To Celebrate the Future's You Learn

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Thanks for you patience on the update! I've been very sick lately and am just now feeling well enough to do more writing and posting.

WARNING: Slurs used by a character

Things are more settled so I should be good for writing once more! Honestly the last few chapters and this one, and the next few, were all meant to be two chapters. This chapter is over 7k. There's a reason I split it up lmao.

Hope you enjoy :D

WARNING: There are slurs used in this chapter by an asshole character

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life


I let out a slow breath as my teacher instructed. She stood beside me as I did the breathing exercises.

"Alright," she murmured. "Let's try singing now."

I nodded. She had me pick an easy familiar land tune for now and said we'd do sea ones later. The sea tunes were meant for guiding the ocean, so it would react to those quicker. Using familiar tunes was a good way to start off because they were easier for the singer.

"Remember to make your intent clear, you just want the coral to grow."

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle- little star, how I... how I wonder what you are-"

I gulped, struggling for air but delighted as the coral visibly stretched up, reacting to my song.

"When the blazing sun is- is gone, when he nothing-" I took a deep breath, "when he nothing shines upon-" I struggled to breathe more, trying to draw in more water and oxygen. "Then you- then you show your... your little light..."


I blinked, "But- But I wasn't.... I wasn't even through," I coughed, struggling to speak right. "The second verse..."

"And yet you are struggling so."

She flicked over, holding a twisted piece of coral.

"Breathe in through this," she said as she placed the opening on the coral piece at my mouth.

I took it and did as she said, pulling it away to cough, before I managed to breathe in.

The water tasted different. Like... plants?

"It's a hotivim, helps with the breathing issues caused by the Siren's Song, or lung problems. The treatment is similar. Breathe in four times with it then rest for a little bit. We'll go through how to control the power in your voice now that I've heard you."

I nodded, breathing in slowly, then I broke down into a coughing fit.

She rubbed my back and drifted beside me while I recovered.


I sat down and turned to Tyson who was getting out his lunch.

As usual he had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'd never seen him with anything else.

"Do you want some chips," I asked. "I have two bags today."

Tyson perked up, "Chips?"

"Uh yeah," I dug out my lunch. "Doritos and Frittos."

"Doritos?" Tyson asked wide eyed.

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