Andy's pov

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It seemed by every second it was getting darker, or was it? It's been days, or maybe only minutes actually. Measuring time here is like knowing how many hairs are on your head at every moment of the day.

I couldn't even see my own hands in the sea of black, if they were even there. I cried, hot tears running down my face. My throat choked sobs and my lips trembled. my eyes clenched in an attempt to stop the pathetic tears, it didn't help. my chest hurt from the heaving that sobbing caused. my throat was raw and my heart beat fast. I had a headache but kept sobbing.

Why was I crying? I don't know, I was alone in an endless darkness, not knowing if I'm dead or not, I had no reason to cry.

Suddenly there was a rumble, like a clash of thunder. and then a voice. sound felt new to me due to the deadly silence I was in previously.

"Andrew mallefest, welcome" the voice called. it was low, with a raspy hiss to it-like someone would have with a sore throat- it had an accent I could not make out, it was definitely male though.

"Who are you? What is this place? Where am I? When did I get here? How did I get here?" I threw questions at the faceless voice, well maybe it did have a face I just couldn't see it in the never ending darkness.

"Relax andrew, I am michael one of gods Angels, you are in the pit of undiscovered realization, it is a place that may help answer a few questions, you've been here two mortal hours, you're here cause you went out, your body gave up." michael said. I gasped, the words scared me your body gave up did that mean I was dead?

" I...dead?" I stuttered out, a hum of confirmation of my death was returned from Michael.

"A few things you should see before you live again. any requests for answers to anything." Michael asked and I thought, I thought and I think and I thank. I had an idea.

"D-does anyone like me more than a friend at my school?" I quizzed, I wanted to know if I had a chance with anyone. it'd be nice to have someone to go to for help at school.

"Yes, I believe so." His voice sounded as if he was smiling, I was slightly happy knowing that someone liked me.

"Do I know them?" I asked curious to find out who it was.

"Yes, you get one more question" I thought hard for my last question. then I grinned

"My final question is....

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