Colby's Pov

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Four grown men, one batshit crazy girl, and the love I hurt too much, all against me in a mob of rage and hatred. They stood only 500 meters give or take but it scared me none the less. They wouldn't be able to see my wounds and my pain from their position but they would be able to see that I couldn't move. It was a decade if it had a been a minute before i could move, when I did I placed the notebook Andy had left behind in class a year ago. It had song lyrics, about abuse and about bullying and how he could overcome it but he needed help. If it weren't me that was beating him, I could've helped him. I got scared of my emotions and turned it to aggression against Andy, if I could go back and change what I did when I started, I would. I left the notebook, and an envelope i was going to give Andy when I saw him at school again. I had been gone from home for days though, so I wasn't sure if I was going to live through tonight.

Once the item's were set down, I left the area. Two of my Idols hated me, A girl was gonna beat my ass if I lived for tomorrow, and the boy i had wasted would never forgive me. I opened the front door looking around the house, glass littered the floor with beer everywhere and there was even stains on the ceiling. Dad's car was out front, why was I not bruised yet? I searched the kitchen and found nothing but alcohol and rotting food, I went upstairs and found nothing but glass and fallen over tables. Police would say there was a struggle, I'd say my dad got mad he had no one to beat so he beat the tables. The livingroom was empty too, where was he? There was blood on the wall in here though that looked like a hand had been placed on the wall and had been dragged, same with the floor leading to the basement.

"Fuck..." I whispered and made my way downstairs slowly, what I saw caused two emotions in me. Happiness, and Sadness. My father was tied to the furnace, a cloth in his mouth as a form of gag and tied at the back of his head. He wore nothing but his boxers and had cuts and bruises everywhere, his eyes stared at me dead and cold, he had flies crawling over him and he was grey. Finally, I was free of the pain and torture from this wicked man.

"D-Dad, as much as we hated each other, I know you were a good man before I told you I was gay, I beat the one person I cared about because you hated me so I hated myself for being gay and because of that i hated Andy because he made me fell gay" I told him, I got no response and watched a fly walk on dad's dead eye. "You were evil Dad, but you didn't deserve this death. This was not fair to how you once were, but bloody hell you don't understand how happy I am that you're finally gone."

I heard the click of a gun's safety being activated and spun to my left quickly, a figure moved slowly in the darkness under the stairs, just a large shadow in a dark crevice. The gun was passed out from the darkness, it spun as it skidded across the concrete from the darkness and parked it's self inches from my feet and spun slowly. It was your average 44 caliber handgun, Polished, but with small red dots along the barrel from the splatter, when I looked back at my father I noticed the bullet hole in the side of his neck where his jugular would be. I turned back to the darkness, the figure was standing still and straight up, I felt our gaze lock all though I'm not sure where their eyes were, I just knew we saw each other and we both weren't moving.

The figure looked familiar, a shape I had seen before, but I couldn't place it. Not caring if I died here and now, I took a steps  closer slowly until in front of the border between the light and the dark. I stood now, just inches from the figure, same height of me, I recognized the breathing pattern almost immediately.  Before I could say anything i was pulled into the darkness and forced against the wall, not too hard but enough to make me hiss as bruises collided with drywall. Arms were around my waist and a head was on my chest, a whispered hushing rang in my ears from the figure. 

"Eric, What's going on?" I finally asked and pulled him out of the darkness, Eric's blue eyes stared at me with pain but no regret. 

"You're living with me now, please. I knew your dad wouldn't let you and I didn't know where you went. When I came here a couple days later to see if you had come home after you ran away, your dad... y-your dad said no one would have to deal with your faggot ass again, I-I thought he killed you and I got mad. It's your dad's gun but I had come at him with a knife, cut him open a few times and beat him to keep him now. I couldn't get a clear shot with gloves I was wearing so I tied your father with towels so there'd be no marks and shot him in the neck. I-I'm sorry Colby" Eric confessed clinging to me again as tears ran down his face. I held him close, Eric was truly the best friend I could have. Other people would've called the cops, but Eric knew not to because if he had and I came home later on I'd be a dead man after all. "I stayed here to search for where your father hid your body, that's why the tables and dressers are everywhere. I haven't been home in three days" 

"Eric you need to calm down, please. Listen, thank you for getting rid of him. We need to hide his body, he's a telemarketer no one will notice he's not around anymore. We'll go back to your house while the rental's are still at work and you'll tell me then how i can repay you and get to thinking about how you want to be repaid." Eric nods and we work together to carry my dad into the forest behind the house, we could throw him off the cliff where a coyote den was near at the bottom and the remains would be disposed of really fast. That was over and we went back to my room where Eric helped me to pack anything I owned. Phone, cord, headphones, two posters, 4 outfits, one pair of shoes, and that's when Eric found my dirty little secret.

"Colby, please don't tell me" Eric cut himself off as he stared at me holding the blood stained razor blade. I looked down ashamed and Eric instantly threw the blade out the window and hugged me tightly burying his face in my neck . "Never again!" he sobs "Promise me, Never again, Promise me Colby!" Eric had tears attacking his eyes and a quivering lip as he looked at me in more pain than I've ever been and I've seen a woman in labor (A/N now now kids, it's just a fucking joke) but why? I'm not important, at least not this important. 

"I promise, Eric. You'll have to help me though, this is not how I'm repaying you though" I say and he nods burying his face in my neck again. Dad said I could have the car over his dead body once.. I have a car now I guess. Eric and I load the stuff into the car and soon are at his house. I get my stuff put away in his room, placing my posters in the only blank spots on his walls. Eric came into the room while I was on his phone. I looked over and then back at the phone quickly. Eric was in nothing but a towel around his waist, he had pecs and damn nice ones along with well defined abs and his arms weren't too bad either. I knew he was hot and strong but I didn't know he was built like that. I watched a video of how to swoon someone on his phone, the volume at full so Eric was hearing it too. He wasn't good with the whole flirting thing so he needed to hear too. 

"One way to swoon someone is to just be nice, odd gifts or just small conversations here or there, another is trapping them in a cage of your arms and then use a few pick up lines or just flatter or compliment them soon they'll be loving you and you can easily kiss them." the phone said and Eric giggled as he slid on his pajama bottoms before laying next to me. I was attracted to Andy, he was love at first sight but i was starting to question that. Eric never treated me how we saw most friends treat each other

Eric seemed lost in thought, staring at the window. I plugged in his phone, and got up, i told him i was showering after him so I did. I had left Andy a note about how i was sorry for hurting him all these years, that I'd stop now because i most likely wouldn't be around him much longer. I had no chance with Andy, he deserved way better than me. I didn't deserve someone like him at all, he was sweet and he cared about everyone while I was rude selfish bastard, literally.  Not like his dad's and kellic would let me date him. I sighed and left the shower and dried off before putting on my boxers and some regular shorts. I looked in the mirror and saw nothing but a failure in the mirror, because it was broken. I was fine suddenly, and then I realized why. Andy wasn't on my mind now, i knew I'd always love him, I'd always see him and punch myself for being an idiot. My dad was dead, and i accepted that Andy would never love me back. I wasn't better though, just a little less sad. 

I walked into Eric's room and was suddenly against the wall again. "Again?" i asked and Eric giggled before letting me go. "What's your mom going to think when there's two shirtless boy's watching a movie lying in bed together?" I asked and Eric shrugged while i tugged him to the bed before laying with him and putting on Mean Girls.

"Boo you whore, we watch this movie too much" Eric laughed and I just snickered. Once Eric was indulged in the movie my eye's broke free of Regina's grasp and just scanned Eric's face through the corner of them. Eric caught me looking at his chest a few minutes later "Caught you!" Eric laughs and pins me down while giggling as I did too. 

"Caught me what? I didn't do anything" I smirked, My wrists pinned above my head and Eric was sitting on my stomach keeping me from moving anything but my legs. 

"You were looking at me the way that Dan and Phil look at each other." Eric scolds and I gasp in mock offence 

"I did not heart eyes howell you Eric" I defend only to have Eric try and retaliate that I sooo did. "Okay fine, I was staring at you but can you blame me? I mean you're practically Chris Evans, only emo and gayer.

Eric blushes "am not!" he argues 

"are too!" I retaliate. 

"I know how you can repay me, Colby" Eric blushes and smirks i raise my eyebrow to ask "how" without words "Let me do this" Eric says and then he did one of the last things I'd expect, he kissed me 

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