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Name: Aria Aeryn

Gender: Female 

Pronouns: She/her

Age(When entering highschool): 15

Birthday: July 10th (Cancer)

Consider this story to be a rewrite of the original series.


Quirk: Enchantress

Allows the user to manipulate the world around them, to behave in a more abstract manner. The only limit of which, is the users imagination and creative thinking abilities. The energy she uses is often shrouded by a deep, wispy purple. 

Common uses: Manifesting daggers out of the air, using the basic principle of an equal exchange of energy, the user creates sharp daggers, and other such similar weapons using the energy around them. 

Additionally, following the principle of how energy can neither be created or destroyed, the users entire quirk depends on the presence of energy around them.

Drawbacks: If overused, the user will suffer from immense nausea; painful headaches, trembling and incapacitation. If the user is overwhelmed, their manifestations may lose control entirely.


 Personality: Aria used to be considered as hostile towards other people due to her limited socialisation as a child, however, she changed drastically as she entered middle school and got acquainted with other people. She is now known for her bright, cheerful and determined personality. It is to be noted that her emotions control her quite frequently, and this often causes issues in regards to her quirk. She has a low sense of self worth and seeks praise often. As a result she tends to try to please people who are close to her. 

Background: Aria lived with her mother and father. Her life was a sweet and simple one. Her parents were kind, witty and empathetic; they believed in teaching her to empathise with others from a young age.

When she was three, her mother was pregnant once again and gave birth to a young boy, who was later named Umi. The boy was healthy, but their mother could not handle the pressure of the pregnancy and ended up dying during childbirth. 

This was the first loss faced by Aria and she vowed to live on for her mother in the best of ways, hoping that she may some day meet her mother again. After all, what more could a three year old do. 

As she grew older, she realised that meeting with her mother was not nearly as easy as she believed. Her father had changed quite a bit after losing his wife and was now a rather stoic individual, showing only glimpses of love and empathy. Aria took on the task of raising Umi and teaching him everything she knew. She and Umi grew to be incredibly close as time went by due to the amount of time they would spend together. 

Loves: Heights, skylines, warmth, cool breezes.

Hates: Illogical arguments, immense pessimism, injustice.


Power- 3/6                      ( C )
Speed- 5/6                      ( A )
Technique- 5/6             ( A )
Intelligence- 4/6           (B+)
Moral Conflict- 6/6       (A+)


Authors note: Oh gosh I'm terrified, this is my first time publishing something I've written and I haven't even completed this and I'm an anxious mess and oh god, I hope you like it. 

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