the unexpected

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"I bet you find volcra hilarious"

Katerina hated festivities, and winter fete was no different. Yet despite the distaste, the redhead put on her usual strong façade and was slowly getting ready for the day. For days like this, Katerina had created her own tactic. She purposely woke up late around midday, sometimes even later, that way she skipped the morning ruckus when the maids and guards were the most active.

Yet it seemed that this day was like no other. Little Palace was like a beehive. People were buzzing around touching up the decorations, greeting guests and entertainers. Girls in the corridors were discussing what are they going to wear and how they are going to do their hair. Katerina experienced it all while walking along the corridors to Aleksander's rooms. Of course, it's different this time; we have Sun Summoner. Everything should be perfect. Scowling after another pair of giggling girls, Katerina was glad that she reached General's rooms.

He was nowhere to be seen in the main room therefore the girl walked past the long table to the bedroom. Stopping at the door; the redhead noticed that Aleksander was standing right in front of the mirror. Katerina thought that the man had failed to notice her yet again. She opened her mouth to say something snarky when Aleksander beat her to it.

"I know you are there. I sensed your distaste the moment you left your rooms." He took one last look at himself in the mirror before turning to face the girl with a small smirk.

Katerina closed her mouth and rolled her eyes before moving farther into the room. She stopped beside his bed and pointed her finger at him

"First of all, that is creepy." Then she plopped herself on his bed, back against the headrest and legs stretched in front of her. "Second, you out of all people should know how much I hate festivities." She crossed her legs at ankles and reached for the book that laid on the nightstand. The redhead mindlessly started flipping through the book failing to see the amused expression on Aleksander's face.

"Please, feel yourself at home." Katerina raised her head and smiled at the man a smile that was way too sweet to be real.

"Why thank you." And with that, she continued to skim the pages of the book.

A comfortable silence fell over them. The pair had grown used to each other's presence. There were times when they didn't even talk while being in one room yet there was no awkwardness there. Katerina liked to admit she was comfortable with Aleksander, and she knew the man felt the same. The pair were bickering often or just making fun of each other and for others, it always was a bizarre thing to experience. They shared an unusual partnership one that no one quite understood except for the pair.

Suddenly Katerina remembered last night. "How was your sleep, by the way? I hope I didn't overdo it yesterday?" She looked up to see Alexander shaking his head.

"No, no, it was perfect. I slept well, thank you."

With a content smile on her face, Katerina returned to reading. After a moment she tilted her head to see Aleksander stop in front of the mirror yet again. The action caused the redhead to roll her eyes.

"You look fine. Stop fussing in front of that poor mirror." He sent ger a mocking glare through the mirror that caused Katerina to snicker.

They both heard someone entering the main room.

"Ivan! My kefta." Katerina furrowed her eyebrows while looking at Aleksander. He walked to his bedside where Katerina was sitting to put the teacup on the nightstand.

"How do you know it's Ivan?" As if on cue a figure walked through the doors. Aleksander halted in his steps upon seeing it was not in fact his Heartrender.

"You are not Ivan." Katerina sighed and yet again rolled her eyes. 'You don't say' the redhead mumbled underneath her breath.

Alina Starkov looked at the kefta in her hands before looking back up at the man in front of her.

"Sorry to disappoint." A small smile appeared on Katerina's face. She started to like the Sun Summoner more and more.

"Do I sense a little disdain for my Heartrender?" Aleksander did not let his eyes from the girl in front of him. "You know, once you get to know him, he's actually quite funny."

"I bet you find volcra hilarious." And there it was again. Before she could stop herself, Katerina let out a snort causing the man to turn around to look at the girl sitting on his bead. It seemed that Alina only now noticed the redhead for her face fell upon sighting her there, sitting quite comfortably on Aleksander's bed.

Before the Summoner could find a reason to excuse herself, Katerina shut the book and placed it back on the nightstand.

"And this is my cue to go." She stood up from the bed and walked past the pair towards the door, upon reaching them she turned around. Alina's back was facing her so the only one who could see her was Aleksander. When Katerina got the man's attention, she sent a smirk his way before wiggling her eyebrows, then motioned to Alina with her head. The man sent a look her way that caused the redhead to release a loud laugh before she turned around and disappeared through the doors.

Alina spun around upon hearing the redhead's laugh. Upon doing that she noted that the redhead had long gone but she still heard the Inferni girls retreating steps. The Summoner turned to face Aleksander once more.

"What was that?" The man offered her a desperate smile before assuring her.

"Nothing don't worry."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞:

' i love Katerina, honestly. 

sorry for the short chapter. I really wish I could write longer chapters but as I mentioned in one of the author's notes, then the story would be really short. 

Moony x

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