What it means to be the best

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Aria's POV:

"Aria! Wake up already." a loud voice resounded through my room. I squinted my eyes as someone opened up the curtains, revealing the blinding yellow sun rays. The humidity in the air was suffocating. I looked around my room to see my younger brother, Umi, glaring at me playfully from the window.

"Umi, what ungodly hour is it?", I ask him while trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

"It's 11 P.M, father told me to wake you up before noon.", He chirps happily before continuing "Breakfast is on the table so come on." Umi leaves my room, shutting the door behind him.

 I stretch my tired limbs, "Ugh, I'm not ready for tomorrow."  Tomorrow was after all, the UA entrance exam. I looked towards my small bulletin board, stacked with papers, sticky notes, print outs on U.A, small reminders and a couple of photographs from my childhood on the top left corner. I smiled fondly at it, I've always enjoyed customising my room with small little ornaments and quotes that I appreciate or resonate with. Small violet and pink butterflies lined the door frames, a large bookshelf took up the right side of my room, a signed All Might poster was put up next to my bed, I had a small desk under the bulletin board and it was accompanied by a lavender chair which swirled. I would occasionally paint intricate messages on my walls in various colours; they acted as reminders regarding what mattered to me. Above my window, I could see the delicately written question: "What does it mean to be the best?" 

I shook my head slightly and hopped out of bed. I quickly detangled my hair and tied it up. Walking down the stairs, I noticed how father's briefcase wasn't present. He must have gone to work already. I entered the kitchen and saw Umi sitting at the table, sausages and toast in a large dish in front of him. I took some for myself, as he did the same, and sat with him lazily. 

"Are you going to go to the city outskirts to train again?", Umi asked me.  I thought about it carefully, "Well the test is tomorrow, so I'll just go to the park to train my body and then buy groceries for the house.", I replied and then took a bite of food. It was absolutely delicious. Umi was honestly a very good cook for someone his age, and his curiousity led to him learning a plethora of distinct dishes. Umi and I discussed his middle school life, alongside his quirk which allowed him to control light. Even though we were siblings, our quirks were fairly different. He created spheres of energy, used them to distract me, then stole the last sausage and stuck his tongue out at me, "Sorry sis, this one's mine." 

I grumbled in annoyance, "I hope you know I'm not going to save your butt when you're in trouble twerp."

Umi pouted at me and finished his food, "I'll be playing games with some friends, if you need anything while you're out, call me 'kay?"

It was honestly rather endearing to see my younger brother take charge and display bouts of protectiveness, I ruffled his hair and grinned at him, "I'll do that, don't worry."

After cleaning our plates I called out to him, "Umi, the grocery list is on the fridge, I'll be getting what's missing so text me if you need anything additional alright?"

He grunted in response and went up to his room to begin his long day of playing Minecraft. I went to my room and began freshening up properly. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and tied my hair up. I took out some black tights and a dark purple shirt. Simple clothing for a simple day. I grabbed my messenger bag and put in a water bottle and my phone. 

"See you later!", I called out, knowing my brother would have heard me. I covered my face with my arm to block out the suns glare. I really should have worn a cap, but I don't really fancy walking back in to look for it. It was around quarter past twelve now, and I could already feel the excitement coursing through my veins. Tomorrow was my big day after all, after training for as long as I could remember to salvage the justice system, I would finally get the chance. I ended up cheering softly, "I got this!" as I made my way through the neighbourhood. 

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