Well You Definitely Need a Hug

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Hope you enjoy <3 Bonus chapter

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"The troublemakers who disrupted the race are dead," Minos snapped. "And should be cleaned up before we move on."

"I don't mean the birds," Tantalus said dismissively. "They weren't bothering anyone until those kids-" he pointed at me and Annabeth "-disrupted them with their bad chariot driving!"

Minos' eye twitched.

"Pardon are you saying the two who were nearly the winners are the one's who disrupted the Stymphalian Birds and not the ones that crashed in the first five minutes?"


Minos' eye twitched again. He took a slow steady breath.

"Why don't we move to the big house to continue this conversation," he said with a tight smile.

"After I punish the troublemakers!"

"What in the name of my father is going on here," Dionysus interrupted.

His gaze swept over the mess of birds, the music player still playing horrid heavy metal, and the two kings facing off.

"Those two were such bad drivers—"

"The Stymphalian Birds got through the—"

"—and they disrupted the poor pigeons—"

"—attacked the campers and—"

"—obviously they must be punished—"

"—thankfully the music upset them and—"

"—so they will have dish duty tonight!"

"—so none of them should be punished."

Dionysus stared, "You know, I cancelled the chariot races when I was first assigned to this miserable camp just to keep the chaos down. I did warn you when you decided to reinstate them that you'd reap what you sowed... in other news it's time for lunch and I'm hungry. Move along children."

"You can't just—"

"We'll need someone to clean up the birds," Minos interrupted, raising his voice. "I believe whatever teams crashed within the first ten seconds should do so."

"Just get the harpies to," Lord D said dismissively, shooting a look at all of us. "Well? Why are you still standing there?"

I glanced at Annabeth and Leilani then scrambled to move towards the dining pavilion, the rest of the campers doing the same.

"Jackson, Casey," Lord D called.

We both froze, turning to look at him.

"Put the music up first."

"Yes, Lord D."

"Sorry, Mr. D."

We scooped it up and hurried back to the big house.

"Why does he call you by your name?" Annabeth muttered. "He never uses my name."

I shrugged, "Not sure. He's always used mine that I can remember."



Lunch was an awkward affair.

Tantalus was glaring at us, Minos, and Lord D for most of the time, and according to Leilani he and Minos had had a screaming fight (or well, Tantalus was screaming, no one heard Minos though) while me and Annabeth were returning the music stuff. Lord D had reportedly been the one to interrupt it and forced them both to the dining pavilion.

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