Into The Unknown (yes like the song)

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Feeling horrid but here's the next chapter! I've finally caught you guys up to where my other sites are at.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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I spread my blanket on the beach and popped open a Coke can.

Caffeine and sugar always calmed me down. Annabeth told me during the school year that it was a symptom of ADHD and sugar and caffeine were used to self-medicate for a lot of people. Especially if they couldn't afford the meds (like me).

Regardless of the reason, I liked it.

I stared out at the water as I sipped my Coke.

Could I just pray to Triton? Would he help me? Did he even know what was going on?

I stared up at the stars. I knew a lot of the constellations. Annabeth and Triton liked to teach them to me.

There was Cygnus, and to the right was Delphinus and Aquila. And if I looked further up I could see Draco and Herakles.

They were particularly visible because it was a new moon. The stars shining brightly.

I wished the moon was full, I could've used some advice or reassurance. I wasn't sure what to do I just-

"They're beautiful, aren't they?"

I choked on my soda.

Standing next to me was a man in a deep red tank top and dark blue running shorts. He wore silver shoes, with wing patterns on the sides. He looked fit, lean muscles visible with the short sleeves and shorts. His hair was a sandy blonde and his eyes bright blue.

He offered me a sly smile, something about it familiar.

I would've just figured he was a normal mortal but... something about him...

"May I join you?" He asked. "I haven't sat down in ages."

I probably should've said no, but the ocean was right there, I would probably be fine even if he turned out to be a terror or something.

Besides, the lessons Benthesikyme and Mevu'ta gave me sprang to mind. Always offer hospitality to a guest. I mean, he wasn't quite a guest, but something told me to treat him as one.

"You may," I said, motioning to the blanket.

"Your hospitality does you credit," he said with a smile. Then his eyes landed on the Coke cans next to me. "Ooh, Coca-Cola! May I?"

I nodded, and he scooped one up, popped it open, and took a drink.

"Ah... that's lovely. Peace and quiet at-"

A cell phone went off in his pocket.

He sighed, shooting me an apologetic look as he pulled out the phone. "I'm terribly sorry, I need to take this—" he glanced at the screen and winced "—it's important."

I stared at glowing blue phone with snakes curling around it.

"You're fine," I mumbled.

"Hello?" he said. "Yes—okay I know—no I'm doing a delivery right now I can't—I understand she's mad it's delayed but—Give her a silver drachmae discount and if she complains more redirect her to customer service—alright thank you."

He hung up with a sigh.

"Terribly sorry, always have something to do, you know?"

I nodded slowly, "Of course, things are busy... say are you aware you have snakes on your phone?"

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