Denial isn't only a river in Egypt

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*bows* an update on my status in the next book. Oh, and that's posted now <3

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
Come chat with me on discord:


BONUS SCENE 1: Where is Tyson? This is canonical and what happened to him for all of you asking <3 Now please stop living in denial

First a note that the first chapter of the Next Book is out. ATLOP: Weight of Air.

Tyson POV

The ship was hot. It was very very hot. The ship was not supposed to be hot. The ship was not supposed to be in this water. The ship could do some sea water, but not the whirlpool. It was not strong enough and was too hot.

A too hot engine was dangerous.

I did not know how to work on a ship, I never did before. I could build things. I was good at building things. It was easy. And Beck at the forge helped me be very good at building.

I was going to be so good, the best. Then no one would be mean to Percy because he is my brother.

Percy was my friend, my brother. He was so good, the best. I wanted him to be happy. I wanted to make him happy. Like his friends did. I did not want him to be sad because of me. He was unhappy a lot. He tried to smile, but he was frowning behind it.

I was good at building things. I wanted to build his happiness.

I was hot here. Very hot. But I liked the heat, it was gentle.

I held the ship together in the heat. I would build later, right now I would fix. I did not know ships, or engines, or this. But I knew how to build. I knew how things worked. I would try and try. I would be enough. I would build Percy's happiness.

It was not enough.

I was not enough.

The ship broke.

The ship was on fire.

Fire did not hurt me. Fire did hurt others. Fire was not what hurt me.

Metal hurt. Metal stabbed. Metal cut and dug and broke.

The engine broke. It went boom.

The metal sunk into me.

It hurt. It hurt so much. It hurt like the Sphinx's claws did not. I was on the ground, I thought. The ground was hot, and the metal was hot and hot did not hurt but hot metal did, and I did not want heat anymore. I wanted Percy's cold. I wanted Percy. Would this scar like the Sphinx's claws did? Would Percy watch the door again? So I could change without anyone seeing them?

I wanted Percy.

Would I see Percy again?

I did not mean to fail. I wanted Percy to survive. I wanted him to be happy. I wanted to build him happiness so he would not hurt.

I hurt.

My skin crumbled. I knew that was what happened to monsters. Percy said I was a nice Monster. Percy did not call me a monster, he called me a terror. He said I was scary because I was so cool and good at building. Leilani said I was good too. But Annabeth was afraid of me. I was terror to her, not for good reason. I did not want her afraid.

I wanted to be good. I wanted to be good like Percy said. I wanted to see Percy again. But I was crumbling, monsters did that. We returned too. Would I return the same?

I wanted to see Percy again.

I was scared I would not be the same Tyson if I returned.

I did not want to crumble away. I did not want to go to the dark hole the other campers spoke of. I wanted to go to Percy.

ATLOP: Lessons in WaterWhere stories live. Discover now