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Aria's POV: 

The following morning I rolled around in bed restlessly, my stomach growled in protest and I sighed. It was pretty late, seemed like I had woken up past noon. Wondering why Umi didn't wake me up I walked down the stairs lazily. "Umi! Where are you?", I called out, checking the rooms for my seemingly lost brother. I received no response and clicked my tongue in annoyance, I wonder where he is. I walked to the kitchen in hopes of finding something to eat. 

Rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, I found some sweet cereal and decided to have that. I walked towards the fridge to get some milk and noticed Umi's scrawly handwriting on a note attached to the fridge.

Hey Aria,

 you've prolly forgotten but my middle school starts from today so I won't be home when you wake up. Dad told me to let you sleep so I hope you've recovered well, I'll be home in the evening 'kay? -Umi

Wait, he's going to school already? Is our break really over.. Huh, time sure flies fast. I snapped out of my perplexed state and made my cereal. While eating it I recalled the events from yesterday, the exam went well, but I wonder what happened to that green haired kid. I hope he gets accepted, he has a pretty amazing quirk, and he clearly cares about people around him. I also wonder if I'll ever meet Kaminari again, he seemed like a nice guy despite the flirty attitude and I should've gotten his number. "Oh well..", I muttered to myself. After finishing my cereal I washed my bowl and put away the box of cereal and milk. Walking to my room, I decided to take a shower and change into casual clothing. I figured if there was nothing to do but wait for the letter which told me my fate, I may as well go out and train my body and have some fun. 

I walked outside and went back in instantly, it was a bit too cold for my liking, so I got an all might themed jacket and put it on. I really respected the No.1 hero. He was.. quite the personality. It's one thing to have a strong quirk, and another to be able to lift up the spirits of other people. I admired him for that. I strolled around the shopping district, taking a few moments to appreciate the sun rays falling upon some flower shops. I walked inside a small shop and looked around for some sweets. My eyes fell upon thin, pink wrappers and I grinned. These were exceptionally sweet and I loved them quite a bit, it was a bonus that Umi liked them as well. I bought three packets and walked outside again, putting the small packets in my jacket pocket.

It was pretty crowded on the streets, but that was expected judging by the time. People were probably on their lunch breaks right now. I navigated my way through the crowd and continued to observe the places around me. Out of nowhere, a sinking feeling snapped me out of my reverie. I tensed up and looked around cautiously. At that moment a man appeared, waving his arms.. which seemed to have blades in them around. This man was wearing a murky brown shirt and badly ripped clothing. If it wasn't for the maniacal look in his eyes, as well as the bloodthirsty smirk on his face, I would have assumed that he may have needed help. 

In a haphazard manner he struck the pole near him, cleanly slicing it off, and grabbed the now mobile rod. People screamed in fear and panic as he approached them.

"Where are the heroes!", a shrill voice screeched out nearby.

I took a deep breath, it's now or never. I felt the atmosphere around me change as I manipulated the energy around me.

"Hey freak of nature! Look here!", I called out, trying to get his attention. 

The villain turned towards me and glared menacingly, god I did not want to face him. 

I focused my mind and created a rod similar to the one he had and started running towards him, closing the distance between us effectively. He roared in pain, probably not expecting some purple smoke to actually have mass. I jumped back before he could retaliate. He was mad.

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