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(This is Lucy's outfit this chapter^.)

"Good morning Ms.Wayne" the
receptionist says.
"Good Morning." I smile and make my way to my dad's office.
"Good morning dad." I say and he looks at me with wide eyes. He was sitting down at his desk with papers all over it.
"Honey what are you doing here?" He stands up to greet me.
"I came to see how the company is doing with the new changes I made." I sat down in one of his revolving chairs and rolled my way towards the window that has a amazing view of Gotham city. My dad straightened his papers on his desk.
"Well we are still working on transferring all the files, manuscripts, and contacts onto the software you recommended; but all the new progress the company is making is being monitored on spreadsheets via tablets and computers. It's making everything move faster." I smile proudly. I recently made Wayne industries into a higher tech facility. Using holographic technology to see outcomes of future projects.
We heard a knock on the door.
"Please come in." My dad says.
"Mr. Wayne I'm just here to show the latest on the-" I turn in my chair and his eyes land on me. I smirk a little and slowly turn it into a smile before my dad sees me.
" Ms.Wayne hello how are you?" He politely asks. I internally evil laugh. He extended his hand towards me and I politely take it without breaking eye contact. I inhale sharply and turn to my dad.
"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom." I take my keys that has my dad's private bathroom key and make my way to the bathroom next door. I get into the bathroom and close the door immediately behind me. I inhale and exhale like 5 times. What is this man doing to me. I splash water on my face and make my way out the bathroom. I close the door and turn around and bump into someone. I look up and meet Damian's green eyes.
"I'm sorry." I move to the side.
"Are you ignoring me now?" He says and I look back at him.
"What are you talking about?" I ask looking around.
"Are you ashamed of me?" He asks.
"What makes you think that?"
"Stop asking me questions and answer mine."
"You sir don't tell me what to do in my own company or anywhere." He backs up.
"Last time I checked this was your father's company."
"Guess who it's going to next. Or did you not hear my discussion the other day in the conference room. " I raise a eyebrow at him. I could never be ashamed of him or anyone and he clearly doesn't know me enough to know that.
"Go to hell." He says.
"Oh another place I'll be running." I smirk at him and walking away.
"Hey daddy." I say walking into his office.
"You ready to take the tour?" He stands up and walks toward the door. I nod and make my way out again.
"Damian join us." My dad said, I shut my close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them and smile.
"Yes Damian join us." I sarcastically say. My dad and I look at each other, him with a confused face and me with a weirded out one. He shrugs it off and leads me down the hall towards the bridge of the building that connects various buildings to the main one.
We were walking around talking and Damian stayed quiet. My dad started walking infront of me towards an office we step in and the lights immediately dimmed. My dad shows me the new technology upgrades we've made in the company. He steps over to the front of the room checking the virtual vision board with a tablet in his hand making a few changes.

I leaned over resting my hands on the table when Damian approaches me from behind. He puts his hand on my back and he starts massaging it. His hand reaches the lower back. I shot up and my eyes went wide. I removed his hand from my back and gave him a stern look; Damian just smirked at me. I look over at my dad who still has his back towards us. Damian puts his hand on my leg and quickly removes it making me turn and give him a confused look.
"What?" I ask
"I forgot to ask for your consent."
"I think we're passed that stage." I give a small laugh. Damian raises an eyebrow at me. I nod at him giving him permission to do what ever he wants to do.
He smiles and I bend over the table. He places his hand on my legs again slowly slides up pulling my pencil skirt up, his hand gliding slowly on my ass. I smirked as I spread my legs giving him access. He places a kiss on my shoulder as he slowly starts massaging my clit. This goes on for a while and It takes everything in me not to moan out loud.
"Well that's that." My dad said placing the tablet down infront of him. I see this and I immediately push Damian's hand away fixing myself. Damian turns around collecting himself as well. My dad turns around and smiles.
"Let's go back to my office." He says and I smile and nod.
We start walking back I feel a pair of eyes on me. Well let me specify that I felt eyes on my ass. I look back at Damian and he raised his eyes to meet mine. I smirked and swayed my hips even more. Damian coughed loudly to hide his groan. I smiled a bit.
"Damian are you okay?" My dad asks.
I turn around and innocently bat my eyes at Damian.
"Yes.. are you okay?" I say innocently. Damian blushes a bit and smiles.
"Yes sir and ma'am I'm fine I'm just going to go get a glass of water." He excuses himself and quickly walks away.
I turn to look at my dad and he's already staring at me dead in the eye.
"I don't know what you're doing but stop."
"W-what! What am I doing?" I innocently say.
"I just said I don't know. Listen he is a very hard working man.He and his family have worked hard for generations in our company. He has so much potential."
"I'm not doing anything ." I said.
"Don't get me wrong he is a outstanding man,very accomplished, very hard working. I just dont want him to .."
"Get his life ruined by me ?" I asked kind of hurt. My dad sighed never denying what I said. He turns and goes to his desk.
"Honey I need you to understand. We don't make people happy."

"No dad you don't make people happy. I'm going home." I said batting my eyes quickly trying to get rid of the tears in my eyes. He nods and I walk out of the room.
"Lucy." Damian calls out clearly hearing my conversation with my dad. He got a hold of my arm.
"He's right you know. We don't." I said turning around yanking my arm from his grip.
"No he's not."
"Yes he is Damian now leave. I'm giving you an out." I said walking away. I got in my car and drove away only to see a few minutes later that Damian was following me. I ended up stopping at a park. I get out and make my way towards the bridge. I come here when I have alot of thoughts in my head.
"Lucy!" I hear Damian's voice yell out. I turn and see him chasing after me.
"Why didn't you take the out."
"No, don't do that,stop Wayne-ing me!" He says making me turn around confused.
"Wayne-ing you?"
"Yes! Stop pushing me away everytime you get a chance to. You give me so many outs but I don't want them. It's you and me. I don't want anyone else since the day I met you." He says holding my face.
"You're going to regret this soon enough. Like my dad implied I'm going to ruin you."
"Ruin me then angel. I want nothing more than to be ruined at your side." I breath out of my nose and smile. He rubs his nose against mine as our forehead touches. "I need you to understand I'm physically and mentally incapable of leaving your side. I want to be with you at all times, that and being inside of you at all times but were having a moment here." I laugh at his stupidity.

Damian grabs my face and passionately kisses me on the lips.
"I love you .. forever." He says.
"Forever is such a long time." I say and he laughs and smashes his lips onto me. I push him a bit so we both separate.
"I love you forever too."
"Do you want to make this official and actually date." I nod and smash my lips onto him.
"Of course I do." I smile.
"Alright then.. girlfriend." He smiles brightly.
"Alright then boyfriend."
"Holy shit I have to go back to work." He gets up quickly.
"Yeah go." I urge him to run.
"I'll call you or text you. You know what I can face time you now without looking desperate." He smirks and leans down and gives me a peck on the lips.
"You better start running before my dad notices that your gone." He runs for his life to his car causing me to laugh. I'm smiling like a idiot.

A/N sorry guys I haven't posted in a while but I've been working on the finale chapters

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