Who's the Father?

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The long awaited end to the custody battle! Bonus chapter this week ;)

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life

Come chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/3tGNJhu


The water was a rich blue and the ponisi lit it up with a faint glow. Fish were swimming by as Amphitrite and Triton swam into the throne room.

I followed Them. They didn't seem to notice me which was odd as in the other dreams I'd had the immortals could see me.

I blinked at the loud arguing happening in the room they were entering.


"He's my son!"

"Clearly you don't care for him nearly enough if you couldn't keep an eye on him."

"I keep a close eye on him-"

"Then why was he in my kingdom?

"I don't know. We only-"

"It clearly means that I should be the one caring for him-"

"No you shouldn't! He's my son."

I swam in and saw Okeanus and Poseidon fighting.

"Not for long," Okeanus said with a smirk.

Poseidon glared at Okeanus. "This is not up for debate. Triton is my son."

I shook my head as the dream faded away.

I'd heard of the custody battle that Okeanus and Poseidon had over Triton, I hadn't realized they'd fought so much over it.

Of course, there were like a dozen attempts by Okeanus to get custody of Triton...

I shrugged, I was just glad that wasn't happening to me.


Reading the book on the human body was so boring. How was it important to know where every bone was, what their names were, and what muscles and nerves connected to them?

And why did I need to know where all the veins started and ended? Plus, how the blood pumped and why. And of course, all the internal organs purpose and placement and name.

It was horribly boring, I was only ever able to get through a little at a time.

Annabeth was some help when we IMed. She had some study strategies that she used but it always made it easier for me to work when I could talk with someone else. And since she was always stern about getting the work done it meant we didn't get so distracted.

But when I had to work on my own...

Well, I found medical stuff boring to learn about.

Why couldn't I just wave my hands over the body like Katara did?

I turned back to one of the books on curse removal theory instead. That was an interesting read, and useful.


Tyson was taking careful notes while me and another girl from our Math class worked on gathering the questions for the poll.

We had to practice graphing analysis. So, we'd be making polls then putting the info into graphs then analyzing them. Our teacher set us up in groups to make it easier to gather all the info.

Tyson was the one noting down what we said, and our other group member was making the graphs. I was in charge of getting the questions and passing the info to Tyson, then passing his charts to our other group member.

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