. I'm the most proud of you for being a female with everything you've accomplished without the last name. Can you imagine everything you can accomplish with the last name. You should have came to me to talk to me about how you felt."
"Talk to you? I rarely ever see you."
"I never wanted you to feel this way about me as your father. The perspective you see things in are amazing. The Wayne corporations needs a female input. Especially when OUR empire is built on men trying to debunk women in power. You are smarter than anyone I've ever met. Including me. Come to a meeting with me tomorrow I'll show you my world." He says. I nod in agreement.
Tomorrow will be ..fun.
I hope you guys are enjoying the book ❤❤

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