Colbys pov

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Evilness, you may keep your cliff hanger))

"Colby! Shit dude did you hear???" Eric ran up to me at school, we were in the yard and waiting for the doors to unlock.

"Hear what??" I questioned and bounced on my feet slightly and looked around.

"Andy's in a freaking coma dude! He got hurt real bad yesterday at school and went into a coma. they aren't sure if he will wake up" Eric said and I instantly snapped my head to him. no no no no no NO! There's no way I did that, no I couldn't have...could I?

"No way!" I say calmish.

"Yeah! Apparently his head was all bashed up and he has broken ribs that punctured one of his lungs and whole bunch of other stuff!" Eric said quieter now. his aunt is a nurse at the local hospital so of course he knew all this. but how, no I couldn't have done that. my heart and head were pounding. no it's not possible it can't be there's no way....i put Andy in a coma, I put my light, love, life. In. A. Coma!!!

"I-I gotta go" I said and ran away from the school. I ran, everything I pass a blur, all the way across town to the hospital. I jogged to the front desk inside the anesthesia smelling building. I looked at the man at the desk, he was a polished bald black man, his eyes were a dark green and he had stubble. his baby teal hospital wear brought out his eyes.

"Hello may I help you" he said his voice a bit deep. I nodded.

"I'm here to see a 16 year old boy named andy."

The guy looked at his screen and then nodded "he's in room 216 can I see some ID before you go in?" I handed him my ID and he nodded handing back and I ran to find Andy's room

Once I reached it I covered my mouth at the sight of Andy, he was covered in bandages and tubes and the obnoxious heart monitor beeped, my mind turned the beeps as his final beats like a ticking time bomb counting down to detonation. I walked closer to him slowly, my hand still covering my mouth. No one else was in the room, tears dripped down my face the more I looked at him. The more I looked at him, the more certain I became that this was my fault.

My eyes clenched shut and a sob escaped my clamped over mouth "I'm sorry Andy" I whispered making sure no one was in the room "you'll make it out of this, you are strong enough to do this. You always have been. You survived 5 years of my torture, you can get through this. I'll never hurt you again, I'm sorry" I ran out of the room and the hospital and the town. Back to my special spot.

~time lapse~

I didn't leave the woods for days, I ate wild blueberries and drank the stream water. Watching all the creatures was calming, but it wasn't enough for my heart to stop pounding and anxiety to quit.. By the time I had left the woods it was Saturday. I didn't want to go home, scared of my father. I returned to the hospital and asked about Andy, they said he had been released days ago.

I sighed in relief at the words and left with out another one, I walked downtown and to the suburbs and down Andy's street. Seeing him on his porch I stopped and just watched him, he was playing with chalk on the the porch with his friend Emery. He seemed okay other than the stitches on his head.

He looked up, fear evident in his eyes even from the distance I was standing and he went inside returning with two people.....I couldn't believe I was seeing. That is, half seeing as my right eye was swollen and black from my father. It hasn't healed even after 6 days.

Kellin and Victor Quinn-Fuentes were standing with Andy on his porch, both with anger directed towards me. I wanted to cry I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I was frozen

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