Andy's pov

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I held my face as i lay on the couch, my phone with a nearly shattered screen on the floor with blood all over the screen. my hands were coated in the red metallic liquid, in the event of being punched and kicked i didn't realize i had been stabbed in my wrist by a pocket knife. My wrist was seeping the red stuff from a vertical inch long gash in my arm. I had left the door unlocked so that if Colby was coming to help he could just come in to help. I was getting dizzy, the blood loss finally getting to me. I was close to passing out when the door is being opened and i see a frantic Colby and Eric rush to my aid.

"Shit, Andy talk to me baby you need to stay awake!" Eric says holding my cheeks gently. "Andy, tell me about Jaxton what's he up to?" He asks and i explain about Jaxton's pilot job to Eric to keep my self awake, ignoring the burning of alcohol on my wrist as Colby cares for the gash. Eric starts to clean my lip and use the medical glue to close it. Colby swore as the wrap bled through. He lifted me into his arms which was odd since normally the only lifting of me he did was to punch me easier or to bang my head into a locker. i didn't mind it though, i held on to him and let my eyes close.

I woke up a little bit later in the familiar spot of a hospital bed. I felt groggy, and sick, slowly turning my head i looked around the ugly white surroundings before seeing Colby asleep with Eric on his lap also asleep with his face in Colby's neck. So that's who they're dating, each other. I knew they were close but not that close.

"Hey" my thoughts are broken by a small voice and i look to the other side and see a little girl in a bed not too far from mine. she couldn't have been more than 6 years old. She had brown long braided pink-tails in her hair that was clearly falling out and had those breathing nose tubes on her.

"Hi" I say back, she smiles a little bit and asks a nurse that just entered the room to put the beds closer. after a few minutes the wheely beds were only a foot away. closer up i could see she was very thin and couldnt move easily.

"I'm Allesandra, I'm dying from malnutrition and burns. what about you?" she asks and im taken back, how could she be dying from those? who would treat her like that.

"I'm Andy, in for being the target of bullies" I laugh a little and so does she. "I think you can make it through this, i know you can actually. you have a long life to live you cant die from miscare" I say and she smiles a little.

"My dad doesn't like me, he wanted a son so he threw out my mom and has raised me in a dog cage feeding me a can of mushroom soup a week and not letting me out of the cage ever. There was a fire a few weeks ago and my dad ran out leaving me inside, the cage and everything in it caught fire and now i have scars all over me. Even if i do make it out ill just be out in foster care for the rest of my life so there's no point in trying to get better"

"Hey dont say that, i'll tell you what. If you can make it through this, If you can push harder than ever and heal and get better, i'll take you in to live with me and my dad's" I say and Allesandra smiles and nods.

"Okay, Andy. I'll try but can you help me through this?" She asks and i nod.

"Of course, When I'm let out I'll come back every day possible to see you" I say and she smiles and thanks me before yawning and saying shes going to sleep now. I smile, hopefully Jaxton and Alex don't mind me offering. A few hours later a frantic kellin quinn and vic fuentes slam through the door before Jaxton and Alex do,

"Oh my god Andy, what the hell happened?!?!" Kellin practically screams, Allessandra wakes up and looks over at the four men now in the room.

"Are these your dad's andy?" She asks and i nod before she smiles and waves, Kellin looks like he's about to cry seeing such a young girl hurt the way she is and runs over dragging Vic too.

"Oh my god, who did this to you sweety?! I'm going to kill them whoever they are." Kellin growls and Vic tries to calm the now red Kellin down.

"Allesandra, This is Kellin and Vic they're my dad's friends. As you can tell they care a lot about children" I inform and she giggles nodding.

"Hi KellKell and Viccy, Don't worry about me Andy is going to help me get better and he says if i do then I can live in his house instead of in a foster home. " Alessandra says and Jaxton and Alex glare at me but soften because she's so young and needs proper parents.

"NO, YOU ARE NOW MY CHILD!" Kellin yells and hugs Allesandra best he can without hurting her which was awkward and made her laugh. Vic groans, holding the bridge of his nose and leaves the room. Colby and Eric seemed awkward and stayed silent as they stared at everyone in the room.

"Wait a minute, what is the jerk doing in here?" Kellin asks pointing at Colby. Colby seems hurt at Kellin's words, he wasn't a jerk anymore though.

"Colby and Eric brought me here after i got beat and stabbed by the quarter back" I say "If it weren't for them i'd be dead." i finish

"You almost were dead because of him" Kellin retaliates and i see Eric look at colby questionably, i guess he told no one about the last beating.

"KellKell can i call you daddy?" Allesandra asked making kellin freeze and look at her in shock

"O-of course sweety" Kellin stutters and sits in a chair next to her, it was amazing how kellin treated children compared to teenagers.

{short i know im sorry, i started grade nine and I cant write as much over my homework and general school stress. 1200 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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