Colbys pov

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I limped around the pain with a hoodie on and my head down I was thinking about what I had done to Andy I'm such a fucking idiot how could I do tha-

"Colby! Hey!" I heard from behind me cutting through my thoughts I turned and saw Eric my best friend. Eric ran up to me and hugged me softly. He was the only one who knew about my father, having walked in on a beating. he ended up with a broken wrist from my father but he didn't leave.

"You okay Colby" he asked as he placed his wrist on my forehead after realizing I didn't hug back. "you're a bit warm and you're limping. how bad was it this time?"

Eric led me to a bench that was only a few feet away and we both sat down. "just a few kicks and punches and I think my ankle is broken" I muttered my voice wavering. he wrapped an arm over my shoulder

"It'll all be over soon just two years till grad and then we both go off to college leaving the rentals behind." he laughed at the last part. Eric's parents died his dad being in the mafia and his mom dying after giving birth. she at least got to see him in her arms and name him before she died. Eric's been through many foster homes finally finding one he feels comfortable in. he has another adoptive sibling named Jacky. Jacky is the little boy who's so innocent but then knows every swear word in the book.

"Yeah" I sighed "but then we might lose touch. where will we be then" I looked up at his shining blue eyes. he looked in my green ones and after a moment his eyes flicked to my lips and then he looked away, blushing bright pink.

"I don't know Colby we will always have Skype and phone calls and texting. and we could see each other on spring break" he said and looked at me again. I nodded smiling a bit

"But that time is two years away and for all we know we could go to the same college" I laughed trying to bring the mood up again. he grinned and nodded his eyes sparkling.

Eric was amazing and he was cute I know that. he is bi and his black fringe almost always covered his right eye. Those blue eyes could make anyone melt but they weren't like Andy's who add a marine tinge in them. but Eric was cute and if I wasn't all for Andy I would date him.

We stayed on that bench just talking for awhile until we saw that it was two a.m. so Eric helped me to his house. "Eric it's fine I can go home." Eric looked me in the eyes and sternly stated.
"No" I nodded and he helped me inside and too his room. his bed was a queen bed and we both slept fully clothed. we laid in the bed and Eric covered me with the duvet and used a fluffy quilt for himself.

"Night Colby" he whispered turning away from me so all I could see was a silhouette of his back in the pale light coming from the crack that the door was open. I listened to his breathing until it was calm.

"Night Eric" I said and brought the duvet to my chin and tried to sleep soon doing so but only when I turned so I could see Eric. I knew I just needed to make sure he was okay and that he was there before I could sleep. so I did. and I slept.

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