Going to USJ!

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Aria's POV: 

Sometime near the end of the last class, I was woken up by a jolt to the arm. Denki grinned at me sheepishly, it seems we were about to have a quiz. I groaned, at least this would be over soon.

Denki and Momo gave me worried looks as the quiz began, but I ignored them, hoping to pass this with as much prior knowledge as I could muster up. 

Once I finished writing my answers, I noticed that there were only fifteen minutes left till class ended. Sighing, I began thinking about what I had to do. The quiz would end in five minutes and the remaining ten minutes would be to pack up. I had to meet Midnight and work on my costume with her. Oh! There was also Todoroki, I felt bad for choosing him as my partner so randomly, so I may as well talk to him.

Once our quizzes had been taken, I packed my things and got up, ignoring Denki's cries of suffering. I walked over to Todoroki who had just finished putting his things away and I waved, "Todoroki, I hope the quiz went well for you?"

"It did.", he responded plainly and I felt an arrow go through my heart. Oh boy, this might be hard.

"I wanted to talk to you about being my partner, I hope it's not asking too much of you?", I nervously asked.

Todoroki took his time to think about it before answering, "I believe it will be a good opportunity to practice, as well as a step towards being a hero."

"Ah I see, then I'm glad it benefits you as well.", I reply feeling relieved.

"Alright I'm gonna be going now, see you later Todoroki!", I say before walking out of class. I now have to move towards the support departments work area. Midnight has the copy of my costume so everything should be good. I made my way towards the support department and entered a room. 

A man was working on something, when he noticed me he stopped, "Welcome to the development studio kid, are you the one Midnight is going to be helping today?" , he asked gruffly.

I nodded, "Yes I am, my name is Aria Aeryn and I am from Class 1-A". 

The words felt slightly foreign on my tongue, but they rolled off nicely and I could definitely get used to the feeling. "My name is Power Loader, I'm in charge of handling support gear as well as costume requests. You'll notice some of my star students from the support department tinkering around with their respective gadgets, but pay them no mind. Midnight should arrive shortly.", Power Loader said. 

I found a clear stool and decided to sit down on it, while waiting for Midnight sensei. There was a girl with pink hair messing around with some gauntlets, so I just watched her while waiting. 

"Aria! Are you here?", Midnight sensei's voice cut through the room and I replied, "Yes I am."

"Sorry for taking so long, I had some trouble finding your costume design.", she apologised while pulling out some sheets of paper and a pen.

"So your original design is right here, we can work on adding things or changing it on these spare papers.", she explained and I let out an inaudible sigh. I did want to do this, but I was just exceptionally tired today.

Midnight took a few seconds to inspect my original costume design before humming in approval, "What problems do you have here exactly? I love the energy the costume gives.".

"I feel like the shirt I wear on top could be made of a more loose material as it could be useful if I ever need to take it out. I was also wondering if the body suit could be made of something stronger, because I'll be engaging in close combat a lot." I said, and continued thinking as she made some notes. "Also something fireproof." I added, thinking about the quirks of people in my class.

"What about the colour scheme? Are you alright with the purple and black shades?" she asked. 

"I like it quite a bit." I chirped happily, remembering the suit and how much I liked it.

"Alright, lastly we have support gear. Have you thought of any?", Midnight said, while sipping a drink which smelled like coffee.

"I was thinking of getting some visors or goggles, ideally some sturdy ones. My quirk relies on my head, so if I could have something that provided me with some protection and shield my vision, it would be useful." I pointed out.

Just as I said that, the girl with pink hair hopped up to me and observed my face, holding it closely between two fingers.

"I have something that could easily help with that!" she cheered and I nodded, wondering who this was.

"Hatsume, don't harass her. I apologise for Hatsume, she's quite energetic when it comes to support gear. She's a genius, but doesn't understand boundaries very well." , Power Loader said.

Hatsume continues to examine me and mumbles things to herself before blurting out, "Can I work on your costume with you!! I'll make it amazing."

I wasn't sure what to say, but I didn't want to hurt her, "S-sure I suppose?"

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