Andys pov

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I held onto my new puppy as I sobbed. My grandfather had died today, in his sleep, at the hospital, of a malignant brain tumour. I loved my grandfather, we'd play baseball together when I was a kid.

My puppy whined and I pet her. I had no idea what to name her, she is a Rottweiler but she has a white stomach. I'm thinking of oreo.

I laid down in my bed and thought. I mean, colby wasn't at school today. he never misses school.

I thought for awhile until I fell asleep.

•-next day-•

I walked into the school instantly being shoved against a locker. a hand was around my throat and the other repeatedly slamming into my stomach.

I saw it was colby and the second he noticed I was looking he squeezed my throat. I could hardly breathe, my blood rushed trying to escape. colby giggled. or should I say Colbys giggled as there were three of them.

My eyes slowly closed as the airflow cut off completes. i don't know what happened next, i just know that I'm not awake.

I wake up in a closet, I look around painfully.

I slowly get up and make my way through the empty halls. I find a clock, 15 minutes after 4:00. schools been out for an hour. I get out and slowly walk home.

The second I enter I'm engulfed in a hug. "andy! Where have you been I was worried sick. " Alex said

Jaxton was out... In the sky. he's a pilot flying 'round the earth.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." I mumbled hugging back.

"BULLSHIT! I see the handprint on your throat. do not tell me I need to get my two friends." he said pulling back and grabbing my jaw.

"Who?" I asked. my dad always threatened this. I've never met them.

"That's it, I'm flying them in and they'll stay with us as long as it takes until you learn to fight back." He says and shoves me to the stairs.

"Now go to your room while I call them." he said and I obeyed. I closed my door. but pressed my ear to the door to hear him.

Ten minutes later "I don't know chocolocks, he just needs to learn. can you guys please come help me help him fight back." he said. i giggled at the nick names.

I went to my bed and suddenly my pillow moved and Oreo emerged.

"Ruch" her weird yap emerged. She's so small that she can't bark properly.

"Hey oreo." I giggled and laid down Oreo laid on my chest and started being cute. tilting her head back and forth and nudging her ears in to my chest and finally lying on her back with her paws in the air and tongue hanging out.

I giggled and she started licking my face. "o-haha-reo stop p-ha-lease" I giggled and lifted the puppy in the air.

I then hugged her close as I laid on my side. she once again started spinning in circles making her bed. she finally laid down. and soon dozed off. pilot dad came home tomorrow. I can't wait to see him again.

So yeah you all know who's coming up if you've read old books on my old account. "chocolocks" is a big hint.

Anyway. yeah I'm going to hot topic later. so I need to sleep soon bye


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