The Color of the Waves

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I spent a good 5/6 hours doing research for this chapter so hope you enjoy mythos facts! The research was actually not for the mythos facts cause I already did that research before but-

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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I cradled the cloud that spun in my hand.

It was a medium shade of gray and spiraled in a way reminiscent of hurricanes. Little sprinkles of water wet my hand as I held it steady. The storm guide was spinning continuously (if unsteady) and aiding the cloud in spinning.

I was all but vibrating as I strained to focus on the proper movement of the mini-cloud and rain and the storm guide. It was an exercise in multiple points of focus and made my head hurt but it was so satisfying.

The cloud was raining.

I'd made a little storm.

A grin stretched across my lips as my chest lightened.

I could make a storm!

"Excellent! That's exactly how it should start."

I beamed up at Kymopoleia as she leaned over me to study the cloud.

"Good job, Perseus."

"Havu! I was beginning to worry I couldn't do it at all but I got it to work!"

She laughed, "Storms aren't easy to make but you did well. We'll get to making more complicated ones and larger ones soon but for now I say we celebrate!"

The storm guide fell over and the cloud dissipated as my attention was drawn away, so I reluctantly put it away.

"Celebrate? What are we gonna do?"

She hummed, tapping her chin.

"What are things land dwellers do to celebrate?"

I faltered, "Uh... well mom would normally take me to get some fast food... some go to fancier places? I know kids at school have parties at places like Monkey Joes or Chuck E Cheese..."

"Monkey Joes? Chuck E Cheese?"

"They're play places! Monkey Joes is a bouncy place I think, and Chuck E Cheese has a lot of fun games and prizes... we've never really had a chance to go to them, but I've heard of them."

Kymopoleia considered for a moment, "Well, if we're gonna celebrate the land way then we should go to a land place. Chuck E Cheese it is!"

"Really!?" I asked, all but vibrating.

"Yep, it's important to have the full land dweller experience. Do they have food?"

I nodded quickly, "On the ads on TV they do."

"Perfect," She grinned at me. "Then let's get going."

Between one breath and the next we changed locations. The beach was replaced with a parking lot and a large building with a humanized mouse on the front.

"Let's get to celebrating!"


Chuck E Cheese was a lot of fun. I'd never gotten to play most of the games before and Kymopoleia bought hundreds of coins, so I got to play everything!

The game where you had to move your finger really quickly to get through the maze was probably the best there because of how many tickets you could get if you managed it.

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